Chapter 3

The Window [on hold]

Nari's POV

This little ! The only thing I told him not to do is the first thing he does. He thinks he's funny doesn't he? Every time I turn my head to look at him he is smiling at me with that innocent smile of his. I look around the classroom, only to see all the girls staring at Sehun with loving faces, and me with hatred and jealousy. I knew this was going to happen. I just knew it! 

"I'm going to kill you" I whispered, when I noticed that no one was looking at us. The teacher noticed how the girls weren't paying attention to the class but to Sehun. He scolded them making me chuckle. God, I love my teacher. 

Sehun looked at me and laughed. He leaned back on his chair and put his hands behind his head "Just relax! I won't let any body do anything bad to you. I jut don't want to be by myself" He said, as he closed his eyes. 

Is this guy serious? First, he disobeys my rule and now he's not even paying attention in class? If I hit him really hard across the face, will I get suspended from school? 

"This is it for today. Go to lunch guys!" Said my teacher before all the students flew out the door and some stayed and walked towards Sehun. 

Taeyeon, one of the prettiest girls in my class, walked towards Sehun with a flirty smile. She sat down in front of him and placed her chin on top of her hand  "Hello, handsome" She said, cutely. 

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Only if she knew he has a girlfriend already! Poor girl, she's going to be so embarrassed when she finds out. 

"Hello" Said Sehun looking bored. From the look on his face, you know he gets this type of attention a lot. I mean, he is extremely handsome so you should expect that. 

"Do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends. We will even buy you food." Said Taeyeon, batting her long lashes. 

I held back my puke as I looked at her. Do girls really do this to get boys? Act all cutesy and stuff? If I was a guy, I would kick them to the curb in a second. 

"I'll have to deny your offer. I'll be eating with Nari today." He said, getting up from his desk "And for the rest of the year, as well".

My eyes widened at what he just said. Sehun looked down at me and grabbed my wrist "Goodbye" He told Taeyeon, who looked extremely pissed, not only at Sehun but at me as well. Sehun dragged me out of the classroom and to the patio of the school, which is empty. Since it's getting hotter and hotter, people are starting to eat their lunch inside. I eat my lunch inside as well but Mr. Oh Sehun dragged me all the way here when I could be getting my food. 

"I need to get my food!" I said, getting my hand free from his grip. This guy looks so skinny but he's strong! I tried to free myself about ten times but his grip just got stronger and stronger. 

"Here" He said, throwing me a container with food "My mother thought it would be nice to prepare you food as a thank you for 'introducing me to people' and for 'showing me around' which is something you never did" 

I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment. I opened the container and my mouth watered at the sight of it. It was pasta. Lord Jesus it looks so good! I took Sehun's fork from his hand and started eating it as fast as I could. I've been trying to lose weight for a couple of weeks but I guess that diet is broken now. 

"So good!" I said, wiping some sauce from the sides of my mouth "your mom is a great cook!" I said smiling at him. 

Suddenly, I forgot about all the bad things Sehun did. The food was so amazingly good that it just put me in a great mood. He should thank his mom! From now on I'll be treating him better, maybe he will tell his mom to make me more pasta if I do. 

"I know" He said. "So, is the girl always like that? Does she go after guys like that?" he asked, taking a bite of his pasta.

I shake my head and chuckle "Taeyeon? No. She only goes after attractive males" I explained, sitting on the grass. 

Sehun followed and sat next to me. He looked at me with a smirk "So you think I'm handsome?" He asked jokingly. 

I hit him on his arm and laughed when he winced in pain "Don't get ahead of yourself"

He rubbed his arm and cursed under his breath. 

I might not say it or show it, but I do like Sehun. He's not a bad kid. 

He's not a bad kid at all. 


Sehun's POV

I waved Nari goodbye and walked inside my house. I was greeted by my mother with a bucket of water on one hand and a mop on the other one

. There was sweat dripping from her face "Hi honey! How was school?" She asked, putting the bucket of water down and walking towards me.

I smiled at her and kissed her cheek "It was good. I made some friends and the classes are good" I kind of lied. I didn't make some friends, the girls that helped me around don't count, but the classes are good. The teachers are good and the classes are interesting. 

"That's good! Go get washed up and ready for dinner." She said, walking toward the kitchen and started mopping. 

The inside of the house is now complete. Everything is unboxed and looking good. All that we have left to do is paint the house and cut the grass. Me and my father will probably do it on Saturday since I don't have school that day. 

I walked towards my room and turned my lights on. My mom also worked in my room. It is much cleaner and there is no more dust around. I also noticed that she hung a pair of navy blue curtains on the big window. Probably new, since I have never seen them before. I walked towards the curtain and opened it a little. There I saw Nari sitting on her bed reading. 

She usually closes her window and curtains. I guess that since mine were closed she didn't have the necessity of closing them. I don't blame her. The weather during the night feels fresh and nice. The flowers are blossoming as well making the area smell and look a little better. 

I saw her chuckle, probably about something in the book. I looked at her as she switched from a page to the other each 30 seconds. She is a fast reader, just like me. I saw her chuckle one more time before she put the book down and got up. She walked towards a long mirror on the side of her bed and started doing her hair. 

She slowly made her hair into a braid and when she was content with the result, she walked towards the closet. When she came out, she had a big box on her hands. Before opening it, she smiled at herself and slid her fingers across the box. 

When she was about to open it, she looked towards her window, making me jump back and hide behind my curtain. Did she see me? If she did,I am in big trouble. She will call me out tomorrow, beat me and then kill me. Damnit Sehun! Why do you have to be so nosy?!

After a while, I opened the curtain a little, only to find her window and curtains closed. I sighed, closed my curtains and threw myself on my bed. 

What did that box have on the inside? The was she looked at it with so much love and care is just so mesmerizing. There must be something very important for her there. 

I wonder what it is. 


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