How Will the Week Turn Out

Autumn Leaves

I could not remember for the life of me what possibly it was that I did for me to be in this situation. 

Did I step on gum? Did I hit some strings? Did I pick up some magical pendant that would bring me to this?

"GDragon and Taeyang?" I managed to ask, not at all trying to hide my shock. Or fear. 

The manager nodded without a word, but his stares talked. I'm as shocked as you are but I am the manager, so I'm trying to hide it. 

"That's huge!" Kihyun stood up and sat beside me to take a closer look. I let go of my hold of the folder to let him check it. I couldn't keep my eyes off the manager. I waited for some funny reaction, any indication that he was totally joking. But there was silence. 

Seowoo sighed beside me. I glanced at her and back at Manager Lee. This was for me and Kihyun. Maybe she knew that this was a prank. 

Still, nobody else spoke a word. All I could hear was Kihyun flipping through the pages. "This is set to air on July? Are we really the ones doing this?" he asked. 

What's the point of asking if it was a joke?

"Yes. With the documentary team. The company is short on people, so we need to work on it." Manager Lee explained. "The higher office was also not sure, but they received a confirmation from YJS." I glanced at Seowoo to see if she was just trying not to laugh. 

"But isn't our website too small for artists like them?" Seowoo asked. 

"Yes. That's why I'm not really sure how I should feel about this," the manager said. "By the way, I left you out because this would involve a lot of travel. And I know you hate moving." 

"I do, too!" I said, suddenly. It was true, but I guess if I was always beside the more quiet Seowoo, I looked very outgoing. 

"You can work on the promotions instead. You can even work from home if you want, since most of us will be out for the coming days," Manager Lee added, totally ignoring me. Seowoo looked so thrilled. 

So it was true. 

Seowoo wasn't the type to show her emotions. Seeing her react that way confirmed that it was true. It wasn't hard to trust her. Quiet people are either scary or comfortable. 

It was the end of our lunch meeting. Kihyun asked me if he could keep the file for the meantime, and as much as I adore him, I couldn't even bother answering him. I couldn't care less, I wanted to tell him. 

But that wasn't true. I cared about it so much that I wanted to avoid any pinch of interest in it.

So much for my Monday. It . Always. Most of the time, it's simply because it was after the weekends. I always felt sorry for it. It was just placed on an unfortunate position without a choice, and everyone is hating on it. But not today. Today, Monday offended me so much. 

Today, if Monday was a person, I would have punched him in the face. 

Maybe Jiyong is the Monday of all celebrities. Because he was the only person I didn't want to have an encounter with. 

We still had the whole week before we start working on this documentary. For the meantime, I would rest on that. 

Three days had passed.

It was Thursday morning when the manager received a call. I figured out that it was important, because he had to stand up from his seat, away from us. 

"Saturday morning? Okay. Yes, we will-- yes, thank you. Please don't mention it. It's an honor for us. Yes, well---." It was definitely a whisper, but for some reason everyone of us heard him. 

I looked at Kihyun in front of me. He shrugged playfully and went back to work.

I turned to Seowoo. She was looking directly at Manager Lee. I didn't realize it at first but she was blushing. 

But then maybe it was her make-up. She fixed the angle of her eyeglasses with her left hand, and turned back to her computer. 

"What do you think was that about?" I tried to initiate a conversation with a smile.

"It's probably for the documentary," Seowoo replied but she was fixated on the computer screen that she didn't even look at me. "You know how he hates working on the weekends. He obviously couldn't say no to whoever he was talking to."

I would have stopped talking to her at that point. But I didn't. Ha ha.

"Do you think the manager has a girlfriend?"

"I know what you're doing," she still didn't look, but I could see that she was smiling. "But it's not working, Kim Taeyeon." 

"I'm nervous, that's all," I pouted.

Finally, she turned towards my direction. Seowoo never liked gossips, but she paid attention to everyone who wanted to talk about their own feelings. "Everyone's nervous. But I get what you mean. It's a first for us to work with an actual celebrity. And I know you had some history with him," the last line, she said with a softer voice. 

I nodded. "It was a long time ago, but I keep seeing him everywhere." In TV, posters, and billboards. In changing seasons, in my memory.

"Maybe you can just let Kihyun do all the talking, and interacting." 

"What do you mean?"

"In days that you have to meet with them, just let Kihyun and the manager come," she shrugged. "The two of them."

"I don't think that's easy. The manager will definitely drag everyone with him if he has to work on a weekend." 

Seowoo laughed. 

We heard the chestnut-like footsteps of the manager and Seowoo and I both went back to work.

We all definitely heard him say Saturday, but Manager Lee didn't say anything about it. Maybe it was a personal affair.

After a long day, I unlock our apartment door to see my younger sister, Hayeon doing her homework on the dining table, and my mother cooking something in the kitchen. I could hear the water boiling but I wasn't familiar with the smell. "I'm home," I said lifelessly as I take off my boots. 

"Hi, eonni!" Hayeon greeted cheerfully as she ran to hug me. I faked my smile. She didn't see through. 

"Where's father?" I asked instinctively as I drop my handbag on the floor and sit beside my sister. 

"Overtime. Your brother, too." My mom was tasting the food.

The kitchen was definitely the brightest part of our house. It was this very white light, that shined through the dining table. Our living room had this golden-ish lamp and bulb. The hallway's were dull, but it wasn't like someone would stay there. Father personally picked those light combinations. Our rooms and bathrooms had the same white light from the kitchen, only a bit more grey. But not depressingly dull. It was good enough that we would stay in our rooms without feeling gloomy. 

I had no idea why, but lights always interested me. In a subjective view, I meant. I liked it when it was bright. 

"What's your homework, our litte Hayeon?"

"Korean Language." 

I didn't ask more. I'd rather meet Kwon Jiyong right this instant than to help my younger sister with her homework. 

Thinking about Jiyong made me sigh and rest my left cheek on the table. I looked at my sister's pen moving, and my the tip of my mom's head from behind the counters. 

"Ah, right. Taeyeonnie, someone called in the phone today, looking for you." I heard my mom say.

"Did they say who they were?" I asked, my eyes closed. 

"Something Youngbae. He called around fifteen minutes ago. But you were running a little late so I told him to call again."

I felt my heart stop beating for a second. 

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Chapter 10: welcome back authornim..
Chapter 9: Whoah. So unexpected
yeoboya #3
Chapter 9: What?! So Jiyong and Yongbae loved Taeyeon? And I guess Jiyong gave up his feeling bcs he knew his brother loved the same woman as him, but Taeyeon can accept Yb bcs she loves Jiyong until now. Is it true?
Chapter 9: Wait a second?? So both jiyong and taeyang like taeyeon??? Wowww~ so unexpected :O
Runningman_gdtae #5
Chapter 5: I like the way stories flow h flashback & current point of view
So excited for next chapter
Lavalela #6
Chapter 5: Your writing is really good, I really liked this part,hmm does ji already know that she work there? looking forward for next chapter. Fighting
Lavalela #7
Chapter 3: I have no idea where this story going and I’m excited for it. Fighting
Chapter 2: thank you for this gtae fic..