lf people 2 hold hands with (real)


aka another lf friends ad.. 



heyyyy, if you're one of my friends and you're reading this, no you didn't.

to keep things rather short, i'm looking for people to chat (Yap) with and maybe hold hands (platonic). here are some fun and exciting facts about me:

  • i'm and insist you are as well. minus timezone, but i have a wack sleeping schedule.
  • i'm somewhat of a gamer, not much lately, but i'll usually play some overwatch, hsr, etc. always down to watch streams though if you wanna play something.
  • ceo of yapping. i love talking to people and talking a lot... (not small talk i will throw myself out a window). please match my energy and i will love you forever.
  • i only fc men. no set fcs unfortunately. i don't care who you fc as long as they aren't a minor, or problematic.
  • if it MATTERS.. i'm a switch, dom-leaning. not looking for anything atm though. :3 
  • chronic discord cardbot user... help. invite me and i'll funnel for you and gift you lots. <3

trust, this sounds boring but i'm super attentive and will love spending time with you in any way! i'm down for almost anything as long as i'm awake. just lf people to give attention to and get some back. feel free to dm me your discord username (and maybe a little info about yourself if you're feelin spicy), and i'll get back to you. 


(edit: i unprivated my profile, oopsies).


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