My Eternal Love


Welcome to the Spirit World, a land for lost souls. But beware- one who enters through the gates cannot leave. 

This is the story of a boy who enters the Spirit World by chance, and meets the girl who he is destined to fall in love with. But was she destined for him or for someone else? 

This is the story of three souls, whose fates have crossed together in a love triangle. 

This is a story of friendship, love, heartbreak, and courage. 



Ren: A lost, beautiful boy who is searching for a way to return to his real home. 

Sulli: A popular, lovely girl who has lived in the Spirit World for a long time and is lonely at heart.

V: A guy who seems cold and judgemental on the outside but is actually helpful, clever, and is best friends with Sulli. 



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Chapter 2: Its kind of reminds me a gibli cartoon hayao miyazaki spirit away^^ i love gibli.. N in the way your story similar like it^^