

Dead by the age of 18.

                                                   Reborn back as a baby on her birthday.

Seo Ah-ree had never brought herself to believe in negative things back then. But when she found herself breathing the air as a vampire in the 21st century, she couldn't help herself but to feel lied to. Back then as human, she would run around in a huge mansion with her neighbours who she'd often invite over to play. When she was a teenager, she would invite her classmates over to celebrate nearly everything. Even her friend's birthday party would be held there, in her parents' mansion. 

Now, all those are gone. No more running around in a big house, no more inviting friends and neighbours over and no more friends, if it's not obvious to you.

How she wished she could've just died instead way back then.





"Once your eighteen, I don't think you'd be aging anymore. Since that was the same age you were dead and reborn. So you might be stuck in highschool for quite sometime... Unless you don't feel like studying, if so. But it depends on you, actually. Because it's not like your interested in any career, now, right?"

"Hmm..." A seventeen-year-old Ah-ree sighed as she walked away from the dining table, pacing away slowly.




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