my friends call me the king of


i swear i kiss girls too


writing this at like 3am cus a guy needs some friends (or lover who knows? idgaf let's kiss anyways)

  • oa, graduated, looking for people who are (19 is stretching it, but sure let's be friends)
  • minus, i don't sleep tho
  • my fcs are 2d only, i am not into kpop anymore (ironic that this is here), but if i like you a lot, i'll be your kpop ANYTHING
  • idc about ur fc or if you even rp at all, just be my friend please
  • if you wanna plot, i'm down for it tho IDC (DESPERATE)
  • if you are lookin to kiss and want an obsessed man, i'm down for it too (toxic , toxic het, send me)
  • i game a ton. you can name any game and i've probably played or is playing it

if you are interested in an incredible guy like me, dm me your discord and i'll add you to my list of beautifuls


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