Don't Run Away


All I ever knew was to run. I ran from family, money, friends...and I even tried to run away from myself. I wanted to escape the world I was stuck in and I wanted to escape the life I was supposed to live. But they alway said that the most unfortunate are also the most blessed. I wonder how soon that'll come.


So this isa story of my life. I'm a young twenty year old girl who just wants to see something work in my life for once. My family is a wreck, money is tight, my friends don't and won't understand me. But worst of all, I hate who I am. I hate the kind of person I've become over the years. I'm so inconfident, selfish and I just can't be confrontational. I've watched a lot of movies and seen a lot of girls who learn to stick up for themselves, but I fear that I'll never be like them.

But I just hope things change soon.


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