My Sparks



PLEASE READ MY SPARKS ❤️❤️ A fan fiction that have an own character's name but played by kpop idol + mario maurer. Synopsis :


I like the most perfect boy in school, right? I don't know, many people like him, or even love him, him is Vero ( played by L infinite). The fact that i can't  believe, his brother Vito (played by mariomaurer) likes me ? 

When i start to learn to love Vito, i succed. When i have the loveliest time with VIto, Vero is changinghe starts to act like he wants to know me better. I don't even know, why is vero doing this ? He can't possibly like me, no way. 

I have so many memories, history and mystery, that i hide like forever. I am sure the one that i can tell all pf these, must be a special person. 




I like the most perfect boy in school, right? I don't know, many people like him, or even love him, him is Vero ( played by L infinite). The fact that i can't  believe, his brother Vito (played by mariomaurer) likes me ?

When i start to learn to love Vito, i succed. When i have the loveliest time with VIto, Vero is changing, he starts to act like he wants to know me better. I don't even know, why is vero doing this ? He can't possibly like me, no way. 

I have so many memories, history and mystery, that i hide like forever. I am sure the one that i can tell all pf these, must be a special person. 




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deallaaxx #1
Chapter 1: Please leave a comment... :) , some ideas, some critics, i accept anything :D