Pet Shop Love


It about life of four teenages; Kuzuryu Karina, Yamada Ryosuke, Rin Walker & Okamoto Keito.

They work together in Keito and Rin's dad's pet shop, Moto Pet Shop.

From there, their bond deepen and secrets will reveal through the time.

Secrets, Love, Frienship and Trauma?




Hi, I know I supposely come out with a different kind of story but my 'brain' attract me with this idea.

And for Heza-chan and Mayuri-chan (Gomen, I forget your usernames XD *whack*), I will make one-shot for you and if you want to add anything to your upcoming fic.

Hontouni gomenasai *bow deeply*

And for those who interested to join Suicide Contract, feel free to apply as long the partner that you want still available. This is one-shot collection where mon-hito rescue you from suicide. I will be waiting~~!! (p/s: Not only limit for JUMP but also other idols)


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Shida1110 #1
Chapter 8: hey! nice story =D...daisuki!
please update soon... i'm waiting ne..
keep it up! Ganbatte -D
Chapter 7: Awesome fIc! can't wait for the next chapter