Chapter Twelve

As Twisted as Crossroads ('Tied To A Child' Side story)


My muscles froze in place while could only watch in horror when the white silvery wolf took down my friend with the weight of it’s body. I only caught a glimpse of white fangs and red glinting eyes in the darkness before they were rolling on the ground, a flurry of white mixed with …wait beige? They were battling, I realized as the thought clicked in my head. I took a gasp upon the realization that the beige color I had noticed was actually a Lynx- wait Donghyuk is a Lynx?! What is going on with this world?! My thoughts scattered frantically in my head and twisted, turning themselves around and coiling through my thoughts as I tried to make sense of how exactly could I have not noticed.

The blood rushing to my brain suddenly stopped and froze like time had taken a tangible air space. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I tried to comprehend exactly who was Donghyuk really. So had he been lying to me all this time?


No wonder Luhan was always at my back.

No wonder he was growling like something dangerous was next to me, although a Lynx didn’t really count as dangerous.


But those two…animals. No, not even animals, those two monsters were dangerous.


I felt my legs shaking upon the impact of this news but willed my body to stay standing strong and proud. I wasn’t called Park Seulmi for nothing, if I couldn’t resist this, how the hell was I supposed to become unbreakable against people?


But then with a blink of an eye I realized that they were still fighting, Luhan’s jaw locked around one of Donghyuk’s limbs as he growled menacingly towards the struggling Lynx, who whimpered in response. The initial fear gone now, I strode towards the silver wolf and called out, “Hey! Leave him alone!”

They kept struggling with each other’s bodies toppling against the grass and ignoring the faint shout of Kris’s plea, I threw myself onto Luhan’s back and pulled at his body with my hands wrapped around his thick fur.


“Seulmi don’t!”

I ignored his calls, deciding that saving Donghyuk was my top priority.

But before I could do anything else to reply back to Kris, a huge dog palm came crashing against the side of my body and I flew back, my figure hitting a patch of bushes with the violent impact on the blow. A screech was proceeding onto the night and it was only when I lay there limply that I realized it was my own voice, a stranger to my ears. Blood was rushing and coursing through the open wound, pumping viciously and throbbing where the pain came from my left shoulder.

Gasping for air and trying to even out my breathing, I looked downwards towards the huge scratch Luhan had caused on my arm, then back up slowly as the wolf seemed to jerk his head at me, eyes wide with specks of red glinting in the light of the moon.


I had never felt so vulnerable in my life.

Luhan hit me.

Luhan, the one that was supposed to protect me with all his might...hit me like he would hit a foe.


The betrayal was harsh.


He was the person I would’ve trusted with my life even thought it may not have seemed like it, but now, seeing his red glowing eyes and the injury that has been made by none other than yours truly, I didn’t feel like playing his little games anymore. Agony churned inside my stomach and made me queasy to think about the consequences. The physical injury hurt like a , but it could not compare to the sudden jab in between my heartstrings. He hurt me so easily, so foolishly like I was just another pest.


Like he was reading my thoughts, like somehow he had managed to crawl into my brain and seek out the feeling of rejection emanating from my body, the silver white wolf slowly detangled himself from the Lynx who lay there while cradling its own limb, whining softly in the distance.

I caught sight of Kris and Suho’s figures on the porch with horrified faces as they took in the scene. But more importantly, the beast was directing itself towards me and in a panic to get the hell out of this bush; I hit my injured arm and hissed in pain.


From my peripheral vision, I caught sight of Kris taking a step to stop the silver-eyed wolf from devouring me whole when Suho stopped his actions, eyes watchful, “Wait”

“What wait?” Kris hissed venomously, “You can’t expect me to do nothing when there’s an active wolf and the full moon put together!”


“Watch” Suho’s eyes crinkled up into a smile but it did little to appease the pain I was going through, especially when the white beast was now standing in full glory before me with his ears slightly dropped, a mere sigh of whimpers escaping its mouth.


The animal took another step forward before I cut it off with sharp words, “Don’t. Come. Closer.”

Luhna froze like an electric current just zapped him, his red eyes glowing with guilt. Well, it was too late for that now was it? What would he have done if I had dropped dead?


“Stay. Away!” I hissed.

The wolf whined and wagged his tail slightly, thumping it onto the grass before denying my rules. With extreme effort and more than a little horror, I tried scrambling back while shouting out, “Stop it! Isn’t it enough that you hurt Donghyuk and now me?!”


He made a sound that sounded like a protest but I wasn’t really sure considering the fact that he was in his wolf form so it was more like a gargle coming out of his mouth. In any case, using my other hand I tried to hoist myself upwards and go to Donghyuk who lay there on the grass when Luhan rushed forward to block my body from going anywhere, his tail wrapping around my waist to sit me down.


“Yah! I SAID DON’T COME NEAR ME!” I struggled before the wolf did something that shocked me to the core.

He leaned closer to the gash running alongside my shoulder to my arm and it.


Nothing could have prepared me for the sharp sting of his saliva as he continued lapping up at the blood like it was water. I watched, horror filling my face as the pain slowly resided into a dull throb. What was he doing? I wanted to know because whatever reason it was, it was stopping the blood from coming out. In fascination, I caught sight of the wound slowly closing in on itself like someone had stitched it up and my face rose in surprise to look back at Luhan as he continued around the sides.


Even though he was the one responsible for me being hurt at this moment, I couldn’t resist from feeling the soft glow of warmth at his concern, at the fact that he was worrying about me. When his orbs lifted from his handiwork, I caught a glimpse of the Luhan residing inside this white furry creature’s skeleton. I recognized the mischievous glimpse in those dark silver pupils of his, specks of red decorating the outer irises that swirled in the dimness of the night.



The cry of the said boy’s name broke my attention from Luhan, my eyes snapping back to the crowd of Lynxes shifting back into their human form as they crowded around the injured animal. Through the numerous pair of legs I saw that Donhyuk too had changed back, holding his right leg tightly with both hands and squeezing his eyes shut like he was in real pain. Hanbin rose from the group that was fussing over one of their younger ones to lock gazes with me, his dark gaze appearing even darker when he shifted his eyes to Luhan next to me. The latter whimpered some more and turned his head away, quite ashamed of losing control over his own body.


“Luhan!” Kris’s voice roared through the night. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the older alpha was pissed.

Like really pissed.


He reached us in two strides of his daddy long legs and whacked the said boy with the back of his arm, causing him to jump back and whine slightly in response. Kris’s glare could murder a whole army of assassins by the way his eyes seemed to glint emerald, flashing violently.

“What the do you think you were doing?!”





Luhan looked away from Kris’s hard, piercing gaze because of the guilt slowly eating its way inside his stomach. He wasn’t used to losing control over his body during the full moon. He was one of the older wolves, practically the same age as Kris so he couldn’t understand why he had behaved in such a way. He blamed it on Seulmi because if it hadn’t been for her, he wouldn’t have snapped the moment he laid eyes on that boy, that lynx going by the name of Donghyuk.


It was annoying enough that he concealed his appearance when Seulmi and Luhan were around, but when seeing him smile at Seulmi and the way he kept stealing glances like a boy swooning over his crush got him boiling with fury.

It didn’t help him one bit when Seulmi smiled back that smile of hers, the smile that made him go weak in a heartbeat, the smile that sent shivers of desire to his brain and caused his body to throb because of the intensity of his feelings.


I’m sorry, he told Kris inside his mind.


“Sorry isn’t good enough at this rate. Luhan,” Kris sighed and raked a hand through his blonde hair, “They’re our allies, for god’s sake!”


I know and I’m sorry. I didn’t expect this to happen, Luhan replied like a sulking kid.


“If you didn’t expect this to happen you could’ve stayed away from the house!” Kris bellowed, “You’re a mated wolf now you just can’t expect yourself to have full control-“


“Kris” someone cut him off. Mihye.

She laid a hand on his arm and almost instantly the fierceness glinting in his eyes was gone. Instead, he turned towards her voice and his body relaxed with a soft sigh. It was a wonder how Mihye always appeased Kris with only one single touch. The older girl looked back at Luhan with a stern but concerned face, “Are you okay, Luhan?”


The wolf shook its head yes, and she said, “Next time be more careful okay?”

“But-“ Kris was about to rant again when Mihye cut him off with a look, “Kris, the kid didn’t know. It was his first full moon as an imprinted one, don’t be too hard on him”


Kris just gulped and looked away in response, and Luhan knew that for this time only, he was spared. Glancing back at his mate, he noticed that she was no more sitting on the ground and was instead by the group of Lynxes hoisting Donhyuk up by his limbs while Suho was busy ushering them inside the house. He sighed and wished that for once, her attention would be on him. He hated it when she’d stick too close to Donghyuk, it gave him every reason to be angry, to be honest.


And he had the right to.

Because no matter how much you tried twisting the words, Seulmi was his mate and that was just it, there was no turning around or tweaking words because she was his.

Not officially, but surely he wasn’t about to share her anyway.


Call him territorial, he didn’t care. He followed Seulmi’s body with his silvery pupils until he made sure that she was safe inside before taking off into the night, wondering how he was going to make it up to her. How the hell could he have laid a hand on her? The guilt ate at his stomach, tore through his insides before churning them into a colorful mess. He raised his own paw in fascination, growling at himself and wishing that he could do anything to remove the memory of her face when he hurt her.


Her eyes flashed with pain and something else, betrayal. She trusted him not to hurt her, she trusted him to protect her with his own life and he had gone and blown this cover.


Never had he felt so worthless at this moment.


He wished to die.


If their relationship was horrible to start with, one could not simply explain where they stood now because on a scale of 1-10, Luhan was pretty sure his name was scratched into the negatives.

And he didn’t like it one bit.


It was then that he realized how deeply he had fallen into her hands like puddles of soft goo. His resolution to stay strong vanished as soon as he caught sight of her fearing him. it was then that he realized that he really did care about her. Wolves did things that they weren’t aware of during the full moon, but upon hearing her thoughts racing wildly with the pain he had caused to her, Luhan’s reasoning had been powerful enough to stop his killing intent.


This just said it all. Because one could not just break the animalistic instinct of the full moon, once it was there well you couldn’t tear yourself away from it.

But somehow, Seulmi’s voice got to him.


I hurt her, he thought to himself while letting out a long, deep howl into the night, I hurt her with my own two hands and I had never hated myself so much before.





“Seulmi, you must understand one thing” MIhye said as she stopped just before my door. Being the kind girl she was, she decided that accompanying me would comfort me better especially when I was still a bit shaken up from the events that had just occurred.

I looked at her more tired than ever.

I really couldn’t care less at this point in time.


“Seulmi he didn’t mean whatever he did” Mihye murmured, “He was not in control. That is why wolves are supposed to stay away from their mates”

Then, she did something unthinkable. Grabbing onto the hem of her t-shirt, she lifted it up with her two hands so that her stomach was bared. I gasped when my gaze landed on the scar now decorating her tummy.


“Kris did that to me” She replied to the question glowing in my orbs, “It was in a similar situation and I had been reckless because I knew I wasn’t allowed out during full moons. But nobody ever explained it to me. So I was strolling and suddenly he was on me, slashing me with his paws” she shuddered at the thought, “unlike Luhan, he wouldn’t have stopped if not for the other wolves to pull him off, the ancient wolves that lived centuries and knew how to control themselves. That’s why Kris exploded earlier, because it had similarly happened to him”


That piece of news did not comfort me somewhat as I looked down at my own scar. How the heck had she managed to forgive him when all he did was hurt her?

“Go now, go sleep they’ll be back soon”


It wasn’t until dawn that all the wolves finally came back from the forest, the groans and howls turning into laughter and muffled dialogue as they made their way into the house. Turning over on my side so that I was spared from facing the door, I squeezed my eyes shut and pretended I was asleep so that I didn’t have to face the one responsible for my now dull arm throbbing with slight pain whenever I moved. I couldn’t care less about the mark, I didn’t ing care. But how the hell was I supposed to face him now when all I felt was fear and panic? I just couldn’t let this pass no matter how much I tried because I wasn’t a type of person to forgive and forget.


Granted, I was difficult that I knew.

But Luhan had been someone to trust, someone that was to protect, me, not the other way around.


How was I supposed to trust him now that he had broken this unspoken vow between us? How was I supposed to act like nothing happened when I feared every second for him to pounce at me?


I did not hear the door opening and closing behind me, which was why when Luhan spoke my name I jumped from my sleeping space and looked around at him with wide, terrified eyes.


He looked at me with a guilty look in his eyes, “Are you okay?”


“I-I-Yeah” I hurriedly replied back and my side, squeezing my eyes shut once again to make sure that he was aware that this conversation was over.


I should’ve known that Luhan would be stubborn. Instead of going back to his own bed, I felt my mattress dip down and before I knew it, the boy had grasped onto my injured arm. I shot up into a sitting position and threw him the meanest scowl I could muster, “What do you think you’re doing?!”


He ignored me, turning my injury this way and that as if making sure that it had been well treated by his tongue. The concern in his eyes was so genuine that it was hard to miss, no matter how I told myself that I did not feel anything for him, my heart said otherwise. It was jumping and cartwheeling inside my stomach, jerking up to my throat once his silvery orbs flashed up to meet mine.


I gulped as he kept my stare before leaning down ever so gently and starting to press butterfly kisses over the wound. The air in my body seemed to leave me breathless when my figure stilled at his action, cheeks springing with flushed heat as I watched his mouth leave a hot trail of heat in between murmurs of apology under his breath. My whole body felt warm with the heat not only from his actions but him in general. He was burning but not like he was sick, like warmth was wrapping around his body and embracing him into this soft cocoon that only I could feel.


I swore I felt troops of butterflies erupting through my stomach once Luhan finally lifted his head off my arm and looked into my eyes with genuine apology written crystal clear in his eyes.


I don’t know what came over me then, heck maybe it had just been a weird day and I was just exhausted from it all, but it had been so long since someone actually took so much care of me. It made me think back to the times where my dad was there, when he hadn’t yet left the house. Those were happy memories, memories that I locked inside my brain for fear of their power.


A tear fell from my eye.

Then another followed.


Chapter update! 

How was it this time? Do you think Luhan should be left off from his mistake? :O He didn't mean it at all, and Seulmi omo poor Seulmi's crying T.T What do you think Luhan will do? 

Await for more in the next chappie because THE FLUFF WILL BE STARTING MUAHAHAHAHAHA <3 

Thanks to all those reading story and I'm really glad you like :) <3 I love you all! <3



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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 39: Aww i thought this would be a whole series going through the rest of the unmated wolves and their mating story. Then again, it'd get repetitive haha.
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 19: Rip to all the human mates who don't believe in this werewolf stuff and were subsequently killed. Because choice, amirite?
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 17: Baek and taehee get no screentime tgt. Are they even mates? Lol
maisharahnail #4
Chapter 37: Omg yess finally, and again yes I would love to read more of kyungsooxmelody
Chapter 37: Wait so who's kids are whose? Taehyung obvi we know but huh? But congrats girl! On finally finishing this story! Hahaha it's been a long time but we here now lol
Chapter 37: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/888147/37'>Dear AFF</a></span>
Wait so are you still going to continue this story or not? I confused. Can you please clarify if you ever comeback?? Or is this story done? I'm confused
Chapter 35: Theyre freaking goals gosh SO FCKING CUTE
NGeL23 #8
Chapter 35: The chapter was amazing!!!!!! I am rooting up for all of them so hard! Can't wait for the ending I AM SO EXCITED!! I am so happy that you didn't abandon this masterpiece..... I am so sad this story is not got getting what it actually deserves! This is the best luhan fix EVER! I am sure the loyal readers are here to support you through everything!!!! I am in future this story gets featured because this is so amazing! I ship Seulmi and Luhan so hard! Kyungsoo and Melody too!
Chapter 34: Omg of course i would like to know about kyungsoo n melody more! XD
NGeL23 #10
Chapter 34: Aaaa why do they have to be so damn cute!!! I was so down today because of Minseok's enlistment but your update lifted me up!!!! Thank you so much for updating! I hope they go for a trip it would be nice to have some time away from others. Oh and DO & melody I JUST LOVE THEM!! They are that kind of second lead couple you'd end up pinning at. Their interaction is super adoRabLe!!!