No need to get them.


After talking about the female's ia at the biology class and not really getting a thing, Luhan didn't actually expect to see more of it when she was called in a hurry to her girlfriend's dorm.


“Oh no, dude! No way!” Luhan was almost kissing the ground from laughing too hard and not being able to stand on her feet. “That is really funny. And slightly disturbing.” Gasping for breath and wiping a few tears that were escaping the corner of her eyes, the taller also decided to just stay on the ground with her legs spread in front of her as she faced her girlfriend’s . “Well, you can say there’s something really wrong going on there.”

“Luhan!” Minseok was exasperated. “Please do not laugh at it and help me with it?!"


Just collecting my stranger thoughts and writing down Fem!Xiuhan because there's not much of it in the world.

(and i just needed to make a bit of fun in my sister's life stories)


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Chapter 1: Oh my, poor Minnie haha ^^ I really liked this, looking forward to your next update (^^)/