Upside Down, Rightside Up


Kibum loves pretty dresses and wants to die. Jinki loves retro and thinks no one should be judged by what they like or what they want to be.


[Ps : English isn't my first languange, so please excuse any bad grammar :(]

it's not that grand but i do hope y'all enjoy


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Purplejaybird #1
Chapter 2: Love this!
Kinda want this to be continued...
I want every fanfic you wroten to be continued I cant help it there soo good!
max2min #2
Chapter 2: jan!
you really wrote down this idea this hilarious idea omg finally and congrats
I think you managed to described all the struggles, pains, and happiness nicely yay <3
Chapter 2: I thought it would be chaptered..i ever thought bout why kibum choose to be a women if he reborn..
jejera #4
So looking forward to this!!
jannnnnnnniiiceeeeeee wheree is this fic where give it ppaliii
marchsistaa91 #6
can't wait for the full story!! ^^
baozisdragon #7
I can never get enough transgender kpop fics omg. I like this idea!
Yessssss update soon pls!
Looking forward to this story!!!