28 questions

Thank you so much to MeloMera who suggested I do this, it was a lot of fun! I had a lot of fun reading yours too, so basically it's 28 questions that I answered, so just for fun but some definitely there was thought put into this! enjoy 



  1. What does your username mean? My username doesn’t have any specific meaning, not really, It was based on the fact I love the moon, and then the other words just flowed naturally, and it worked! moonlitprincess


  1. What made you start writing? I started writing because writing has always been a way to express myself, and I genuinely enjoy it


  1. What’s it like to be an aff author? It can be stressful at times, challenging, but I do enjoy having a space to write what I want, how I want. 


  1. How much time do you spend writing? hours lol, definitely hours. 24/7


  1. What is the most memorable comment in your stories? some of the most memorable comments are when people express to me how much they truly enjoy my work, and that they think I can handle any genre well.


  1. Which is your most subscribed to story? help wanted, daddy needed


  1. Who is your AFF bestie? MeloMera, no question :)


  1. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again? does not apply lol


  1. Which genre do you write the most? romance, I think 


  1. Is there something you want to write but are worried of people judging you for it? I want to write more thriller/dark/psychological fics, and fics that show real people doing real things, and making bad decisions because it’s life we all do these things. 


  1. What do you think of AFF? I have complicated feelings toward aff, it’s nice on the one hand writing freely, but too much judgement, entitled readers, and often toxic 


  1. How many subscribers do you have? about 25,000


  1. How many stories have you posted to this day? 336 so far 


  1. How many drafts are saved in your notebook/laptop/doc? too many to count! like seriously I can’t count, over 10 


  1. Have you ever co-authored a story? Yep


  1. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author on AFF? Uh, lol, no comment 


  1. Was there an AFF author who inspired or encouraged you to write? not in particular, but these days, MeloMera encourages and inspires me both, so it’s a nice feeling. Also, not a writer but that doesn't mean she hasn't helped me or encouraged me when I was done, my dear friend Soshi1590 who has often given me a lot of help, so much respsect and kudos to her as well


  1. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? write from how you feel, don’t give into anyone’s demands or pressure, always remember the first story isn’t going to be perfect, it takes work, but it will be worth it 


  1. Do you plot out your stories, or just figure it out as you write? a little bit of both, planning and figuring it out as go. 


  1. Have you ever got a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? of course! I have lol, depending on the comment’s rudeness I block. otherwise I ignore 


  1. What is the hardest part in writing? there are a lot of hard parts, but mostly finding the energy to finish a story 


  1. What story/stories are you working on now? working on several old fics, and plotting out some new oneshots


  1. Do you plan your next project before you finish your ongoing story/stories? lol! Yes! probably why I’m in this mess 


  1. What is your favorite&least favorite story you’ve written? favorite story is always only yours, least favorite story is a tie between help wanted, daddy needed, and sugar mama


  1. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? Yes, there has been much improvement since I first started writing 


  1. Where do you see yourself as a writer in 5 years? Hopefully a published author


  1. What kind of story do you want to write in the future? I want to write an action based fic since I’m terrible at it but I have lots of good ideas that need action


  1. Why do you write? I write for myself, to express myself and get ideas out of my head and I love writing. and i want to constantly improve and challenge myself 


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I got a shoutout!!
I am late but i didnt forget that i need to finish this questionnaire
Taitai84 #2
It's ironic your most popular fic is your least favourite. :P

Looking forward to your action scenes!