My Story Stronghold: Fic Recs [UNDER CO.]


Author's Note · I'm not all that great at descriptions but you'll find mostly EXO stories here (+1 Leo/OC fic)! Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! If I add any you suggested, I will credit you! Please provide links.
There will be some boy/boy stories, not that I necessarily "ship" those two people in real life together; I just think they're bros... that I can read about without getting the heeby-jeebies...

complete officially marked complete by the author
in progress they're still working on it as far as I know
hiatus the story has been put on hold
discontinued the author(s) has said that they won't be writing the story any more
removed not available on AFF/LJ anymore
[M] mature; contains content
has been featured on AFF
❤︎ one of my personal favourites

April 18, 2015 Koreakrypta added to the recommended authors!
April 12, 2015 RedLolita added at the recommendation of aznlulu!
February 29, 2016 teastallpanda's fics removed. IMPORTANT NOTE on the one that I left on the "Livejournal" page! Please help me out if you can!
July 25, 2016 foreword re-vamped. the rest of this thread will be re-vamped eventually... while the other layout was optimized for the old version of aff, this one is better when used with the new version of aff.
September 5, 2016 Kaspian removed from authors because the account was deactivated.
July 20, 2018 Weaving-Truths removed from authors because the account was deactivated.
Month Day, Year insert here

(n.) a place where a particular cause &/or belief is strongly defended or upheld.


Blurb (if any) about the author.
Note: organized first by author alphabetically, organized then by fic title alphabetically (not chronologically).
just keep the width in 200TITLE +
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Co-author: listed here.



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