[HIATUS] Hits & Misses


It's always a hit and a miss.



You said I have all the time in the world to choose, to pick whoever /whatever/ it is that I want. Because I deserve it.


But do I deserve you?


I was five when I was first introduced to love not knowing what it was. I was as I have mentioned, a child of five. What do I know about these things? There’s a fluttering in my stomach that first time a boy a few years older than I was, was introduced to me. I don’t know if time stood still but for the five year old me, it did.


Was it the same for you?



Many things have changed and will keep changing

But I’ll keep a hold on my feelings for you.


At eight, I was mostly unruly and normal and annoying. I didn’t know I could be ten times worst, especially when she is around. I’d push and pull and tease until I can see tears forming in her eyes then I’d stop because seeing her cry /especially/ because of me doesn’t settle well in my stomach. I’d walk away annoyed, more with myself than with the little girl who moved next door only a few months ago but already has a huge impact to the eight year old me. Then, I’ll do it all over again the next day.


Was I glaringly obvious?



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hoyalatelyhowon #1
Chapter 6: Hi :) May I know if you did post this on AO3? :) Btw, i love your soulgyu fics. Keep up ♡
lkimlkimlkim #2
Chapter 5: Looking forward to chapter 6!
chaeminjuliette #3
Chapter 5: i wish you update this one too ~~ i love your gyusoul fics ♡♡
Chapter 5: Hwaiting Soo Jung~!!
so, Sung Gyu's name in her contact was actually 'Namchingyu' but she changed it to just 'Gyu', soo cutee~
I want to know Sung Gyu's reaction if he knows about that~ :D
Chapter 5: A date ?! :D
Jdazngal #6
Chapter 5: Nooooooooooooooo it just ended like that.... lol Thanks for the update dear, hopefully we'll find out soon what happens next :)
Chapter 4: was Sung Gyu jealous?? :D
I hope SoulGyu will quickly realize their feeling for each other~!! \^-^/

woah!! Mi Joo and Ji Soo is appear too~
Chapter 4: Wahhhhh thanks
Jdazngal #9
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh my gosh i wanna know what happens next TT.TT When sunggyu grabbed her phone, i had to stop reading LOL i thought she saved him under Namja chingu or something embarrassing along those lines but Nope... hhahaha

So, I see Hoya has a thing for Soojungie and Gyu is jelly but doesn't know it~ That's cute <3333 Thanks for updating