Short Hair


Jin had always been attracted to Jieun’s long silky black hair ever since he met her.


Jieun one day surprisingly came to him with a short red hair.


How is Jin going to react with his crush’s new hairdo?








[[[[ I’m pretty new here so be kind to me. Don’t worry this will be my first and last fic here in AFF. I’m not gonna try again. As you can see, my username says iureaderonly so I will live by my username. This fic is dedicated to my loveliest partner-in-crime Cherry or you might know her as shaoyui2331. She is a hard-core JinU (bts jin and IU) shipper btw, yesh, I know the crackiest ship ever (-_-‘’’)…  don’t know either where she gets the idea of shipping them. Lolss!

Hey Cherry! I can’t make up a story from James Morrisson song as you suggested so just bear with this!!  Enjoy or die! ;D ]]]]


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I ship them
Hard indeed, I even made the story with them as a main lead.

Yeah sorry, I am late. Lol
Chapter 1: im a hardcore of btsxiu aha this one is so kyooot(´∀`)
Chapter 1: I am hardcore jinu.anybody can you recommend story of jin iu or jin stories with oc.the plot should be playboy and nerd
uyuluver #4
Chapter 1: love it to the core of my soul :)
I'm also hard-core JinU shipper...haha