chapter 01

The boy of my dreams.

The hot sun was beating down on Xiumin’s pale skin and he lifted his hand to shield his vision from the damaging rays in a pointless effort. His throat burnt and he could no longer produce the saliva to dull the sensation. He stared into the never ending horizon, waiting for death to relieve him of the night mare. He turned his gaze back to the empty shell of the raft he was drifting in, staring into the void that was the raft. “Thirsty?” A honey voice enquired. Xiumin’s gaze shot up and was met with a young man, probably around his age, his porcelain skin glistening in the harsh sun light. He held forward a water bottle, condensation dripping from the bottle. Xiumin frantically grasped at the bottle and chugged down the liquid. “Better?” The boy asked with a warm smile. Xiumin nodded feverishly. Xiumin looked back to the boy before him. Everything about him was fair, his hair, skin, eyes. Everything was equally beautiful. Before Xiumin could ask his name, or how he got there the boy stood, shaking the raft in the movement. “Well glad i could help.” He said before diving into the now beautiful ocean, All sinister connotation had vanished just as the boy had. 

Xiumin was pulled from his dreaming by the screaming of his alarm. He slammed his palm atop the plastic of the clock and it ceased it’s noise.  He slumped out of bed and stumbled his way toward the bathroom. Xiumin peeled of his sweat drenched t-shirt and slivered out of his boxers, stepping into the glass box. He twisted the knobs and when the cool water began to drench his body he let out a satisfied sigh. He stood motionless for about 15 minutes before he actually began to wash himself. 

Once clean Xiumin stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and making his way back to his bedroom. He slid on some black skinny jeans and pulled a white t-shirt down over his muscular form. As he was fixing his his laces he caught eye of the time 6:07. “!” He screamed rushing out the door and down the stairs, an elevator would take too long. 

He rushed to the small coffee shop, fumbling at the door with the keys with a customer approaching. He managed his way inside and set up shop for the day.



The warm afternoon sun filtered through the large skylight above and Xiumin found himself slowly drifting, His unfocused gaze becoming more blurred as time ticked bye and the empty shop accommodating his drowsy mood.  Just as his posture had begun to slump and his head was pressed more firmly into his palm which was propping him up the chime of the door rang, startling him from his position and causing him to tumble to the floor. 

Fumbling to steady himself he gripped the counter and pulled himself back to his feet. His eyes meet with the stranger who was now approaching the counter. The man’s deep brown eyes locked onto xiumin’s and stared on in shock. his mouth hung open at the image of the boy. He knew him. only he had never actually met him, he didn’t think he was real. The pearl skin, the light eyes, with matching hair and the slender form was all identical. Xiumin was in shock, he was sure he had never seen the stranger in his dream before but here he was, standing in his shop. “Hello, I’d like one chai latte please.” The boy spoke, his voice dripping like honey and xiumin could hardly manage a nod in response. The stranger smiled warmly and made his way to the back of the small shop, sitting himself in the seat next to the large window on the far left. He stared out the window for a moment before rummaging through his satchel and pulling out a small notebook and pencil. He began to work. Xiumin diligently made the strangers latte but found himself often stealing glances. It was him he was sure of it. Only how could it be?

Xiumin walked slowly toward the back of the store, latte in hand. He placed the cup down on the wood of the table and smiled to the boy before him. “anything else?” He asked, shakiness evident in his tone. The stranger politely pretended not to notice Xiumin’s dis-ease and thought for a moment. “I would love one of those cookies as well please.” He smiled up at Xiumin. Xiumin nodded and hurriedly made his way back to the counter, grabbing a small saucer and placing a cookie from the display cabinet onto the porcelain of the plate. He returned to the table and placed the plate down next to the customers latte. with a small smile. “Thanks so much Xiumin.” the boy smiled up at him. Xiumin stood shocked, “h-how did you know my name?” he stammered.

“well it is printed on your apron there.” The boy pointed the the thick black letters on the right of Xiumin;s apron which plainly displayed his name. “oh.” xiumin exclaimed in embarrassment as the boy chuckled. 

Shuffling his way back behind the counter Xiumin tried to look busy by cleaning the equipment, all the while watching the boy.Xiumin was wiping down the counter while examining the boy, trying to determine if he did in fact know him. Xiumin was lost in thought and hadn’t realised that the boy had lifted his gaze to meet xiumin’s. Pink spread across his cheeks when their eyes met and he quickly returned his gaze to the counter below. Xiumin could feel the heat of embarrassment consuming his face and began to slowly sink to the ground behind the counter in a pathetic attempt to hide himself. The boy across the room chuckled light;y, and began to pack away his things. He made his way to the counter with his used dishes and placed them on the wood gently. He leant over the counter with a small smile curling at his delicate lips. “Thank you that was lovely.” The boy remarked and Xiumin looked at the stranger, mortified to be caught hiding behind the counter. The colour in his cheeks depended and he looked more tomato than man. 

The stranger left silently, the door chime signalling his departure and once he was gone xiumin brought himself to his feet again before slamming his face into the counter and groaning deeply. 



Ah sorry how cheesy this is and for poor spelling. i just needed to write some xuihan haha

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Chapter 1: Ahaha that was very cute. I can imagine the whole scene in my head and that is wonderful!^^