Shifting to AO3?


It's been a while since I last posted a blog. This spring break has been rather interesting, I'd say; I had a wonderful hangout with my friends a few days ago, it was probably one of the few highlights of 2021 - because this year is a mess, let's be honest - and I managed to rewrite the remaining old stories of mine! I can finally proofread my drafted work and post up the chapters; I already posted two chapters up! This is probably the one story that I'm truly very proud of, and I've worked for almost a whole year on it, even at school! If anyone would like to show some support or give it a read, please do show some love:ย As The Fire Dances With The Wind

However, I've been thinking about how AFF has more or less transformed into an isolated area; of course, many users continue to be active, but there just isn't the same feel as there used to be. Many of my subscriptions were last updated more than a year ago, many users deactivated their accounts, etc. Therefore, after receiving opinions of two friends of mine, as well as discussing the matter with another friend of mine, I've decided to shift to AO3!

Of course, I will still stay active here! My stories will still be up, I'll still update here and read through people's feed, read my subscriptions (when they do update), post on my own feed, etc. At the same time, I will also post my work on AO3. I've decided to firstly shift all my previous stories to AO3, and once I'm done posting up the chapters of my latest story on AFF, I'll post up that story on AO3. Basically, my first priority would be to update on here. Plus, I have some form of attachment to AFF because of all the wonderful friends I made on here. Either way, I'll put up the link to my AO3 account very soon (still haven't created one yet).

And that's pretty much it! I hope I made the right choice, and I hope you all are doing well! I know this year wasn't and still isn't the best, and it doesn't seem like things are going to turn out better anytime soon - but we're strong, and we'll get through all of this.



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That's so cool you scared me I though you were leaving aff
ahahai'm glad i could take part!

honestly there's no right or wrong choice about writing wherever, i think. as long as you're satisfied with it, it's the right choice ;)
I do both too. currently only my bts stories on there. I too have found aff dying out which is weird as pop has become more popular u would think it would be getting busier