International Student


Australian high schooler recieves once in a life time opportunity to be a part of Korean International Student Exchange program. He agreed unknowing of the circumstances that waited his arrival, will this be the worse mistake he would make in his life time, or be the most amazing and life changing experience he would take part in for the rest of his life?


Hi there :D this is my first story, I don't know if I will be writing more, but if any of you who enjoy this have suggestions on what I could improve upon I would gladly appreaciate it. Enjoy !


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SmegmaChef #1
Chapter 20: It was a pleasure to read this short story. During the first chapter, i had in mind that the short story could turn out quite goofy, but i was surprised by the dramatic outcome. Worth a read when you're thinking of killing time. 11/10 bruh. Keep on writing.
Chapter 20: The story was awesome and I enjoyed it. Different than the stories I ve read and this is the first I've read a My POV ;D
Keep writing. You did good!
Yeah the name I could have changed, but I originally wrote the story with my name :D. I couldn't decide what other name as this character began to stick with me. Thanks for your comment and reading my story. :)
Chapter 20: Cool story, but weird that nobody coul see any diference between being a boy and a girl..and the name i never heard a girl with the name of Harry..but anyway i like it..