
the proposal

During running man...

(This episode is fantasy! Not true:'( how I wished it was)

"Today the pairs are...jong kook and Jihyo, Gary and kwangsoo, jaesuk and sukjin, haha and byul*guest!" Jong kook grinned in his head as Jihyo went closer to him. Jihyo's heart pumped faster than when she was piggy backed by jong kook in the queen race. She gulped as jong kook held her quivering sweaty hands. Omo! I'm gonna faint soon!!! Jihyo thought as she kept a facade. Good thing I am a actress! She sighed a sigh of relief but to her surprise Gary who heard it shouted out," aigoo~I just heard Jihyo sighed! She must be feeling sad by being separated by her boyfriend which is me! Pd nim~why didn't you put us in a team! Make my girlfriend sad!" Jong kook hid a sad frown as Jihyo tightened her grip on his hands."today is Tuesday! Not Monday! "She grumbled as she air kicked Gary. "Mianhe! I wished everyday was Monday! "Gary joked laughingly as Jihyo bit her lower lip. She did not want jong kook to feel uncomfortable. She wanted to spend a little "date" with her dream guy. Squeezing his warm palm, she interlocked her fingers to jong kook's surprise. He flushed red as he made up his mind. Seriously! Man up! You have to use this chance to confess! Don't be a coward! He gave himself a little pep talk as the Pd explained the games. Every game whirled pass like a dream as he stared at the beautiful lady who did not mind her image and gave her all to games. He tried to gather his thoughts and confess but every now and then, he would get flustered and become a blubbering tomato trying to speak or even breathe. Jihyo was anxious after all, she wanted jong kook to notice her. She awfully wanted to press her lips against those manly charming lips of his. But being such a shy fool, she couldn't even bring her eyes to look directly into his. Every time she got the courage to, once she meet his eyes for a slight moment, she would spin away, pretending to be interested in the games or what the members were bickering about.

In a flash it was the last final game,( I am taking it from the recent episode where byul came and had this awesome elevator game which I will tweak a bit, I hope you aren't mad='( ) the whole episode was about getting rid of rings, jong kook and Jihyo was not surprisingly in the lead.as Jihyo was blindfolded and brought off, jong kook was brought to a separate room. After hearing the explanation, jong kook and Jihyo was whisked off to choose the numbers. Without hesitation, they picked out 10 which is the day when jong kook and Jihyo first met. With hearts that beat fast but in unison, they boarded the love elevator ti the tenth floor. Jong kook waited with an anticipation and a bated breath as he hid a little metal swing with flowers. He made the figurine to confess to her... but he wasn't even sure she would even arrive at the same floor! He fumbled around with the swing pushing it back and forth. Suddenly the elevator doors opened to welcome a smiling Jihyo who immediately lurched into a bear hug. Jong kook barely hid the swing into his pocket before they did a little celebration. Once the cameras were shut. Jong kook lead Jihyo to the quiet rooftop. The chilly wind blew, making Jihyo hair fly. Jong kook smiled to himself, chucking at how adorable she simply looked. Jihyo broke the awkward silence as she asked, " oppa, why did you call me up? There isn't much time before we have to film the closing ceremony." Aish! She mentally slapped for saying that. How she wished to stay longer up here alone with him.

Jong kook slipped the swing figurine now with the ring with number 10 nested in it to Jihyo. She stared with a happy face as she asked," do you perhaps still remember that high school girl?" He nodded. She couldn't believe her ears as she felt like she was in heaven or something! She calmed herself by telling herself, "oh come on! Maybe he is just giving this to me as a token of appreciation or something." But he surprised her by cutting into her thoughts. "I like you. I like you, cheon seong-im." She was so shocked, she just stood there. This must be a dream! Wake up seong-im! But the warm lips she yearned for touched hers, awaking her from her thoughts. She stared wide eyed as Jong kook began to get afraid. He tight sadly: maybe you didn't like me... "I'm sor" she cut off his words as she grabbed him in a passionate kiss. They battled with their tongues, heat enveloping them in this cold winter night. 

During the ending, jaesuk noticed the couple happy flushed face. He commented with a sly smile,"well maybe you could tell us why you both chose 10?" 

"It's a secret!"they answered in unison.

=the end=

Well I hoped u liked the journey with me :3 I had to close the story quickly as school is starting and I will be on hiatus:'( sigh~ I will tell u guys when I can write again××× I probably can't until next holiday since I have a load of major exams coming up!:< 

^^ Thanks to all of yah××× love yah all :3♡♡♡spartace forever~~~


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I'm so sorry I can't update:'( I'm bz with school and I promise I will update once I have time(^.^)


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cancergirl88ak #1
Chapter 13: Sweet story I like it
372 streak #2
Chapter 13: nice story..thank you..
Chapter 13: Thank you for your hard working author nim
spartace jjang
Chapter 12: update soon
kinki1984 #5
Chapter 10: Yeah!You picked my suggestion name for spartace kids..i'm touched authornim!
iamrainy #6
Chapter 10: please write more about their children