Northward Plans

The Well of Emerald Waters

Sleeping that evening was a whole new kind of trial. Sure, it was indoors and out of the elements, and they'd had an actual tasty meal around dinnertime. They also had comfortable pallets on the floor and no fears of being eaten in the night. And yet nobody got much sleep until the small hours of the morning thanks in part to the shrill sounds of a male bard several floors below them, and the sounds of drunk merriment from all the other non-sleeping tavern guests.

"I swear, if I find that bard in the morning, I'm going to string him up by the neck so that he'll never sing again!" Baekhyun threatened after a particularly joyous shriek and lots of hurrahs. 

To Xiumin, it was all rather amusing. The sounds of life and laughter and entertainment, even if it wasn't very good entertainment. He'd been cooped up inside ever since they arrived with only Jongin and Baekhyun venturing out during the afternoon, and Chanyeol by himself with his bear pelts later in the evening. He'd come back a few hours later with a put-out expression and the pelts still over his shoulder, complaining about not being able to find the person who had requested them. Baekhyun promptly commandeered them, 'until you find some better usage,' to make his floor spot even cozier, and nobody was allowed to share. Chanyeol huffed and went down to drink ale, meanwhile Sehun continued to snooze until dinnertime, and Suho looked all shades of uncomfortable and in the way because Jongin still hadn't told him what was to be done.

"Do we also leave in the morning?" Xiumin whispered to Luhan, while the others - barring Chanyeol who was still downstairs - grumbled about the bard.

"Yes, and so sleep," the templar grumbled back. He was curled up under the blankets laying mostly on his stomach, eyes pinched shut like that would drown out the noise and an arm cradling his own head. Xiumin lay on his back next to him, fortunately unbound although he knew if he shifted Luhan would notice, they were so close. On the other side of Luhan in the corner lay his mabari hound, still tame as ever when it came to the templar, much to Xiumin's continuing bewilderment and amusement. 

"What was wrong with Jongin earlier? Did he say?" he asked. Jongin had been extra silent and brooding since he came back to the tavern.

"I said, sleep... and no, he didn't."

Xiumin shifted among the blankets, partially to find a good spot, partially to annoy Luhan. "I was just asking a question. No need to be petulant now."

"If you don't shut up and let me sleep, I'm leaving you with the bard until your ears bleed and fall off," Luhan said into his pillow.

"Hmmm, ."

That made the templar open his eyes, although Luhan only glared at him until Xiumin smirked and he immediately buried his head again. 

After a while Chanyeol lumbered back up the stairs, somewhat inebriated, and he dumped off his armor noisily before diving into a spot near Sehun. The racor brought about more complaining from Baekhyun in particular, and just when everyone had almost nodded back to sleep, there came again footsteps, but of a lighter variety. 

Jongin sat up immediately, feeling for his sword. Baekhyun too rolled over in alarm, and Chanyeol jumped straight to his feet.

"Halt! Whoever's there!" In the darkened shadows of the room, only Xiumin seemed to recognize the intruder, or at least he did a split second before Jongdae laughed. 

"What a welcoming party, hmm. No need to fear, it's just me. Was I so greatly missed?" 

The warriors eyed him skeptically but lowered their weapons, and since Jongdae only made to remove his cloak and climb into the pile they relaxed. At least until the man tried to take over Baekhyun's bear pelt bed and the elf elbowed him quite ungently. Comically cowed, he shrugged in next to Suho instead, who hadn't moved a hair all night.

Alistair and Luhan snored through it all. "What's... going on...?" he halfway murmured into Xiumin's ear.

"Nothing, nothing. Just an assassin come to not kill us in the night. We hope."

"That's good..." Luhan drawled, while Xiumin relaxed his head back down, arms up behind his head to stare into the rafters. Tomorrow, they'd be on the road to the Circle Tower, and it was such a pity they had to go that way instead. Xiumin would prefer if they went north along the western side of the lake. It would make escaping so much easier. 

He tensed half an hour later, still not asleep, when Luhan shifted on his pallet and snuck a hand across the mage's stomach. Xiumin froze, breath, muscles and all, wondering what was happening. But it was only the templar finding something to hold onto, and it seemed that something happened to be his waist. It wasn't terribly uncomfortable, and not exactly unusual, but Xiumin found it a little bit harder to sleep that night than all the other nights when Luhan had him only by the arm or shoulder.



"There's been a change of plans."  

Jongin's announcement the following morning came as no light surprise.



"What do you mean!"

"It means, we're not going to West Hills today." The warrior seemed determined to maintain a certain amount of suspense.

In his corner of the room, Sehun sat up very sternly. He'd had a decent amount of sleep, but the news that he wasn't going to his new home came as a shock. "Where... are we going then?" he dared to ask, softly. Almost too softly, but Baekhyun heard him, and the elf whispered, 'North,' rather suspiciously, just seconds before Jongin continued.

"We're going north. I won't say where exactly, but it's no more than five days' journey on foot. I've had a report that West Hills has been hit with bog fever and I don't want to take Sehun into that yet."

He was immediately inundated with fiery questions from Chanyeol, which turned into a long affair where Jongin tried to answer his questions but didn't say much of anything. He kept repeating only facts about the fever and what they were supposed to do in the meantime, something about an aunt and winter, and try as he might Sehun couldn't stay focused on his story or words. Instead, his brain turned and continued turning, wondering if all this was true, or if there was more to the story than Jongin was telling. If perhaps, his life was in danger from something more than just vapors.

He hadn't told anyone that he knew. He hadn't told Jongin in particular about what he'd overheard. That his half-brothers were apparently being targeted by a rival branch of the family, and that perhaps his life was in danger too. Did Jongin know something he wasn't saying? Was there really bog fever or was it a different sort of attempt? A threat on his life this time, and not just his brothers'?

"Jongin, quit talking about bog vapors. You're frightening Sehun."

It was Baekhyun who interrupted his thoughts, not that the elf sounded particularly sympathetic. In fact, Sehun had no idea what expression was on his own face, but it probably looked more like confusion than actual fright.

"I'm not scared!" he protested hotly on reflex.

Jongin quickly apologized, meanwhile Sehun rolled his eyes, determined not to think about bog fever - which he kind of rejected the idea of anyways. Either way, going north meant more of an adventure, and less time worrying about his new supposed home. In that moment he forgot about his dislike of the great outdoors, but it was overshadowed at the moment. He'd rather face discomfort with something known, than something unknown. And right now, he knew his traveling party, even if he wasn't quite enamored of them.

"I'm going to search the town today and hire a mercenary," said Jongin right on cue.

"What!?" Sehun didn't mean to cry out loud, but Jongin continued on as if he needed to explain it all.

"We'll need the extra manpower. Having another fighter within our party is a definite necessity. Especially since we'll be losing Luhan, Minseok and Jongdae after today."

Sehun had no call to argue with that, although apparently Jongdae did.

"Hey, who says I'm tired of you guys?" the assassin insisted. "What if I happen to be going north as well?"

"A likely story," Chanyeol inserted with a scoff.

"What? I never said I wasn't going north. I just thought you guys would be stopping here and going in another direction. Keep me fed and entertained and I'd be happy to you however far you're going." 

There was a smile about Jongdae's lips that had Sehun momentarily worried, but he shook his head of it. The assassin had had plenty of time to kill any one of their members and so far he hadn't. Sehun spared a glance at the rest of the men in the room and it looked like every one of them had the same apparent thought, including Chanyeol, although the two-handed warrior didn't seem happy about it. 

"What about you, Luhan?" Jongin asked after a brief silence fell across the room.

Oh yes, Sehun thought. The templar was still hell-bent on taking his apostate to the Circle Tower, no matter the consequences. He still didn't quite forgive him for the notion, petty as that thought was, and also probably none of his business. 

"We'll spend another night here, and then be gone."

Was that sadness Sehun detected on Luhan's voice? He hazarded a guess it was. Again, not that it mattered. Jongin spoke no more about his master plans except that he'd be visiting the Chantry temple later in the day. Baekhyun he put in charge of purchasing more supplies and Chanyeol was assigned to look out for reliable mercenaries for hire. Finally it was only the dwarf who looked confused and useless.

"So... what am I supposed to do?" Suho asked at the end of the discussion in a soft, uncertain voice.

"Well of course, you'll come with us!" cried Jongdae. "Didn't I mention it? I'll only travel with you slowpokes if I'm properly fed. Besides, I have confidence we'll make a warrior of you yet. You and... oh, what's his name? Sehun?" He winked and Suho looked alarmed, but mildly grateful, and Jongin didn't have the heart to say no. No one took heed of Sehun's disdainful grunt, but whatever.






They found a suitable mercenary by mid-day. Since Luhan arbitrarily claimed they'd be staying in Redcliffe one more day, he found himself accompanying Chanyeol on his search with Sehun on one side and Xiumin on the other, although the mage was currently going incognito. He'd consented to put on a pair or normal commoner-type pants and pose as Luhan's servant when out in public. Luhan hadn't expected him to agree so readily, but Xiumin was more game than even Luhan knew.

"What? Did you think I'd argue? Hey, as long as this doesn't get me arrested by templars meaner than yourself, I'm willing to wear anything."

Luhan thought about that statement long and hard, and in the end he decided it wasn't worth risking his head if he pushed or even teased the mage to further lengths... of dress. Instead, the three of them sat behind Chanyeol as the warrior interviewed a couple prospects, crossing off the first few applicants who seemed a little too eager to get out and kill things. Their words, not Luhan's.

"So..." said Chanyeol, almost bored, as the three of them surveyed the last warrior to enter the tavern. "Your name is... Kris?"

Before them stood an actual qunari.* Gray-skinned and taller than Chanyeol by almost two heads, he had sturdy facial features, a defined and muscular, bare gray chest (of which Luhan was certainly not impressed with... whatsoever), and a wicked pair of horns that grew from just above his ears, jutting out and curving up behind his head.

"Uhhh... Yes," said the warrior-for-hire.

He was intimidating, that was for sure. So intimidating that both Luhan and Xiumin almost cowered under his presence. Even Chanyeol appeared a little under the weather when he observed the creature's massive biceps and muscles. Qunari were massive in general, so much that people have likened them to giants. Though much smaller than that,  qunari were still a fierce race from the north of Thedas and most adhered to a militant set of beliefs, or laws, which they referred to as the Qun.

"I... wasn't aware that the name 'Kris' comes from qunari origins?" said Chanyeol with a look of confusion, anything probably to throw off the otherwise menacing appearance before him.

"It is not of qunari origin, you are correct," said the man/creature/being. "Qunari have no given names, only titles of rank. When I separated from the Qun and became Tal-Vashoth, I gave myself a name. Kris, I decided, was a cool name. I... liked the sound of it. Very much my style."

Chanyeol didn't look too convinced, but then Tal-Vashoth (qunari who rejected their homeland and inherent culture) were renowned warriors and made for loyal, dependent mercenaries, provided one could pay. And seeing as how Jongin refused to waste money on horses, they definitely could pay. 

"We're headed north," Chanyeol stated with more vigor and confidence than he probably possessed. "How far, I am unsure, but we could definitely use your assistance," he offered finally.

"Then I shall travel with you until you reach the end of your destination."

Kris made quite the picture after that, walking through Redcliffe several steps behind as they meandered through the streets in search of the others. Chanyeol whispered once in Luhan's ear as if to affirm he'd made the right choice, but Luhan agreed they probably had. One qunari could basically fight like two men, and they were notoriously business savvy, especially the ones who became mercenaries. Lots of pent up energy but they preferred using their strengths on legitimate ventures. He'd replace both Luhan and Minseok well in combat, Luhan thought with a twinge of regret.

As they perused the wares in town, Luhan had to continuously force that thought from his mind and focus instead on obtaining the supplies he would need for their own journey to the Circle Tower, and not pretend to haggle over things that caught only Chanyeol's delight. Before they even caught up to Jongin outside the Chantry walls, Chanyeol was lugging several new pieces of metal to upgrade his weapon's grip, a box of flasks of miscellaneous shapes and sizes, and a whole bundle of leather scraps with which he wanted to 'do things with later'. Luhan did not argue, since it was no longer his adventure. He did, however, note that Kris was starting to be immediately useful. He ended up carrying half their crap because Sehun was, in his own words, too delicate to be a pack mule.

They met up again in the early evening, a few hours still to spare before the nightly entertainment. Jongin's first introduction to Kris went by with a simple handshake and an easy welcome, and then Luhan lead the qunari upstairs to deposit Chanyeol's purchases and to make sure that Alistair did not attack the stranger before he completely earned his pay. They'd left the hound guarding their things, but there was no harm done. Alistair merely sniffed around the qunari carefully and then wagged his tail. 

"I don't like dogs," said Kris with a gruff frown.

"No? Well he likes you, so don't worry about it," Chanyeol replied. "Actually, now that I think about it, I guess we're going to have to say goodbye to our little doggie too! Hey, Xiumin, do you think we can keep him?" He bent down to pet the animal.

"After all the grief you've been giving me about my dog and his preferences for certain people, what makes you think you deserve him?" asked the mage, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, but I mean.. what are you going to do with a mabari hound in the Circle Tow-"

"The dog comes with us," said Luhan, before Chanyeol could dig a bigger hole for himself. He avoided Xiumin's gaze, still somewhat guiltily, although the mage's response was different than he expected.

"You heard the templar. The dog comes with us," said Xiumin easily, a smirk upon his face. "Besides, they're best buddies now. Practically attached at the hip. You wouldn't want Luhan dying from loneliness now if you take away his puppy." He actually pouted, and Chanyeol looked torn between answering honestly or continuing Xiumin's snark. 

"You're attached at the hip," Luhan heard him barely whisper, as Chanyeol turned around.

"I'm sorry, what?" Xiumin put his arms down and inclined his head.

"Huh? Nothing! Just... muttering about my leather scraps..."

Meanwhile, Kris stood on the other side of the room with confusion written all over his face, and Luhan would attempt to explain some things to him, except they would be leaving soon and therefore it didn't matter.

The evening progressed with only a few mishaps which were already common to the party: Baekhyun arriving back at the tavern soon afterwards and bickering with Jongdae who had been pestering and following him all day. Suho trailed them both, essentially the 'Kris' of their particular shopping excursion. He was almost lost underneath all the things Baekhyun had him carrying, including no less than three fur coats. Baekhyun ran a hand through his hair, scratched his ear, and then directed the dwarf upstairs. Only then did he notice the big guy in the room with his eyes following Baekhyun's every moment. 

"I'm sorry... is there something wrong?" the elf asked, not yet realizing that this was their new mercenary. Luhan heard Xiumin giggle beside him.

"Uhh, I'm sorry. There is... nothing wrong. It's just that... your... your..." The qunari lifted a hand and seemed to point at Baekhyun's head. 

Immediately Baekhyun turned a little fiery. "My ears? Is that what's got you staring. What, you haven't seen an elf before? Is that it? Well, let me tell you, Mr. Qunari. I don't know who you are either, but are you aware that you have actual horns on your head? So don't be talking about my ears, okay?"

It was all set to the tone of a teacher lecturing tiny children. Luhan and Xiumin both were trying to contain their laughter. Especially when Kris introduced himself as their new hired warrior and proceeded to explain how it had nothing to do with Baekhyun being an elf. "But, your hair."

"What about it?" Baekhyun was still defensive.

"It's... I've never seen hair as red as yours before."

The elf froze, a hand already occupied with through his locks, and at first Luhan thought he might blush or burst into anger again. Instead, Baekhyun just sniffed and walked off. "Creepy fellow," he heard him mutter. By his expression, it seemed Jongin almost thought the same. He treated the qunari with dash more coldness than before, though he was still professional.

"Anyways!" Jongdae interrupted the atmosphere. "Should we all share some pints before that ridiculous bard gets here to sing?"

There was a general agreement to hurry up and get drunk. Luhan stuck Xiumin in a corner, the better to keep an eye on the mage, while he fetched drinks from the barkeep, intending to have at least one final night of ease. Jongin ruined it for him though only half an hour later.

"By the way, Luhan. I overheard something at the Chantry earlier. They said a troop of templars are due in this evening. Should be here before nightfall, and they're headed north tomorrow. Perhaps you won't have to travel alone after all, huh?"





Something about the thought of other templars around Xiumin made Luhan... not overjoyed. He waited as long as he dared to without making a scene and then ushered himself and the mage upstairs, back to the top floor where they were sleeping, and there Luhan sat. His mind racing at breakneck speed, his forehead furrowed. A brief sense of panic, and then over that, guilt and shame.

There was no reason he should be afraid of templars. It wasn't like Luhan had done something wrong. In fact he'd done exactly what he was supposed to do. He had apprehended the apostate and had him in custody. In fact, he suspected his fellow templars had left him out there to fail, and instead Luhan had triumphed, alone. They were on the way back to the Tower, and the slight detour through Redcliffe could be easily explained, safety in numbers and all that. So what was it that had him on edge? That had Luhan wanting to hide Xiumin a while longer? Was it for Xiumin's safety, or Luhan's peace of mind? Or the fact that Luhan had been more than slack regarding his prisoner's captivity. If someone happened to find out that Luhan had actually allowed the apostate - a blood mage by all accounts - to actually handle a staff and fight unrestrained, then Luhan would be in dire trouble, and the mage along with him.


That soft voice called him out from his over-anxious mind. "What?" 

"Can I... ask you a question?" said the mage. 

"You can ask." That was as far as Luhan could allow at the moment.

Xiumin seemed satisfied with that. He sat against the wall, hands clasped together in his lap as he casually watched the others on the floor milling about. No one was paying them too much mind. They were arguing more about how to carry all the combined purchases of Chanyeol's and Baekhyun's shopping expeditions, and Luhan wished he could be helping them rather than sitting here holding multiple conversations in his mind, and one with the mage himself.

"I'm curious, if you can tell me something," Xiumin posited again. 

"What can I tell you?" said Luhan, sounding more bored than he really felt.

"How... how did you know where to find me?"

"What?" Luhan turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that... how did you know where to look to find me? What tipped you off?" 

Should Luhan tell him that he had a whole dossier on Xiumin, and a map with his general location? Because the moment he opened his mouth to answer, the point of what Xiumin was saying suddenly hit home.

"We... just knew."

"Yes, but how?" 

Because suddenly, Luhan wondered that too. Because apostate mages were virtually untraceable by the Chantry if they had never been registered by the system. Every born mage who was taken from his family to enter into the Circle had a phylactery of blood kept somewhere hidden within their home tower. The whereabouts were kept secret, and if ever a mage escaped, that's when the phylactery would be brought out and the templars could use their magic to track him or her. A minor form of blood magic the templars never truly talked about, because it was only for necessity... 

Unless an escaping mage managed to find their phylactery and destroy it first, they would be followed and hounded everywhere, their location an open book. 

But mages born in the wild, whole apostate families or children no one knew about... mages like Xiumin... the Chantry and the Circle and the Templar Order should have no way of tracing. By their traditional method, there was no way they would have known where to find an apostate like Xiumin. 

"I've never had my blood taken from me," Xiumin affirmed, right on time for Luhan's mind to spin again.

"We just knew," he reiterated stubbornly.

Xiumin sighed like he was giving up. "You just knew...? Alright, then." 

Together they fell into silence, but Luhan knew they still had to be thinking about the matter.




Around midnight he heard them come into town. Soldiers at night were not quiet people, and templars were no different, especially when their first stop was at the tavern to get drunk. Luhan slipped out of his bedroll, careful not to disturb Xiumin, and very softly pulled on his armor and templar robes. He had to meet them tonight. He wanted to know. Alistair lifted his head, but Luhan bid him hush, and then he tip-toed across the room. He counted one body missing, Jongdae of course, but then the assassin always did as he pleased. 

The sounds from the ground floor grew louder as he descended, the same bard's voice from the night before singing loudly and out of tune. Luhan spotted his fellow templars sooner than they spotted him, part of the same party that had gone off and abandoned him in the Wilds weeks ago. How long ago now it seemed.

They were rowdy, happy to be at the tavern and eating good food, happier still to have the barmaids bringing them ale. One even shouted for the bard to quite squawking and shut up, and Luhan almost felt that old sense of comradery.

He almost wished he hadn't come down, however, when the first one spotted him. "Heey, look, it's Luhan!" cried the burliest fellow, a templar by the name of Shindong. The other three immediately turned their heads. 

"Oh, wow. Would you look at that?" exclaimed Donghae, his friend Eunhyuk smirking mirthfully by his side. "How goes apostate hunting?"

They beckoned him close, meanwhile another high pitched trill from the bard in the corner of the room had them all screeching and covering their ears. Luhan briefly looked around the room and spotted the assassin in the same corner. Jongdae's eyes were narrow, like he wasn't paying attention to anything but of course Luhan suspected otherwise. He decided to be careful of what he said, and then he took the chair that the oldest of the templars, Leeteuk, kicked his way. 

"Speaking of apostates," Eunhyuk grumbled. "What's taking Kyuhyun so long? All he was supposed to do was take that wretched mage out back and chain him to the stables."

"You catch somebody then?" asked Luhan, forcing himself to sound more excited than he was over the visual image of a chained mage. 

"Yeah," Shindong sneered. "Some dirty Orlesian mage who escaped a year ago. Been on the move for a while, but we got him. Back to the Tower he goes!" The four templars and Luhan raised their glasses hastily to the ceiling and here here'd.

"You hear about Siwon?" Dongdae asked him then.


"Lead a big round-up several weeks ago. They cleaned out a whole camp of maleficar down in the Hinterlands. Good riddance, if you ask me."

"Good riddance," Eunhyuk agreed, "But I wish I'd been there! Sounded exciting. Better for the world though that most of them ended up dead. It's tranquility for the rest! Can't wait to see it."

Something in Luhan's stomach began to churn upsettingly. "They're going to turn them Tranquil?"

"If they're lucky. The whole lot of them are blood thirsty blood mages," Shindong answered. "And like he said, better for the world if they died. And maybe better dead than Tranquil." He slurped from his ale, liquid sloshing over the sides, and Luhan could do nothing but grip onto his tightly, lest it slip through his fingers and crash to the ground.

He caught Jongdae's eye again, but Luhan quickly looked away. 

What had he come down here for again? To listen to tales of Siwon's exploits and tranquility and death? He'd wanted to hear how the templars knew where to find Xiumin. Xiumin, his mage. His apostate. His... potential blood mage and current captive. Because the scroll he had was already damning, but from where had the information been compiled? He wanted to know more about the man, and yet...

"So! Luhan. How'd your own adventures go? Did you find that apostate kid or did you just end up lost in the Wilds, eh?" The four templars laughed heartily, while Luhan paled. 

Before he could answer, the bard suddenly quit playing and shouted through the crowd, a lazy drunken dedication of a song he wanted to sing. There were boos, some drunken cheers, and a few flying objects which Bard Jung, as he introduced himself, artfully dodged. Jongdae urged him on, pretending to cheer loudly and uproariously, a far cry from how he normally was, not that Luhan had the time to ponder that.

"T-The Wilds?" he repeated, stumbling over his words as he grasped about for something to say. He almost had to shout to be heard above the din of the tavern customers. 

"Yeah!" Dongdae called back across the table. "What, you didn't find the mage?!"

Avoiding Jongdae's glance and the stares from the other templars, Luhan pretended to enraged by the bard and his horrendous sound, and not show that he was actually terrified about answering. The roars from the tavern guests still loud, it almost masked the pounding of Luhan's heart. " I... didn't find him! He... was gone by the time I got there."

And so the deed was done.

Was it a good lie? Luhan couldn't be sure. He didn't make lying a habit because generally he wasn't good at it, and there was nothing wrong with that on most days. Honesty and the truth were always best, right? Lies were a sin against the Maker, but then it wasn't just Luhan's life on the line here tonight. There was Xiumin to think about... and maybe that should have been the first sign that Luhan was in too deep. He didn't want to see the mage end up dead, or worse... made Tranquil. Thoughts of Xiumin emotionally silenced, wandering throughout the Circle Tower and recognizing nothing but his tasks, his duties, speaking only in a monotone. Would he even remember who Luhan was if that happened? Remember anything about the weeks spent together, fighting and bickering, and how would Luhan ever answer to Alistair if something happened to his owner?

Hence he lied.



And only Jongdae happened to see the figure creeping just in the shadows of the staircase, still incognito and listening in, before Xiumin turned sharply and crept back upstairs.


5,050 words


Apologies for the super long chapter. I mean, not really though. There are important things at work here! A new character. By the way, this link is a picture of qunari. I imagine Kris' physique to be somewhat leaner, but not as thin as the female. 

Also important this chapter! The fate of Xiumin. And also, his origins. Oooh! 

P.S. No, Jongdae is not going to tell them about the letter he... 'intercepted'. Expect some comments from him next chapter though about Luhan's little lie, and also the reappearance of Bard/Spy Jung Joon Young, who actually can sing better than he's letting on ;)

I need to do some major writing this week. This chapter was actually finished... last night. :O

♡ Rosie



Happy Easter! I've been working so hard to complete chapters and other writing deadlines because I have so many things going on this weekend, it's crazy! But also fun. In the meantime, look forward to something else I have done, and will post tomorrow:

Luhan and the Golden Egg - A tale of Xiuhan Easter Bunnies. lol

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Maker's Crap! Guys, this fic is NOW COMPLETE! *sets off fireworks, then takes a very long, long nap*


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imanma #1
Chapter 54: I literally could not get enough of this fic. Characters are awesome. The entire thing is so great from start to finish. So many great moments throughout. I’m kinda just in shock now that it’s over. Thanks you so much for writing this, authornim!
Xiuhanisloveok #2
Chapter 54: I wanted to skip the coex but i can't find myself to do it. Hahaha i didn't realize this has been going on for 2 1/2 years already.. It was long but sure worth reading. And thank you for that. i guess we have to look forward to for more.
Rb2012 #4
Chapter 54: Congratulations on completing the story . Yaaaaaaaaaaay
Chapter 54: It's complete and I will miss your story so much. I really like the plot, the adventures, characters, and end(s all) were great! Thank you!
RedRoses96 #6
Chapter 54: OMYGOSHHH ITS THE END!!!! T-T ( >~<)
I THOUGHT THE ENDING WERE BETWEEN THE 6 /im bewildered so much especially the handsome baek's one tho/. and then i saw the epiloge x'''''D

Holy molly u should now how much i love this fic. After almost 2 years following this fic, its so hard to describe how i feel right now lol x"D *sob*
Thank u so much for writing this wonderful fic authornim *smooch both of ur cheeks* lop u and this fic so much, gbu! <333333
Chapter 1: How did u make a map?
Rb2012 #8
Chapter 45: Whay happened T^T
RedRoses96 #9
Chapter 45: Is baekhyun dead?!? OMO O_o
OMG i'm not ready for the end T-T
This fic has been my jam for years
1fanfic #10
Chapter 44: ohhhh shoot. I just caught up up with the story, reading three chapters in a row, only to be left with another bloody cliff hanger! lol the frustration ;D