My Suicide Note

Sad Stories
Racene came back from school. The mean kids at school had called her ugly, fat, and dumb. She didn't care. She knew she was pretty. The next day she came back, everyone had laughed at her for tripping in gym. Her friend Peach said she didn't wanna be friends with a clumsy unpopular idiot. Racene ran away crying. When "Trippy" came back home, she found a knife in the drawer filled with silverware. She got a small sheet of paper and wrote something down rapidly, " Dear Family, why did you leave me all alone? You never helped me when I was sad. You never were there for me. You never took my dream of being popular seriously. I don't even want to be popular. I just want to be loved by just one person. By Peach. By my sister. By my crush Amon. By my parents. By my enemies. By anyone. But, of course, it's not like anyone cares. I bet you're laughing right now. You don't care that I'm dead. I never cared that I was sensitive. Go ahead. Laugh at my suicide note. Say I only did this to get attention. Send this to the whole family as a laugh. I can imagine you laughing and saying, ' Good riddance! Gosh, I would've killed her myself, but I'd have to go to jail. But she committed suicide! Haha! What luck! ' Well. Your wish came true. Goodbye, family. I love you - Racene. " When Racene finished her suicide note, she plunged the knife inside her chest, and flopped on the ground. Her suicide note was false. Everyone was sad when she died. Amon did love her. Racene did something no one should do. If only knew if she died, everyone would mourn her. If only she knew...
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