
Letting You Go


You woke to someone nudging you. You were really embarrassed to find out that not only were you still holding on to your seatmate’s hand, but you had also ended up sleeping on his shoulder. You flushed and quickly straightened up in your seat, letting go of his hand at the same time.

He noticed your blush and smiled. “Sorry for waking you but your food has been served.” You looked at the food on your tray table before looking at his still stowed table and then giving him a confused look.

To your surprise, he seemed to understand you perfectly even though you hadn’t said a word to him. “I think they serve those with special meal requirements first.” He answered simply, his eyes looking at the ‘vegetarian meal’ sticker on top of the foil covering your food. You nodded.

From the corner of your eyes, you saw him flexing his fingers and couldn’t help blushing even more. “Umm.. Sorry about falling asleep on you. I really didn’t mean to.” You confessed sheepishly.

He shrugged. “It’s alright. I really don’t mind much. I just need to get the feeling in my hand back. It’s no big deal. Really. Besides, you looked so peaceful, I couldn’t bear to wake you up.” You didn’t know how to respond so you just stared at your food and wondered whether it would be impolite for you to start without waiting for his food to be served.

“Go ahead. Don’t mind me. You should eat before your food gets cold.” He added when he noticed that you didn’t start eating. Again, he had understood your actions perfectly. You briefly wondered if he could read minds before you dismissed it as being impossible.

You gave him a grateful smile before removing the foil and starting to eat. You had taken your doctor’s advice to stay away from spicy and oily food and requested for a vegetarian meal but you weren’t sure that was the right choice now. The food wasn’t as appetizing as you expected it to be but you still ate as much as you could. It didn’t help that your seatmate had spent the entire time staring at you eat while messaging his arm because his food still hadn’t arrived yet.

When you finally had enough, you opened the cup of water they gave and started to gulp down the water as you felt really thirsty but you remembered that you had to control your water intake so you just drank half the cup of water and put it aside.

“Was the food that bad?” You jumped a little at the sudden sound of your seatmate’s voice. “Sorry!”

You laughed. “It’s alright. And it isn’t too bad. I just don’t really fancy how it’s done. I hope yours turns out to be better than mine.” You nodded your head towards the stewardess who was pushing the food cart down the aisle in your direction.

“So how is it?” You dared to asked when he swallowed the first mouthful of his meal.

“Hmm. I haven’t tasted yours so I can’t actually compare but I must say that mine isn’t half bad. You want some?” You shook your head. “Sure? You won’t get hungry later?” He asked again.

“I brought some snacks in my bag, so I can have those if I get hungry. You just eat.” You said, kindly.

“Ok then. Don’t mind if I do.” He shrugged and went back to eating.

You lost track of what happened after that because you ended up falling asleep again. This time, you remembered to use the neck pillow that Soojin had bought for you. You really didn’t want to nod off and end up resting your head on your seatmate’s shoulder again. It wasn’t that his shoulder was uncomfortable to sleep on, because it was, but it’s just that no one would like it if a virtual stranger kept using your shoulder as a pillow.

You woke up, naturally this time, to find that the passenger cabin was shrouded in darkness as only the essential lights were switched on. The cabin was quiet and you saw that most of the passengers were asleep. Your seatmate, on the other hand, was wide awake and in the midst of entertaining the little girl who was seated just across the aisle. You didn’t move from your position as you continued to watch their quiet interaction. It was so adorable that you couldn’t stop a slow smile from spreading across your face.

Eventually, you couldn’t fight the urge to move and shifted in your seat. Your seatmate immediately snapped his head back at your movement and saw that you were awake. “Sorry, did I wake you?” He had a slightly concerned look on his face.

You shook your head. “Nope, I woke up on my own.” You whispered your answer. “So, I see that you made a friend while everyone was sleeping?” You wriggled your eyebrows at him. You just couldn’t pass up the chance to . You had a feeling that not many people even knew that he had a softer side to him, let alone witness it.

This time, it was your turn to make him blush. His cheeks reddened ever so slightly and he huffed. “Don’t say it like that. You make it sound so wrong. She was awake when I woke up so I decided to be nice and entertain her so that her parents could continue sleeping. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He defended.

You let out a soft laugh. “You’re fun to tease. Besides, the both of you were beyond adorable. If you had seen yourself, you would be smiling too.” He huffed again and crossed it arms across his chest. You assumed it was because you had just called him adorable but you chose to ignore it. It wasn’t exactly your fault anyway, even now, when he was sulking, he still looked adorable. You smiled to yourself.



Kekeke. Practically everyone knows who the guy is already but his name is still not mentioned in this chapter~ 

Btw, just wondering, are there any ELFs reading my story? Or are you all mostly B2utys and Shawols?

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14 streak #1
Chapter 109: Awwww kibum xD my feels for taemin ><
Chapter 109: Haha I just read this fic again. XD well, starting from when Kibum comes in.

It's just so good.
Chapter 106: This is the last chapter? Noooooo~~

I mean, it was great, but I wanted them to reunite.

Just so you know, if you write a sequel, I would definitely read it. XD
Demilee_16 #4
Chapter 34: If key really did have an appartment like that I would be like "can I pwease~ stay with you??"
Chapter 106: I honestly read this story over 8 times
ChoiSeunghyunVIP #6
Thank you for writing such an amazing fic. I loved the ending with so many things popsicle. <3
I can't believe it ended already. It seems like a few days since I first read this fic, but in reality it has been a year. I also can't believe that I waited for your updates all through out my last year of high school. I've been a ghost reader then a nice one who leaves flattering comments then a ghost reader again. Do you still remember me? Haha. It's okay if you don't, considering the many other not-so-silent readers/subscribers you have. Anyway, I don't have much to say about the final chapter, other than it's still the same ol' awesome writing style, so I want to take this opportunity to thank you. :) for being a selfless author and not abandoning this lovely fic. Now I'm not gonna ask you for a sequel, because I don't to sound so whiny and stuff, and also I think equels ruin a piece of work. :) that's all.
Chapter 106: Awww, it ended already :(( Oh gawd, I really love your story author-nim~! I want a sequel author~!! Jebaaaaaal :)) This was one of the most daebak story here. It was worth the wait, author-nim~! ^^ ♡
hopelesswriter #9
Chapter 106: aww, it finished...:/
bittersweet but i like open ending n this is sort of open-ending for me. i like seeing endings with so many possibilities laid ahead. n i'm glad she went ahead to finish her studies.
anyway, haven't gotten much time to comment eversince the chaps got really long...xD...but but...love it of course...longer chaps=more great stuffs to read...just...lost on how n where to start commenting...xD
aww, and a bit bittersweet for Junhyung too...well at least he got to spend some time n be a father to Minhyuk even with limitations and all...lucky kid to have so many idols fanboying him...lol.
nothing to say on cupcake...since it'd be just repetition of my old comments on him so yeah...xD
Congrats for completing the fic^^ and thanks for the awesome journey!
Chapter 106: Yay~ Updated and Completed! :D Im gonna finish this now! Thanks AUTHOR NIM