It Isn't Safe; Quest to finding Kai

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After Jongin gets caught, Sora doesn't have a choice but join Sehun in finding the lost kingdom; Nahar and saving the Jinn from getting the death penalty. 

''As of now, Jongin is probably stuck in one of the dungeons in Nahar, awaiting his death sentence to be carried out. The problem isn't getting him out of there, the problem is finding Nahar.'' Sehun sighed, ''it won't be easy, and it'll definitely be dangerous. But it's worth it.''
Sora smirked, ''we'll find Jongin, and we will get him out of there.'' she stood up and dusted her pants, ''I owe him that.''


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Informing people who plagerize stories, in my country it is possible to put them into a database- which means I can actually sue you when you post this without my permission.

- Admin B



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Chapter 2: So, is this story suppose to be a sequel to "It isn't Safe"?
Xiuminbun #2
Chapter 5: omg i cant!! sehun is such an ! but i love him for it hihih
please update soon!!
Chapter 4: This is my favorite story!
I always look forward to your updates! :)
Chapter 4: Oh wow!! So awesome!
I really LOVE these bonus chapters! They're so interesting!
Chapter 1: Omf omgggggg have they met before? Hes not human right??
Chapter 1: what... what...
how did sehun knew sora??
are they have been meet at the end of the "it isn't safe"?
did the tittle right??