Story of Us



A secretary working for his boss who is his ex.


A married-man who love another person.


A childhood friend who is also his first-love.


A man with 10 years of one-sided love.


A lovelorn who always being treated as just a friend.


A stranger that he can’t stop thinking about.


They just want everything stay the way as they always have been.


But, then why it become harder and harder to act and pretend like everything is normal as days pass?




Hi—it’s me, Naito_. Just call me Nai. As I explained on my profile bio, I will start to write the unfinished stories again. The only problem though is just err— slow update. For this time I will focus on 3 of my stories first; As The Dusk Fall, Don't Say No and this story.


For this story, I decided to go with fluffy and cute stuff but… still contain some hurt or suicide stuff. (hahaha. Author love to torture the main characters. So that is all I want to say. Enjoy~




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The statements are so cool! Do update soon!
MeinAltire #2
Looking forward, the foreword was great
yasamanELF #3
oh interesting sentences ^^
it really changes my feeling
i hope you update soon ..
xHurtless #4
Seems really interesting ! Update soon please :)
evil_kyu27 #5
I hope u update soon ^_^