
The shocking truth about Taeyeon

Tipanny sighed in relief. 

"I thought it would be something more serious than that!" 

Taeyeon frowned, confused.

"But it is serious. Pany, I am the re-incarnation of Jesus."

Tippany tapped Taeyeon's head three times. 

"You're overreacting."

"No. No, Pany. I'm not reacting to anything, just telling you the truth about myself...I thought you, out of all people, would believe me.."

"Of course I believe that you healed me! But jumping to the conclusion that you're Jesus just because of that is a bit too much.. Don't you think?" 

Taeyeon grabbed Tippany by the shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes, ready to do anything to prove to her that she was Jesus. She was starting to feel crazy, and she needed at least one person on her side. 

"My daddy God came to me last night. He revealed to me my true identity. It wasn't just a normal voice in my head, oh no. It was... It was.. Godly."

Tippany's eyes were starting to get teary. Tae Tae softened her grip on her shoulders.

"Taeyeon, you're worrying me.. You know that voices in your head are a sign of mental illness, don't you?"

"...But...I healed you.."

"We're going to make an appointment with a therapist, okay?" said Tippany, slowly removing Taeyeon's hands from her shoulders.


The possibility that she might actually be crazy suddenly occured to her, as she watched Pany Pany Tippany making a phone call to do an appointment for her. She grabbed her head, feeling stupid. Maybe she did not really heal Pany. Maybe her pain just naturally went away. 

"I am such a pabo.." whispered Tae Tae to herself. 

Tippany ended her phone call. 

"I made an appointment tomorrow with doctor Choi Seung-hyun."

"Tomorrow?" asked Taeyeon surprised it was so early. 

"Yep." simply answered Pany Pany. 


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Chapter 4: Author please continue this story...
this is my fave fic here EVER.
Chapter 4: You know what? This us the most ridiculous story ever... it's soooooo funny lol okay so taeyeon is jesus? And she changed that doctor drink's into wine? Hmm... okay coo, keep writing this funny story author lol hwaiting '-') 9
Chapter 2: Omg author... Are you high? How'd you get this plot