All Our Secrets on the Road

The Well of Emerald Waters

Sehun woke up the next morning in very much the same manner as he’d been waking up for three weeks: he was miserable. The forest ground was a lumpy mess of dirt, rocks and tree roots, his blanket scratchy, his hair covered in weeds, and probably bugs, but at least he didn’t have to deal with that stupid blond wig anymore. He’d never forgive Chanyeol and Baekhyun for making him wear it, although if they managed to keep him alive until they reached West Hills, he might consider thanking them very briefly, before he had their heads. Figuratively of course. He wouldn’t really be capable of beheading somebody, even if he had the authority to do it. Sehun hadn’t held a real weapon in his hands since… ever. So what if his soon-to-be-met half-brothers had been raised like most proper noblemen’s offspring, with a sword in their hands. Sehun was just a bastard and even though his mother was of noble birth and his grandfather’s family was wealthy, society would hardly expect a child born out of wedlock to amount to anything important. He lived as pampered as his chastised (though still spirited) mother dared to raise him, and that was all fine with Sehun anyways. Let lesser mortals deal with the rougher things in life.

He never expected there to come a day when he’d actually be sent for by his father, a lord he’d never met, and had hardly ever thought about. It was downright upsetting when for all of Sehun’s life he’d harbored this mediocre plan to live as nicely and cozily as he could possibly make himself. No one taught him weaponry, but then why would he want to sweat? Nobody coached him on politics, because a bastard didn’t need to know it. He did study history, as every gently born boy was expected to know, and therefore he'd spent most of his days with a learned tutor employed by his grandfather. There had been recent talks that the new Queen of Ferelden was to establish a university soon in Denerim. If nothing else, Sehun thought of passing for a scholar. Not that he truly loved histories and academics, but it was better than having to enter the Chantry. Sehun didn’t want to be a monk…

From this fate at least it seemed he would be spared. His father wanted him home. The word stuck in his throat just as awkwardly today as when his mother joyfully told him he was to travel to West Hills posthaste. 

“Your oldest half-brother died in the Blight, your second half-brother had a dueling accident and now lays on the cusp of death,” his mother had informed him gleefully, the messenger’s letter waving from her hand.

“And the third?” Sehun had inquired with as much interest as he could muster. It wasn’t much.

“A severe illness? Who knows if he shall make it through.”

With one brother dead and the other two dangling before their Maker, Sehun was the back-up plan. He could end up becoming Arl at this rate, if everything his mother said was true. It seemed his father really loved him. Or rather, he loved the idea of there being an heir at West Hills, bastard or otherwise. If Sehun made it there alive.

He’d happened to hear one other conversation between his father’s sent man, Jongin, in a secret council with Sehun’s mother and grandfather. 

“The Arl has not ruled out that his second son’s dueling accident wasn’t specifically spurred on by a third party… or that the illness of the other son is just some… random malady.”

His grandfather had hummed at that. “So you imply that the Arl’s cousin’s family is being just as underhanded as ever? Inbred whoresons. Always conniving for the highest title they can get their sneaky little rodent hands on! Jongin, my boy, I expect you to keep my grandson safe out there on the road. He can’t fight!” he’d added as a last minute thought, voice warbling with old age. 

Your lordship, I am the Arl’s best shield, sent to fetch and protect your grandson from all harm. I only ask that you supply us with a few good soldiers for the road. We’ll travel light and speedily.” 

That was how they ended up with Chanyeol, a family retainer who'd grown up around the barracks and was more than handy with a greatsword. They hired Baekhyun out of Denerim, although he apparently hadn’t been there long. City elves weren’t usually so good with weapons or so comfortable out in the world like Baekhyun was, but he came highly recommended. Sehun didn’t like either of them very much, especially after Jongin let them go ahead with their plans for putting Sehun in a dress. At least that was over with.

His was pretty much flat and hurting now, after spending so much time on horseback. Sehun almost wanted to test out his luck on foot, but then he’d probably end up with sore feet and a sore . The sooner they got to Redcliffe the sooner he could sleep in a real bed for a night, and then West Hills wasn’t far off from there. 

He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but the thought of reaching the city was more and more appealing, especially after Baekhyun and the mage’s revelation about something being on their tail. Whatever it was, following them, tailing them, the city walls would keep it out, right? He wanted to ask the mage, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer, if there even was one. Perhaps some things could after all be left to the Fade realm of dreams and nightmares. If they actually talked about it in daylight, it became real. Assassins became real. Sehun just wanted a good place to sleep at night, some servants to order around to make him feel better about himself; and if his grandfather would send him a thirty-year-old bottle of Mackay’s Epic Single Malt or Vint-9 Rowan’s Rose on his birthday every now and then, he’d be set for life. 

He didn’t want to become the next target in the night, just because he might be forced to inherit an arling.

“You’re looking tired up there,” said a voice from below. 

Sehun looked down and scowled at the King’s messenger Jongdae. He didn’t really like the guy. He thought he was strangely too nice, too cheerful. Also, he dared to speak to Sehun directly as no mere commoner, no messenger boy, should really be allowed to. Sehun might just become Arl after all… It was unseemly; he was sure it was.

“I’m fine,” he sniffed, hoping he could convince the messenger that was all he planned to say. Jongdae had been incredibly stubborn with him all day, trying to hold a conversation and just in general being annoying and underfoot. It was rather aggravating. 

Instead of getting his drift, however, the messenger smiled brightly. Too brightly. “Well, if you do need a rest from riding, but you’re afraid your horse would get lonely, I’d be happy to take over for a little while.”

Sehun wouldn’t even dignify that statement with a reply. He sighed loudly, obviously, to make Jongdae understand his disdain, and he kicked once along the side of his horse so she would trot a little faster and take him out of speaking range. 

He heard Jongdae chuckle behind him and start speaking to Xiumin instead. The mage was happily trailing along with his arms tied before him, but he still managed to carry himself as if he were out for nothing more than a stroll. 

“So how long have you guys been with the party?” he heard Jongdae asking him.

“Not long,” hummed the mage noncommittally, and Sehun promptly tuned them out. Xiumin was already more than adept at fending off Jongdae's happy interrogations. He’d already had a whole morning and afternoon in which to learn. 




Around late afternoon there came a shout from the front of the party, Jongin telling them to stop. “Halt! There's something up ahead. I’ll need to investigate... Baekhyun, cover, please.” 

The elf materialized out of the forest seemingly out of thin air and fired off a, “Sure thing!” while Chanyeol and Luhan, that funny little templar, ran forward with Jongin. From up on his horse, Sehun could sort of see something on the road, one broken wagon lying on its side with a wheel busted off, at least one dead horse, and the whole thing was eerily deserted and still. Sehun stiffened reflexively and his horse shied as he drew her up to a stop. Jongdae stood between him and the warriors, waiting, with one hand on the reigns of the pack horse, the other on his messenger bag, and he too looked apprehensive. 

“I shouldn’t worry,” said Xiumin. He was standing calmly beside Sehun’s horse, watching the scene ahead intently but not with alarm. At some point Sehun assumed the mage was kind of an idiot for not attempting to escape every time Luhan disappeared from his side, and yet Xiumin didn’t seem even the slightest bit unintelligent when he spoke. He was certainly an odd fellow though. 

“What do you think it is?” Sehun asked, before he had time to think about how he was actually conversing with a prisoner. “Bandits?”

“Don’t know,” the mage admitted. “I think there’s a body though… alive probably. Maybe he will tell us.”

“Are there really a lot of bandits on this road?” asked Sehun softly. 

“We’re near to Lothering.” Xiumin mused for a moment. “It was hit hard by the Blight, and then the darkspawn invasion. I’ve heard they are trying to rebuild, but it is a slow process, and the surrounding area is known to be lawless. I would not be surprised if more bandits roam this area than ever before.”

“That’s… comforting.” 

Xiumin chuckled. “No worries. We number five good fighting men, a hound, and myself. I reckon that will get us through with ease.” 

Sehun did a quick head count. “Where are you getting this number, and why count yourself?”

Again, Xiumin chuckled. “As I said, we’ll be fine.” He ignored Sehun’s bewildered stare and instead nodded ahead to where the warriors were returning with a bedraggled body half-walking, half-limping between them. “Oh, and look, here comes a sixth.”

Sehun’s head shot forward. The closer they approached, the more Sehun stared. Between Jongin and Chanyeol was a smallish, stocky man in a filthy, tattered traveling outfit, dried blood caked to the side of his skull and a black eye. He was crying and whimpering, begging for mercy. Sehun rode his horse to see closer, Xiumin and Jongdae right behind him.

“What is it?” Jongdae echoed Sehun’s words from earlier.

It,” Chanyeol announced dramatically, “is a dwarf.”

“Carta too, by his sigil,” Jongin added. Luhan walked behind them frowning a little. 

“Please, p-please, don’t kill me,” cried the dwarf as they dropped him to the ground. He fell forward on his hands and knees. Alistair circled him once, sniffed at his feet and on the ground where they’d dragged him, all around terrifying the small man by his proximity alone. 

“Sole survivor of whatever, or whoever, attacked,” Jongin continued. “Although he claims to be traveling alone. Unlikely, but—“

“P-please, I was alone! I was attacked by bandits. I d-don’t w-want to hurt anybody!”

“You work for the Carta and you’re out here traveling alone?” Chanyeol demanded. 

“Y-yes… I got separated from my, my my…”

“Fellow criminals? Fellow smugglers?”

The dwarf whimpered anew at the harsh interrogation, but he nodded, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. “And then bandits attacked. T-Took my stuff…”

“Aww… bandits stealing from criminals. How sad,” said Chanyeol in mockery.

“What’s your name, dwarf?” It was Luhan who spoke this time. 

“S-Su-Suho,” whispered the dwarf as Alistair circled around once again and this time he stopped before the dwarf. Everyone drew up still as the hound sniffed closer and closer, nose inches from the dwarf’s face and when he bared his teeth the man gasped and cried. “Ancestors…have mercy! M-Mercy, please!” He shut his eyes and grimaced, evidently expecting a painful death and instead, he got a face full of slobber. Alistair practically squelched up the side of his face, rough tongue cleaning him of blood and dirt, and the dwarf froze, stopped howling, and eventually opened his eyes. He leaned backwards on his knees and hesitantly looked around, grimacing again when Alistair his hair until it stuck up, and nobody spoke for a moment.

“Settles that,” said Xiumin. 

Sehun was in shock; so was everyone else. Everyone whose name was not Xiumin, and Luhan apparently. The templar seemed to think the matter was entirely settled, as the prisoner mage had announced. He nodded at the dwarf, walked around him and vainly adjusted his armor and robes from where they’d started to drag against the dirty ground. Then he leaned over to help the man up.

“Does that mean we can keep him?” Baekhyun asked with a smirk.

“Keep him?” echoed Chanyeol. “A thug and a criminal? I say we toss him back and keep moving. In fact, why are we even sparing him anyways? Because the dog said so??”

“We haven’t time to stand here discussing this,” Jongin interrupted. “If there are bandits around, we are vulnerable here on open ground.” It was first statement since the dwarf’s appearance that Sehun found himself agreeing with whole-heartedly.

“But what do we do with the dwarf then?” asked Jongdae.

Jongin seemed to think about it. Then he said, “Tie him up to the pack horse. He can walk alongside it for now. If he drops or falls or can’t walk anymore, cut the rope and leave him. Otherwise we can decide later.”

Everyone except Chanyeol approved of this, and Jongdae offered to keep a watch on him. Sehun tried not to make much of the situation, but it hadn’t escaped his notice that even with all the of shadowy outside threats, assassins, and its in the dark, this small and speedy party was now traveling with a whole lot of extra baggage, including a templar and an apostate, a dog which might — keyword might because he hadn’t seen it yet — take off a man’s head with one bite, a King’s messenger with a penchant for asking questions, and now a bona fide smuggler from one of the scariest crime organizations in Thedas. What an adventure this was turning into, and how soon could they get to Redcliffe and lose everyone in the city?





It happened just before dusk. An arrow from out of the forest whizzed passed Sehun’s head and landed smack in an opposing tree branch. The bark crackled around it, and Sehun had never dismounted faster in his life. 

“We’re under attack!” Jongin cried, and there was the unmistakable sound of cries in the distance, only barely louder than the unsheathing of their own warriors’ steel. “Protect the boy!”

But Chanyeol was already moving towards him, defense mode activated until he could move Sehun to safety. Luhan got to him first though, and Sehun had only a moment to wonder why until he realized Xiumin was right next to him, hands bound and straining to pull free. 

“You two, hide now. Behind that boulder there,” shouted the templar. 

Baekhyun was already using his horse for cover, arrows flying from under the animal’s belly as he crouched beneath it taking down the first wave of attackers. Two went down before they even reached Jongin’s sword, and the next one crumpled neatly when the warrior bashed his shield into his skull. 

Sehun felt himself being dragged back, Chanyeol’s sturdy grip around his arm even as Sehun craned around to see what was happening. “Stay put,” the man ordered and Sehun dropped to the ground. Beside him, the mage was shoved down too, although he was yelling harshly.

“Luhan, untie me! I can help!”

“Help by running away, I don’t think so. Stay here and don’t move.” 

“You can’t just leave me here!” Xiumin screamed. 

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be back,” the templar teased and then he and Chanyeol were rushing towards the forefront of the fighting. Jongin had taken down another bandit all on his own and Baekhyun was steady harassing the rest off their feet.

Sehun had lost sight of Jongdae and the dwarf, and although he heard the little man start to cry from somewhere else, he didn't have time to worry about them. Sehun had never learned how to fight. He could handle stabbing a dead fish with a dinner knife, but even that never turned out pretty. Fighting for his life though, if it came down to it, he knew he’d be a goner. That said, the second his hit the ground and his head was removed from view, hidden from possible arrow attack, his hands scrambled frantically at his boot, palms sweaty as he pulled out the secret dagger his mother had gifted him before he left. Maybe he could stab some ankles before he died, if anyone managed to breach the line of defense. At least he could say he’d gone down fighting.

Xiumin, however, had other ideas. The dagger glinted prettily in the sunset light, but the mage’s eyes suddenly alighted with an even deeper, hungrier glow.

“Sehun,” said the mage, and Sehun felt fear. “Sehun… your knife. Give me the knife…” His words were calming, soothing, it made sense to do as he said. 

“I… I… No, I can’t.”

Xiumin glared at him. He held up his bound wrists and waved them angrily in front of his face. “Sehun, I am going to get these ties off one way or another, and it’ll be a whole lot faster if you use that knife.”


“Cut me loose Sehun, and the sooner I’ll be able to help!” 

Chanyeol’s cries from ahead of them were loud and angered. “Take that! Jongin, to your right! There’s another wave coming!”

Xiumin stared at him even more frantically, hands held up before his eyes. “Sehun, come on…

It was hard to deny him. On one hand, he wasn’t entirely sure Xiumin was a nice mage. An apostate definitely, but no one had yet ruled out blood magic from Xiumin’s skill set, and Sehun could end up dead in a flash. On the other hand, he might yet die from some dirty bandit’s steel right through the chest or an arrow through his neck, and freeing the mage with the friendly dog seemed like a slightly better option right at this moment. He grabbed Xiumin’s hands, fought with the leather binds, and Xiumin freed his arms with a cry of relief. 

“Lady’s breath! I am free! Thanks, Sehun. You definitely owe me.” And with a cheeky wink the mage was gone. 

Sehun sat there, wondering what he’d just done and why it would be him who owed Xiumin when surely it was the other way around. Should he watch for which direction the mage had gone? Would Luhan murder him later if he didn’t? He was about to peek his head out when he heard Jongin’s shouts and immediately changed his mind. 

“Mages! They’ve got mages! By Andraste’s holy knickers, why do they have mages?!” There was a blast of something magical cast over the ground and Sehun didn’t dare lift his head to see what kind of spell it had been. He may have just heard Jongin — silent, sophisticated sword warrior Jongin — call upon the prophetess’ holy underpants, and he really hoped it wouldn’t be the last time he heard the warrior curse. 

“Help? Anybody?” That was Jongin’s voice again, and apparently not near death. “I said mages! I repeat, mages. Luhan? A little help would be nice!”

“Ohhh hooo! I’m on it!” came Luhan’s voice in reply. “These mages are oh so ready to die!”





To be honest, Luhan hadn’t engaged in a full-on skirmish in a while. Not since a routing expedition in Nevarra had he faced more than a handful of enemies. On his way down to the wilds the templars had snuck up on a few bandit scouts and made easy work out of tying them up, but this attack wasn’t anything like that. This wasn’t a mindless criminal branch of men staking a small piece of land; this was a full raiding party on what the bandits probably assumed was a weaker traveling caravan. They didn’t know they were attacking a band protected by three terribly skilled warriors and an archer who hadn’t yet landed an arrow astray. 

And still, it was harrowing. As if to amend for their early losses, the second wave of bandits descended in strength and it was all Luhan, Jongin, Chanyeol and Baekhyun could do to hold them off. Alistair went on a tearing spree and ravaged a few, but they were still completely outnumbered. Luhan had a sparing thought for the young lord and the mage he’d partially hidden, but not well enough, and he worried for their safety. Then there was the dwarf Luhan really thought was harmless, and the poor King’s messenger lost in the woods without a horse, and Luhan fought harder. 

Until Jongdae appeared in his peripheral vision, dual daggers askew as he swung them with all the precision of… an incredibly skilled fighter! Luhan would have to do something about this, but in the meantime it was bandits going down at the ends of Jongdae's blades, and not the people in their own party. 

Sadly, the dwarf Suho was also free — probably Jongdae’s doing — and he crouched in fear near the restless pack horse. When a bandit went down nearby on Chanyeol’s handiwork, Luhan caught the dwarf inching towards the fallen sword, and he had a moment of panic when Suho picked it up and attempted to swing it behind Jongin’s back. Luhan had no time to aid the other warrior, and that would have surely meant Jongin’s downfall, had the dwarf actually been aiming for him. Belatedly, he realized Suho was actually attempting to take on an encroaching bandit. But it wasn't just any bandit. 

On accident Suho managed to distract the maleficar just as the mage started to chant. His poorly swung blade missed the mage’s body entirely, but it did clip off the end of his staff, interrupting the spell, and that was all the time Jongin needed to realize what new force they were to deal with next: mages, bloody mages.

Luhan blushed at Jongin’s curses, but he filed away that blasphemy along with the knowledge that Jongdae was way too skilled with a dagger, and he called upon his Templar abilities. The first mage was rendered inert, powerless, and the second one behind him Luhan likewise dispelled. 

The bandits were falling back, some limping away, others in full on retreat and at least ten bodies lay strewn out before them. Sweat clung at Luhan’s hairline, and his body ached, his sword arm in pain from where he’d taken a pommel strike, and his sword itself reeked of blood and flesh. The roadside looked a complete disaster, and yet, miraculously, none of their party had gone down. Only Suho, but the dwarf lay on the ground only because his legs had given out in pure, adrenaline-fueled joy that he’d actually survived. His borrowed sword laid forgotten by his feet. 

Everyone was now staring at Jongdae, no King’s messenger, that’s for sure. The impish looking fellow held his daggers by his side and smiled rather ruefully. His weapons of choice were curved, jagged, lethal. 

Chanyeol stalked up to him first silently, for a change, and Jongin closed in by his side. Baekhyun actually held back, his bow gripped firmly, an arrow still fit and ready to fly. All he needed to do was aim for Jongdae’s head if the man made even once false move.

Sehun appeared as well, tentatively and in terror, his eyes wide at the sight of all the bodies strewn across the road. Luhan looked for Xiumin, couldn't find him, but before he could finish his search, Chanyeol began slowly raising his sword. This finally drew out a reaction from Jongdae. 

“Woah, woah! Easy there! Look, I’m not here to harm anyone,” the man hotly denied.

“You may have to explain to us then,” said Jongin, “what those daggers in your hands are for.”

“These?” said Jongdae. He raised his hands a fraction, hilts forward to indicate he wasn’t about to murder anyone. “These are my friends… This one here is Isabella,” he glanced to his right hand. “And this is Zevran.” He nodded at his left. 

Luhan decided to take a step back. The techniques Jongdae had so beautifully demonstrated earlier were clearly the training of the Crows, and a more deadly set of assasins you weren't likely to find in all of Thedas. One personal meeting between an Antivan Crow assassin, and almost nobody lived to tell the tale.

Jongdae stealthily replaced his ‘friends’ into their sheaths, one on each hip, and held his hands up in comic surrender. “Look, I’m just a friendly assassin. I’m not actually here for any of you. I just wanted some company along the road.”

“That’s easier said than believed,” Chanyeol warned. Jongin too refused to let his guard down.

Suho, however, finally lost it all over again and started whimpering along the ground. “An assassin… You’ve been traveling with an assassin all along and you thought I was the scary one!” He kept scooting backwards in an awkward crab walk until his back ended up flush against a tree.

Jongdae looked remorseful. “Hey, I’m not scary. Honest! I was just lonely! And my horse really did catch a bandit arrow. I just failed to mention how that bandit ended up dead later and…oh, woah woah! Really, now!”

Chanyeol and Jongin had both stepped closer towards him, swords drawn, and by now Luhan was really starting to wonder what happened to Xiumin. He hadn’t been out of the mage’s presence for days now, and he was beginning to feel that loss. However, there was a slightly more important issue at hand. 

“Are you from Antiva? You don’t sound like one,” he asked Jongdae.

“Ah, finally some good questions. No, I’m just from around. Ferelden mainly, but I did some training with the Crows, in case you… hadn’t figured that out.” He smiled so sweetly it was hard to picture him as one of the deadliest men in the world. 

“And what exactly are you doing in Ferelden?” Jongin inquired. 

“Mmm. I would tell you but… that’s a secret.” He winked. 

“Secret or not, I think you should be on your way.” Chanyeol wanted him gone. 

“You want me to go now?” Jongdae frowned. Or stick around with you guys until we get to Redcliffe, because you know what? I’ve traveled these parts for a while now, and it doesn’t exactly get any better. My advice is you keep me around, and I’ll help keep you alive just because… of the goodness of my heart. Call it gratitude for the exchange of your lively company?” 

He had a point, which no one wanted to acknowledge. “Do we have a deal? Going? Going… Okay, I will stay!” 

Before anyone could protest, however, there was a commotion behind Luhan’s back, and there shouldn’t have been anyone alive behind his back. Baekhyun was the first to shriek as an invisible force winded him across the chest and he flung back, bow dislodged. Jongin and Chanyeol also tried to react but they were too slow and too far away to do anything. The two of them and Jongdae went down in the same energy barrage that hit Baekhyun, and before Luhan could turn to face it a gust of icy cold flames whipped around his body in a freezing, immobilizing and deathly assault. 

Luhan hit the ground thinking to himself why, oh why, did it have to be a mage who killed him, and why had he turned his back on Xiumin...

The mage didn’t look like Xiumin, but then Luhan was probably about to die and the mind was known to do incredible things to allow a near-death person pretend something isn’t so. It made Xiumin look like an older, stockier man in a different robe with a great golden staff, and thank the Maker for giving him such comfort in his last and final moments, to let him believe it wasn't Xiumin killing him.

But then the frozen tendrils released him, and he gasped in shock, sitting up and holding his chest and when he looked up he saw the mage who’d attacked locked in something resembled a crushing prison. His face shown in agony, invisible forces crushing him from the inside out and a single beacon of energy attached itself from the prison to a staff on the other side of the trees, and Luhan saw another mage there, a strange staff in his hand.

“Xiuminnn,” he choked.

The energy prison ceased, and the mage confined within it dropped to the ground, dead. The others around Luhan were starting to sit up. They clutched at their pained bodies, but Luhan only had eyes for the mage he’d once taken prisoner. Xiumin stood motionless between the trees, staff clasped within his palm, and he looked more pained than anyone else when Luhan stared at him in fear and horror.


4,917 words


Well now. DRAMA. And a little action. For the record, I don't think I write action scenes very well, so I basically pretended I was playing Dragon Age. Also, the 'crushing prison' spell is the coolest spell there is. Too bad Luhan doesn't think so though...

Anyways, I enjoyed writing from Sehun's perspective for a little bit, just to give some backstory and a totally different mindset. Also, Jongdae's real identity is revealed (but has all of it been revealed??) and Suho is finally here. I'd like to state for the record that I adore Exo's Suho to the death. He may be a hapless dwarf right now but I promise he'll be super cool in no time. :D

Xiuhan though...  *gulps!*


To rehash:

  • Luhan - Human, templar warrior, one-handed sword and shield
  • Xiumin - Human, mage, apostate, borrowed/stolen mage staff
  • Baekhyun - Elf, rogue archer, scout
  • Chanyeol - Human, warror, two-handed greatsword
  • Jongin - Human, warrior, one-handed sword and shield
  • Sehun - Human, bastard but of noble birth, currently weaponless
  • Jongdae - Human, Crow assassin, dual wield
  • Suho - Dwarf, Carta smuggler/lackey, currently weaponless
  • Alistair - Dog

Until next time! Thanks for reading,

♡ Rosie


P.S. I wrote a thing: Together We Made 50

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Maker's Crap! Guys, this fic is NOW COMPLETE! *sets off fireworks, then takes a very long, long nap*


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imanma #1
Chapter 54: I literally could not get enough of this fic. Characters are awesome. The entire thing is so great from start to finish. So many great moments throughout. I’m kinda just in shock now that it’s over. Thanks you so much for writing this, authornim!
Xiuhanisloveok #2
Chapter 54: I wanted to skip the coex but i can't find myself to do it. Hahaha i didn't realize this has been going on for 2 1/2 years already.. It was long but sure worth reading. And thank you for that. i guess we have to look forward to for more.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 54: Congratulations on completing the story . Yaaaaaaaaaaay
Chapter 54: It's complete and I will miss your story so much. I really like the plot, the adventures, characters, and end(s all) were great! Thank you!
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 54: OMYGOSHHH ITS THE END!!!! T-T ( >~<)
I THOUGHT THE ENDING WERE BETWEEN THE 6 /im bewildered so much especially the handsome baek's one tho/. and then i saw the epiloge x'''''D

Holy molly u should now how much i love this fic. After almost 2 years following this fic, its so hard to describe how i feel right now lol x"D *sob*
Thank u so much for writing this wonderful fic authornim *smooch both of ur cheeks* lop u and this fic so much, gbu! <333333
Chapter 1: How did u make a map?
Rb2012 #8
Chapter 45: Whay happened T^T
RedRoses96 #9
Chapter 45: Is baekhyun dead?!? OMO O_o
OMG i'm not ready for the end T-T
This fic has been my jam for years
1fanfic #10
Chapter 44: ohhhh shoot. I just caught up up with the story, reading three chapters in a row, only to be left with another bloody cliff hanger! lol the frustration ;D