The Claw Game

Playing the Player's Heart

"Really? We're going to spend our day here?" I complained as we walked inside the arcade.

Every single direction I set my eyes on, kids were running around screaming. Kids. I'm really starting to get annoyed by them. Just like this girl right next to me.

"What's wrong with an arcade? They're fun." She emphasized the word 'fun'. Hah, as if. This girl really needs to grow up.

"Listen up. The bed is fun, parties are fun, and hotels are fun. You have the brain of a five year old."

Soo Yun scoffed at my sudden dirty remark, and ran up to the claw machines, wanting to keep distance. I watched from afar as she tried winning the Domo in the center of the machine.

As she kept trying over and over, her patience grew shorter. Frustrated, she ran off most likely to a different machine.

I might as well win it for her. I mean, I do have to be nice and all today.

I made up my mind and headed up to the machine. I was about to insert my coins in the slot until a hand stopped me from doing so.

"Can I go first? I need to get that stuffed plushie ASAP." Hold up. L.Joe? My eyes made it's way to what he was pointing to, and it was the same exact Domo that The Midget wanted.

Thinking he wasn't going to win it, I stepped out of the way and let him play. I closed my eyes and imagined the look on Soo Yun's face as I hand her over the Domo doll. Her eyes would bulge out in disbelief and her straight face would turn into a sm-

Ding ding ding!

I immediately shot open my eye lids, only to see that L.Joe did win the stuffed toy on his first try.

HAH. I don't need that doll. I'll just buy her ice cream or something. Kids like ice cream right?

I walked around the vicinity trying to spot Miss Shortie most likely throwing some kind of temper tantrum. I did end up spotting her, but she wasn't throwing any kind of tantrum. She wasn't angry, annoyed, or irritated which was very very strange.

Instead, she had on what seemed like a sincere heartwarming obnoxious repugnant grin.

I stepped closer trying to get a better glimpse. Soo Yun was holding the... the DOMO?! How did she win it? I thought she was awful with those kinds of games. I looked to her left and spotted a blonde haired man.

L. Joe... again.

Of course it would be him. They seem pretty close huh?


[Soo Yun's POV]

"Well hello there Miss Clumsy!" I heard from somewhere in the distance. Who was that? Kikwang most likely. Who else would try to humiliate me in public? I turned around and it was-

What's his name again?

L. James? Elliot? Something like that.

"Oh, it's you! Hi there, um- What's your name again?" I knew it was kind of rude but hey! It's better than calling him by the wrong name.

"It's L.Joe, and yours is Soo Yun right?"

I nodded my head. Maybe I really am rude. I mean, he remembered my name.

"I knew it. Do you want this Domo doll I won?" He smiled the same smile that seemed to attract me so much, "Domo isn't really my thing, and I'd rather give it to you than some stranger."

"Oh. Ok thanks!" It was really nice of him. He barely even knew me, yet he was so kind as to give me that doll. I grinned to myself and watch his back slowly fade away into the crowd of kids, my arm wrapped around the doll he handed over.

That wasn't what seemed to catch my attention though.

It was the man with jet black hair, and deep brown eyes that could penetrate the darkest and coldest of souls.

Lee Kikwang.

The that always seems to piss me off. Yet this time, it seemed to be the opposite-

As if he was the one pissed.

"Ah um..." I paused for a bit trying to think of what to say. The atmosphere around us was awkward to the max as he kept a straight face. "Where do you want to go now?"

"I don't know. Why don't you go hang out with L.Joe? Maybe that way I could finally have some 'ME TIME'. You and your hideous smiles piss me off."

Ok. That hurt, but what did L.Joe have to do with this?

I tried analyzing his expression and knew by then that it would be hopeless to ask.

He was pissed. Very.

"Um ok. Let's buy some ice cream. Shall we?" I smiled trying to change the topic.

He looked away and said in a monotone voice, "Whatever."


~At the ice cream parlor~

We sat side by side intently enjoying our ice cream. At least I was.

If you're thinking this is one of those couple moments that boyfriends and girlfriends have, then it is most definitely not what you're thinking.

Let me rephrase that sentence.

I was happily enjoying my ice cream trying to ignore the inconvenient atmosphere around. We did sit in the same seat, but we were scooted a foot away from each other.

I glanced to my left and saw him his ice cream. No expression whatsoever. But then again, his eyes told a different story. It seemed as if he was enjoying it.

Now that I think about it, it also seemed like he's trying hard not to smile.

"You like it don't you? The ice cream." I smirked. He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"How did-ughh nevermind. Yes, I do like the ice cream, sadly."

We stayed silent again enjoying the cold dessert, except this time, there wasn't any tension in the air.

It was just peaceful. Relaxing.

It was nice.


(Author's Note)

Hi guys! I tried making this chapter a sweet one. Did it work? That was my fail joke.. you know.. the ice cream and all?

Anyways, I just need to tell you guys something. I most likely won't be able to update this week. 

I won't be able to access the internet unless I go to the library or something.

Then again, I don't really like libraries. It's too quiet for my liking.

I just felt like saying this just in case you're wondering why I'm taking a while to update.


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Chapter 24: This is just.
I don't know how to express my feelings.
Ijust asdgfghjkl; LOVE IT!
ShuHui #2
Chapter 24: The vows were so cute!!! I was like smiling at the ipad... With my relatives looking at me weirdly I guess~~ haha!!
Chapter 24: AWWWW SO CUTE (': I really liked this omfg
Chapter 17: "The girls were obviously swooned by their auto-tuned voices. It was so obvious that they were lip-syncing."

Okay I'll continue reading xD
Chapter 24: omo~ sequel!!!!! ^^
Didn't even noticed that it's done!
lhshanny #6
poor L.Joe lol
but really a cute couple
omg this could be a major drama~ ahhh squeal!! ahahaha
soo yun has the best husband ever >.< cutest couple ever <3333 love you author-nim!
Aww! Cutest ending!! X) I'd like to see this as a movie. Seriously. LOL
14 streak #9
hahahaha the wedding was funny!!!!!!!!! >.< im happy they make up ^^
anyways.......... this story is daebak!!!!! ^^ ♥