
Losing Myself

Everybody watched as Luhan moved swiftly in the room, paying no attention to them, walking up to Baekhyun’s bed, eyes looking pained as they rested upon Baekhyun’s face. He lifted a finger and gently traced the other’s cheek, very softly as if he was afraid of waking him up. He smiled bitterly when the pad of his finger brushed upon the white gauze resting on the younger’s neck.

“How on Earth did this happen?” he whispered. ”How could this have happen to you?”

“Luhan…” called Minseok from behind him.

Luhan turned slowly from his place near the bed and looked at his friends, looking surprised at seeing Kris standing there.

“You’re here Kris?”

Kris nodded slowly before answering.

“I am. I’ve heard the news soon after the incident and got into a flight immediately.”

“I would imagine that you would do that, after all he is your precious dongsaeng. You could, at least, have warned me about this. I had to know from Victoria.” commented Luhan, referring himself to the f(x) leader. “I wasn’t really happy when I found out that none of you remembered me, I know that I am not in the same group anymore but I was expecting a call.”

“It’s not like that hyung.” explained Jongin tiredly. He could sense that Luhan was deeply upset with them all and was getting extremely dramatic about the whole thing, as he tended to get sometimes.

“It’s not? How can you say that? I care about every single one of you and I have to wait for almost a week to know about this? Are you joking Jongin?”

“Don’t be dramatic, Luhan!” cut Sehun in a cold voice. “I am really sorry to inform you but you weren’t our priority at the moment, nor are you it right now. You really thing that we were on the right state of mind to remember to call you when Baekhyun was literally fighting for his life? Get a grip!”

While Minseok thought that Sehun’s words were a bit too harsh, he wasn’t going to be the one to say anything about it, as he, for once, thought that Luhan deserved it. Luhan always had been one of his closest friends and while the other was normally a rather pacific and sweet person, he had a tendency to dramatize everything and, in some moments where he felt lonely or tired, he could be a narcissistic brat, as he was now being. However, despite what Luhan might or might not be feeling Minseok had to give it to Sehun; Luhan wasn’t the priority right now.

“I know but I still would like to be here to support everyone and see him, show him that I am here for him.” Luhan rebutted pointing at Baekhyun.

“I am sure that he would appreciate all your good intentions if he was not in a coma right now. But congratulations to you, you managed to get in time to see the doctors waking him up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to pick some coffee and call Tao to let them know the news.”

With that Sehun was out of the room, without looking back. The maknae was very bothered by his hyung attitude and he knew that if he stayed he would eventually just say something that he would regret and he would upset his friends and they didn’t need that, he own them a little peace of mind and not arguing with Luhan contributed greatly for his goal.

“I am sorry!” stuttered Luhan, completely flabbergasted and guilty after hearing Sehun.

“Don’t take it up personally hyung!” said Jongin seeing the sudden stricken look on Luhan’s face. “This is just been too hard on him; he is not dealing very well with this all situation. I mean, this is really bringing us all close to the edge but he just expresses himself like this.”

“He is just dealing with this really badly.” explained Chanyeol, arm wrapped tightly against Jongin’s shoulders, who sagged tiredly into Chanyeol’s embrace.

“I know that everyone is worried, I get that but I just wanted to know! When I heard the news I feared that he would die and I wouldn’t get to say anything to him. Victoria told me that he was really in bad shape and that he almost died a couple of times. I honestly didn’t know how I would find him when I crossed those doors.” Muttered Luhan doing an amazing effort to stop himself from crying even when everybody could see the tears dancing in his eyes.

“It’s okay Lu, we get it. It was not an easy thing to digest. We get it.” soothed, feeling a little guilty to have accuse Luhan without understanding his motives. Luhan only had heard what others had relayed to him and he didn’t even know if Baekhyun was alive.

“I tried to call Junmyeon several times but he didn’t answer the phone, which is really strange, since he used to call me a lot, just to talk about you guys. I haven’t been able to answer his phone calls lately but I wouldn’t expect him to simply ignore my calls.”

Hearing what Luhan had to say brought everyone a sense of discomfort; how to explain to Luhan that Junmyeon was the reason why they were all in that room? Especially knowing that Luhan and Junmyeon had been very good friends and cared deeply about each other.

As if he had been summoned by some force, Junmyeon appeared at the door with Jongdae trailing after in. The leader was very much looking like a mess, deep bags under his eyes, pale as a ghost, dressed in an oversized hoodie, that Chanyeol assumed it was his, as baggy pants. It was very unsettling to see Junmyeon like this, especially considering the fact that the other made a big effort into looking his best at all times.

“Junmyeon?” called Luhan, a big grin on his face at the prospect of seeing the younger man, heart beating wildly in his chest, despite the little voice in his head telling him that something was wrong.

“L..Lu..Luhan!” stuttered Junmyeon, looking petrified at the sight of the older male.

The older male approached Junmyeon quickly and pulled the other to his chest, mumbling on how he had missed him and that he was very glad to be reunited with him.

Luhan couldn’t see but Junmyeon’s eyes were becoming more and more panicked; he desperately wanted to bolt out of the room; why did Luhan choose now, of all times, to suddenly reappear in his life and destroy the little bit of sanity that Junmyeon had gained, after the got a grip on his life again? Why did he choose now to come when Baekhyun was in a comatose state because of him? Why did he decide to come, beautiful and sweet as ever, to haunt him back? Hadn’t he left them all? Hadn’t he left him to crash and burn, suffocating in his unrequired feelings? Why now that everything seemed to take a turn for the worst and Junmyeon was being casted into really bad, somber and dark lights?

All these thoughts were swimming around Junmyeon’s head but one thought, the loudest of them all, resonating in his brain, made him freeze in fear: what if Luhan found out that he had harmed Baekhyun and would hate him? The others did, he was pretty certain that everybody was weary of him, Sehun blatantly despised him, so Luhan would too and he didn’t think that his heart could take one more blow like that! He knew that it was his fault, he couldn’t blame it on someone other than himself but it was simply too much. He felt himself starting to lose his breathe, that came into short pants and some wheezing gasps. With a hard push to Luhan’s chest, making the other almost tumble down, Junmyeon took a couple of steps back, staring at everyone in horror before spinning in his heels and running out, leaving an entire room full of people staring at him completely shocked.













The day had passed calmly, Luhan was well received among everybody and even Sehun had grudgingly apologized for his harsh words to the older man, however, Junmyeon had completely vanished from the map, nobody knew where the leader was. Luhan had been suspicious as hell of his behavior, even more so when everybody answered his questions with evasiveness, expertly changing the subject to something else. For some unknown reason, they all seemed to be unsure about telling Luhan what had happen, more for Junmyeon’s sake than anything else, since Jongin had stated that he wouldn’t think that Junmyeon could deal with Luhan’s anger, if that was the case, as the leader was already a huge mess. After hearing the younger’s confession, Kris and Minseok had decided not tell a thing to Luhan, asking the other members not to reveal the accident to Luhan, earning themselves a scoff from Sehun who, regardless, had obeyed.

Naturally, Luhan was not a happy camper, complaining loudly that people were hiding things from him.

“What is happening?” asked a frustrated Luhan to anyone who listened, for the sixth time in a short amount of minutes.

“Hyung, let it go please!” begged a tired Jongin from his place on the chair, body molded carefully to Chanyeol’s side.

All of them, aside from Junmyeon, were standing on Baekhyun’s hospital room; their petite friend had been pulled out of the induced coma by the doctors just that morning and they were still waiting for him to awake from his deep slumber, so they sat contentedly in some comfortable place watching the smaller man sleep peacefully.

Sehun had probably been the most happy of them all; the maknae had occupied the seat next to the bed, along with Kris, who sat across from him, and he had yet to look away from Baekhyun, a smile permanently decorating his face.

“I can’t! You are hiding something from me and I know it!”

“We are not Luhan, stop being paranoid!” commented Kris calmy.

“Then why isn’t Junmyeon here? He wouldn’t miss something like this!”

“Junmyeon has been very tired lately Luhan, to the point of exhaustion. He is probably at the dorms resting and fell asleep.” assured Jongdae.

Jongdae was lying with every tooth he had in his mouth; ever since Tao and Kyungsoo had left the dorm that morning, being the last ones to arrive to hospital, no one had seen or heard about Junmyeon; their leader had simple vanished into thin air and, while part of them was worried for him, the bigger part was too ecstatic at the prospect of a waking Baekhyun.

“When will Baekhyun hyung wake up?” asked Tao impatiently, playing with the hem of his shirt, pouting like a little kid who had been denied.

“You have to let him wake at his own pace Tao.” replied Jongin gently, eyes shut down to tiredness. Chanyeol had actually confided them that Jongin had been having a little trouble sleeping ever since the dreadful ambulance ride; Kris, ever the mature and wise person, had told them that it was perfectly normal, the younger man had watched someone close to him, very close, almost die and that had would always remain as a scar in Jongin’s mind. Despite not having being able to sleep properly, Jongin had been a little calmer and more focused than he had been.

Chanyeol smiled lovingly at his boyfriend and pulled him closer so that they could snuggle a little but more on the chair, making Jongdae fake gag on his spot, earning him a slap on the head, courtesy of Kyungsoo.

Kris observed every single one of them, feeling happy that, at last, all of the angry and tense feelings had been cast away from them; everybody was so elated at the mere thought of a waking Baekhyun. He let a fond smile pass his lips, who would have thought that they would here, wanting Baekhyun to wake up when, in any normal circumstances; they would hope the other slept a little bit more and spare them of his energetic and sometimes annoying ways. The excitement in the room was palpable, everyone was simply jittery and talking loudly, with bright smiles, radiant laughter and soft eyes, but Kris couldn’t help to look at the door in expectation, waiting for Junmyeon to burst in, with his contagious smile, motherly asking for Baekhyun to wake while, at the same time, he shushed everybody for being loud.

Kris had yet to talk to their leader, he wanted to but the other man choose to vanish into thin air and not answering their phone calls. If there was anyone who knew Junmyeon better than the man himself did was Kris; the taller could see the tired eyes, the twitch of his lips when his smile was as fake as it could be; he could feel how the other second guessed himself at every step he took, questioning himself about his aptitude to be a leader. Many may not know but Kim Junmyeon had a very low self-esteem and the weight of the world on his shoulders, as a result of being a chose to be a leader at very young age to a very big group of people. Sometimes Junmyeon barely made held himself from crumbling down and Kris admire the other’s strength and determination; Kris even looked up to the younger man. Now, after he was left alone, having no one to share his burdens in a similar level that he used to with Kris, made everything worse and, apparently, Luhan’s departure had been the tip he needed to completely break down.

Despite the fact that, at first, Kris had been very angry at Junmyeon, for daring to hurt his dongsaeng, especially Baekhyun who was as sweet as it could get and wouldn’t hurt a fly, even if he was a silly, sarcastic little midget at the worse times; then he felt ashamed for thinking that way, ultimately, Junmyeon had every single motive to act the way he did, Baekhyun’s episode excluded, because he had been, in a way, betrayed by two of his favorite people, who left him without an explanation and without looking back. Kris felt really guilty; maybe if he had looked over his shoulder once or twice, he could have prevented all of this. If only…

“Are you okay Kris?” asked Minseok, coming to stand next to him, perching himself on the arm of Kris’ chair in the meanwhile, and laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You seem a little depressed and sad.”

“I am okay Minseok… I am just thinking about something.”

“You shouldn’t look so unhappy, I think Baekhyun wouldn’t appreciate waking up and see you, after not doing so for so long, frowning.”

“It’s just…I am thinking about…everything that has been occurring.” he whispered in a low tone of voice, not wanting the others to know.

Minseok seemed to understand what he was saying without him having to add anything else; Minseok was good at reading people like that. The baby faced elder smiled slightly at him, a small upturn of his lips, which Kris suddenly found to be very charming.

“I know that everything is overwhelming at the moment and I know you well enough to know that you are very worried about Junmyeon. I also know that I am not the most charismatic person nor do I have the best way with words to advise you, even with me being older, however, I want you to know that, despite all that, I am a very good listener and you can talk to me if you feel like everything is too much. I’ll promise to help you in the best way I can.”

Kris smiled at the other and reached up to take the older’s hand in his. Minseok concern was touching and he felt a little flutter in his heart at the other humble words, sincere heart and caring nature.

“I will. Thank you Minseok.”

A little noise coming from the bed had them all snapping their heads to the figure lying in it. They all gasped when they looked at Baekhyun and found that the other was scrunching in nose, eyelids twitching a couple of times before fluttering open, looking at them dazedly through tired, sleepy eyes.

“Baekhyunnie!” yelled Tao happily, earning a reproachful look from Kyungsoo when Baekhyun’s nose crinkled in distaste at the loud noise.

“I’m going to call the doctor!” exclaimed a now very awake Jongin, pulling himself out of Chanyeol’s embrace and running out of the room.

Sehun, on the other side, gently, oh so gently, let a shaky hand cup the side of Baekhyun’s face, making the smaller man’s eyes turn to him, blinking.

“Welcome back, tiny hyung.” he whispered to Baekhyun, only to him, eyes soft and loving.

He could swear that Baekhyun gave him the tiniest smile ever, before resting him head more firmly against his hand and closing his eyes.









Assisting, while very well hidden, to Baekhyun’s return from his comatose state was Junmeyon. Everyone had been wrong to assume he was away; he never left the hospital in the first place, not with Baekhyun like that, not without assuring the other would be okay.

When Baekhyun had been hospitalized, Junmyeon had privately asked the hospital director to place the younger in a VIP room, with surveillance cameras, since the small man was a very well-known idol and Junmyeon wasn’t going to take any risks of having a crazy fan invading his privacy. So, naturally, ever since he had ran away from Luhan’s presence, he had camped out in surveillance room watching and guarding over Baekhyun and all of his precious friends. It wasn’t hard, especially after paying a good sum of money, once again, to the hospital director, who had given him thumbs up after he caught sight of the money.

He had been truly ecstatic when he saw, a few minutes ago, little Baekhyun opening his eyes while, most of the members, hugged each other in relief, patting one another in the back, happy as they could be.

He smile sadly and traced Baekhyun’s pixelated face on the screen.

“Sorry for everything Baekhyun, hyung is very sorry for all the pain he caused you. You help hyung, cared for him and this was the way I repaid you, I hope one day you can forgive me. If not, I understand.”

A lonely tear made his way from his eye to the floor. Junmyeon moved his hand from Baekhyun’s face to Luhan’s.

“And I am really sorry for bringing you here for the most horrible of the reasons, for hurting someone you hold so preciously in your heart, your friend. I am sorry for loving you and for causing all this problems, it was never my intention but my hear wanted you so much, as it still does, that I couldn’t help myself; I was truly selfish. I hope that you forgive me too, one day. I hope all of you do. I hope you understand what I am about to do and that you don’t hold it against me in your hearts, I was planning this for a while but only now that I know that Baekhyun’s is going to be alright, can I do this. Goodbye precious babies. I hope to see you again one day.”

And with that final sentence, Junmyeon turned around and left.




A/N: I am not even going to say anything anymore...What in the world is happening to my time? When I am not working I am helping someone doing a report for college or tutoring someone, if not I have important ceremonies to attend. How the heck did my social life became like this?!
Anyway, new chappie is up (as busy as I am, I WILL NOT abandon this story. I will see it to its end. I owe it to you all and to exosarang, who this story is being written for!). I really hope you like it! If you do, comment, give me a little push to be better!! 
A lot of love to everybody and STAY HEALTHY! ^^

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Chapter 12: This story is very good,, glad that junmyeon happy in the end.
Chapter 12: This story got me crying hard.
tsha_l #3
Chapter 8: "... you dammed midget!" XD and seriously Jongin being a drama mama XD
Chapter 12: Im slightly confused. Is Kyungsoo together with Jongdae or.....?
tsha_l #5
Chapter 2: The dialogue in this chapter was cool! I love drunk Suho's slurry-speak. Kai taking charge was so manly too. Hurrying over to the 'next' button now!
Trashboy #6
Chapter 4: I love this story but why do I read so many fics about Suho being in the wrong :^( when will he do something right?!
Solbynessdelight #9
Chapter 12: I just read this story aaaaaaandd!! WHY CAT?!? huhuhu~ TT-TT WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DOING THIS TO MEH?! Artmgwpumgwptgnwh The first few chapters made me cry but then after the part where SeBaek was seen kissing at the hospital, it made me laugh and smile. For short, it made me look like I'm crazy. And as always, this is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! Homaygad! I really love you know?! <3 Agtptjgtpmwktwjqtm You deserve an applause! /claps hands til it goes numb/
Chapter 7: From the heart it always comes from for you, Minseok

mmmmmmmmmmmmm xiurissss