Although I Love You


Because I am listening to Although I Love You and Eternal Sunshine way too much...


"There are too many people."

"It's not that crowded here.... or should we move somewhere more quiet?"

"I am not talking about this place. It's us."


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meetalk #1
Chapter 5: *waive
Hello dear. Always a good piece of your creative mind. Thanks for the update. See your other piece (s) soonest. Take care.
Luhma1817 #2
Chapter 5: I had read this before and I was looking to re-read. It has precious pieces in it, thank you.
I hope you update and is not a complaint, just a wish.
Angela17 #3
Chapter 5: Something fishy here.. What is Siwon gonna do..?
ThanKyu for the update...
choinitha #4
Chapter 5: Feel like real situasion
Really love them
Wonkyu will be happy forever
And what will siwon do before k con
Hope he just wanna hive kyu a surprise or something good
Ryu_pyo #5
Chapter 5: Hehee senyum² kaya orang stres nihh gue ff ini. Berasa ril bgt ini. Dan itu part akhir mau ngapain itu siwon???
drapril #6
Chapter 4: I love them both. Tell him kyuhyun~
Chapter 4: Kyuhyun! Just tell him the truth :'(
Angela17 #8
Chapter 4: Yeay.. An update.. Excited..
Curious with the next chapter..
choinitha #9
Chapter 4: Cinta siwon buat kyu pantang diragukan
Keep ship wonkyu and sailing the moment both of them
TasiyaWK #10
Chapter 4: This is not complete dear.Your fic.I like your up,thankyu dear.I hope u will not throw this a few months.always wait for up