Of Bouquet and Wedding Parties


Do Kyungsoo convinces that he will not get married for the rest of his life. Jongin begs to differ.


Yet another new one shot. yay.

Sorry for grammatical errors, dumb mistakes and thanks a lot for seenakwon for giving me the clear plot of my jumbled thoughts♥


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Chapter 1: Ha ha.. satan soo. <3 I don't know why but Jong In's write. Kyung Soo is just so cute here.. kekeke... ^0^
Chapter 1: Kkkkk I see, still so denial Kyungsoo and shameless(?) Jongin in the end xD
Happy that you can finish this, mate ^^ waiting for your another ff :3
illuvionist #3
Chapter 1: nice story..
update pls..
KiseopandEli #5
Update soon!