because people can't stop stealing and being disrespectful

As some of you already know, my fic was stolen (again) and being translated+reposted in wattpad by Chonlin03 without my permission nor credits. You know this isn't the first time my fic get plagiarized or stolen, and I'm sure you know how sick I am of this. With the issues revolving around Kris, I said in my previous blog that I have thought about removing all my taoris fics but I dropped the idea bc I know there are still my dear readers out there who deserve to re-read my fics when they want to. 

But a shameless thief still decided to steal my fic, right when I'm at the verge of deleting my taoris fics. 

Yes, I'm tired, even more with the response I got from the said thief when I confronted them about it. 



Seriously, do all thieves think authors are dumb? I've confronted a thief who said they "never read my fics so they didn't copy my fic" when I saw their name in the subscribers list and all the scenes in their fic are the exact same as the scenes in my fic, and now I have to deal with a stupid liar like this. 

1.) Email me? There are only 2 ppl in AFF who know my emails and I talk to them outside AFF on personal basis. You tried to lie about sending email yet not stating my email address that you sent your request to? Is there even anybody here who know my email address? Come up with a better lie next time.

2.) I no longer allow translation since 2018 and Midnight Butterfly was posted on mid 2018, so no way in hell it's being translated with my permission ANYWHERE. Again, come up with a better lie next time.

3.) And apparently for this thief not getting answer from author means "YES GO FOR IT JUST POST IT", either you come up with a better lie next time or learn some manner and respect.

4.) I have a lot of spanish readers and most of them use wattpad. All of them said this thief didn't put credits. Trying to make excuses that I can't see the credits because I don't speak spanish? You are not that smart.

5.) No, the thief hasn't reached out to me in aff until now LOL



I'm so tired of thieves who make up dumb excuses instead of apologizing and admitting they're stealing. 

Which is why, I'm going to limit my access to all my taoris fics. I'm tired and sick of it all. You guys can thank this thief for being the nail in the coffin. I'm done. 

Most of my fics will be friends only. I am extremely strict with my friend list, so if I don't know you, I will not accept your request because I don't trust you. Don't feel upset with me, feel upset at the people who make me do this. I thought I could trust my readers who still stick with me to this point, but apparently some of them are shameless thieves, so yeah my trust is broken. 

Those who talk to me in Twitter, please tell me your AFF username so I can put you in the friend list. If you're a silent reader who only reach out to me now in Twitter, sorry you are not included, I'm talking about my friends.

Maybe I won't lock them forever. Maybe I'll put them back when I feel better. Or maybe I'll keep this forever. I don't know, but right now, I am done with this all.

Sorry and thank you. 



I do not accept friend req from silent readers. If you only start talking to me after this happened, then I'm sorry I don't trust you. It is my OWN READER who stole my fic and be this shameless, the one who said that they love my fics and give me all the praises, but then stole my . So how do you expect me to trust you? Like I said, my trust has been broken. At this point, friends and readers are two different people to me.

I used to be okay with silent readers because it is your right to leave comments or not, but some of you are being entitled now. It's my fics, I have full rights to do whatever I want with them. The fact that you care more about 'wanting to read my fics for free' rather than my feelings shows what kind of person you are. You don't care about me, you just feel entitled over the things I share for free, so I will not care about you too if you act that way.

It's funny you only reach out to me now after all these years, all because you want something from me. Whatever you're trying to do, it's too late.



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sarahi_bb #1
So sad i can't read My comfort stories but I understand your feelings and Will support You. Even though i can't read the stories anymore I'm happy i ever had the privilege to read them
Take care a Lot ^⁠_⁠^
Hi, Jia. We had exchanged a couple comments since 2018 & I know that’s not enough to be considered as friend but can I be included in the friends list too 👉🏻👈🏻. I know it’s late but I just came back from the dead ( READ: graduating college)
ladytrigger #3
Oh no.. I just read this post.. 😭 I was wondering why I couldn't read your stories.. I still hope you would approve my friend request or maybe open your stories again. I understand your reasons for putting them in your friends only list though. Stealing stories of other people are the worst! Still hoping I can read them soon! Take care!
I’ve been away for a loooong time because in my country being able to access these kind of applications is nearly impossible ( I moved to another country )now I see this 😭your stories helped me a lot when I had problems and felt like so I came to reread them again to feel that joy specially dragon’s treasure ( when u started that story I had a rough life but always waited for it like crazy😂 ) I’m so sorry it happened to u but know that when someone is good these kind of stuff happens.u write really good so be proud of yourself.hope I can read those stories one day but know that your stories helped me feel a lot better and I wanted to thank u ❤️
Wow I've been away from AFF for too long because my real life was basically hell for the past 6-8 months :( so I missed out on this note. Is there any way I can be accepted as a friend here so I can keep reading your completed stories as they always comforted me when things in my life were tough. Sorry if I sound demanding but I was really disappointed that somebody out there tried to copy and steal your written work :(

I also saw your a03 account link, maybe I should make an account for there since I do read stories there more often now instead of

here but I always do come back to this site every now and then for nostaglia reasons. Well please let me know if you can. Thank you.
I totally understand and agree with you authornim. It must be very frustrating to go through this. Since I'm only a reader, I can't emphasize but I hope you got through this and is doing well.💖
When something like this happens, you always start to appreciate the author even more. It's sad that this happened to you. I know the feeling. Not directly, but a friend of mine here on aff had the same problem and decided to limit her stories as well. It's your decision and we have to respect it. You worked hard on your fics, after all. And they were all worth it <3 I think I have commented on your stories before because I re-read them often in the past, but I never sent you a friend request. Simply because I know some people don't like it. We have never talked and I wasn't your friend. Just a fan. It's sad that I won't get a chance to read your stories again ;;; but still, thank you for writing them ^^ I love taoris and your fics really fit the otp ^^ maybe I'll read some of your other stories on ao3 then ^^
hello hello, I’m sorry this happened to you. It must of been so frustrating and infuriating to talk to that person and hearing their excuses. I do hope you feel better, take all the time you need. I am also a silent reader, and I completely understand your need to lock your stories. I was just thinking the other day about one of your fanfics, and I wanted to read it again but I did see it was only accessible to friends, and I wondered what had happened. that’s why I stumbled upon aff again after so long. your fanfics made me love taoris so much more than I already do, thank you so much for writing such beautiful stories. I will keep them in my memories hehe thank you so much!

p.s also, please ignore my friend request, I did that before I read this blog ><
meimei4all #9
I hope you open your stories again one day on a different platform that is a safer community for you. I'm so sorry this happened and I hope your able to keep writing for this or any other Fandom. This person ruined it for all of us and it's so disheartening. Don't let them ruin your relationship with this platform. We all love and respect you. Just keep doing what your doing. No matter what you write or who you write about, it is all amazing stuff. We will all support you in everything you do. I will keep subbed to you and trying to comment more and engage more if you do post anything on here. Much love ❤️
Amoreno2 #10
Wow!! How shameless!!!! I inky saw this now but seriously Wow! After you confronted them and everything.... iI am sorry your gong through this. You are providing these first for free and people can't even show some respect. You're an amazing writer and I hope someday you feel comfortable enough to share your fics again:)
Ah.. i came here because of a game that had a similar plot to your “At Your Command” fic and was like oooh- wanna reread ya know but saw it was only access to friends and tried other kristao fic and realized oh?? What’s happening so had to do some FBI search ya know heh. But after reading. I’m sorry you’re going through this would like to say. I respect your decision but just wanna say. Out of all kristao fic, yours will always be my favourite for the way you write em. Not here to make friends ahh but is here for encouragement and also… honestly to be thankful that you’re here because of you your fanfic is like worth reading all these years so thank you for your service. Mew
xxhailokng #12
Hii i know i has been one of the silent readers but imma be frank to you, you are the only fanfic author that i read the fics. I swear your work is so good i reread ‘at your command’ and ‘the dragon’s tresure’ like numorous time i forgot how many times iv read it 😔 im sorry that you went through this and those who did this to you is bull 😭 but if you ever gonna write again, just know there are a lot of your supporter ♥️ Im sorry because iv never been a writer before so i dont know your pain but i hope you rest well for the time being ♥️ Thank you for becoming part of my memory ☺️ I still remember all the scenes in the fics that i read from you even tho it has been years since i read them
Dana_1004 #13
Kill meeeeeee ~
*me trying to reread failing*
Honestly, what they did is a ty move. As an author myself I can feel your pain. I just hope that one day u will be comfortable and make ur fics public cause damn...ur writing is way too good AND TAORIS IS LIFE!
GoldenWattle__ #14
I only logged onto AFF today after so long (to re-read 'Take Me Deeper') to find out what you've gone through. You have every right to limit who has access to your work since I know it's not easy to write. I'm so sorry that this has been happening to you repeatedly but just reaching out to let you know not to let things like this dispirit you from writing ever again. Your talents are too good to be wasted just like that. <3
I hope you feel better soon. Let time do its thing. <3
a_lost_soul1204 #15
It’s so sad how this continues to happen to fanfic authors. I’d like to say that I really loved your story called missing pieces. It’s one of my favourite fanfictions I’ve ever read and I’m happy I had to ability to read it. I subscribed to it back in 2017 and would be so happy whenever it got updated and when it got completed I’d go back to it a few times a year to reread it. I regret now that I only commented on it twice, I definitely should’ve left a comment each time I reread it to show my appreciation for being able to read this beautiful story for free. I’m sad that I won’t be able to reread this amazing story again but I understand your decision and still want to thank you for having written a story that I still think about 5 years later. You’re a great writer! 💕