Please Don't Kiss Her


Amaya Takahashi lives with the thought that, because of all the deaths that she lived through, her presence is a burden. The only person that she feels light around is her best friend Ryuji Kobayashi, who, like her, lives only with his grandparents. The two were slowly beginning to realize their feelings towards each other when a childhood friend of Ryuji’s returns. Will the weak-willed girl lose her first love or will fate finally favor her?


Ryuji and Amaya are neighbors and best friends. Ryuji, who lives with his grandparents, helps them with everything he can and that includes tending for Amaya, the girl next door who has practically no family.

Amaya’s parents died after being caught by a typhoon on the way home and she went to live with her grandparents. A few years after moving into the small town Amaya’s grandmother dies and she’s left with no one but her fisherman grandfather. Mr.Takahashi, Amaya’s grandfather, cares for her like a jewel but is barely ever home due to his work. Because of this Mrs. Mako, their neighbor and Ryuji’s grandmother, treats the girl like her own.

The five chapter short story develops in a way that makes the reader go back and forth over who’s bond is stronger and encloses with a bittersweet touch that makes them question if there is truly a way to choose who’s love is correct.


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