What Lurks Within


Every night, at twelve A.M., a man dressed in white could be seen roaming through the cemetary.He would stop at a grave, dance on the dirt of the lot and then disappear without a trace. 



It wasn't a mystery in the least-

-The misfortunate story that contained all and nothing-

-The story that was about abandonment, freedom, love, and imprisonment.

It was the story of a sorrow so heartbreaking that it was beautiful.

Everybody knew about this story- for it wasn't just a fictional tale; it was a cold… painful… and fantastical reality.

Everybody knew about this story-

-The story of Jung Jaejoong.

The man that was only awarded true freedom… by death.


"Yah... Changmin..." A little boy muttered. Wariness was apparent in his big, brown orbs. The boy, obviously conflicted, tugged lightly on his companion's sleeve.

"I don't know about this..." He whimpered.

Tears were forming in the eight year old's eyes. His body was beginning to visibly tremble as the fear within him began to take over. He regretted it- not thinking this through. It seemed okay at the time.After all, he had passed by this place every day; never had it seemed as terrifying as it did now.

The usually colorful setting was shadowed by the darkness, only lightened at some areas where the moonlight peeked in. It was ticking close to midnight, and if his mother knew he was here and not at his friend's house, then even the younger boy in front of him wasn't a threat. This actually said a lot, since the younger boy Changmin was actually the school bully. There wasn't anybody that didn't feel threatened by him.

"I really don't think we should be here..." He tried to reason with the boy that was actually two years younger than him.

In reply to his, albeit pitiful, declaration, a scoff was sent.

"And, why is that?"

"Well...” He looked around him as if trying to say 'Isn't it obvious?'

Seeming as though the other didn't accept his simple action, the frown on Changmin's face being a hint, he sighed.

"Well.... we're in a cemetery, Changmin..."

"Yeah, and?"

"And,” He repeated in disbelief, “And, it's twelve o' clock at night!

"Yeah... and?"

"And! We shouldn't be here!" He exclaimed out of frustration.

"... Yeah, an-"

"We should be at your house!" He cut the younger boy off and afterwards continued. His nerves were on an all-time high and having the sadistic boy picking at them was not helping at all.

“Your house! Not at a cemetery that's so freaking creepy that I feel like peeing myself! We should be under the blankets, snacking on junk food, not freezing to death in a place where, once more I repeat, I feel like peeing myself! Do you want me to pee myself?! You know what? Don't answer that! We just shouldn't be here!"

"... Your point?"


"Junsu!" The other mock replied.

"Ugh!" At this point, he also felt like really crying, as in waling his heart out crying. This was like a scene out of a horror movie- the part when the two stupid children get chased by a psycho looking for blood or something. It's like his worst nightmare coming to life.

"...Changmin..." He sniffled in a pleading way, showing his best puppy eyes.

The other only raised his eyebrow in an indifferent manner before rolling his eyes and sighing shortly after.




Junsu whined in contempt as the hated word came up. What did he expect? Never get your hopes up in the presence of the great and wise Shim Changmin. He will only crush them.

"After..." He repeated once more with a smirk now adorning his face.

"After, we see the truth."

The pouting boy's ears perked up at the words. Truth? He didn't know the actual reason why they were out at the cemetery. All he knew was that the younger one dragged him out of the house as soon as he was dropped off there. No greeting, no smile, just a lousy drag.

"Truth?" At this point, rather being angry at the younger boy, he was starting to hate himself. He hated it so much that he was actually more curious now than previously when he was scared to the point of peeing. The original feeling was actually settling down and hiding itself.

Freaking Changmin making him seem fickle.

"Yes. The truth." For the first time tonight, the young six year old with knowledge beyond his years smiled. It was a smile filled with childlike curiosity. It was a rarity on its own- let along the child actually smiling.

"What truth?" Junsu asked, his own curious gleam appearing in his eyes.

The other grunted in acknowledgement before swiftly turning around and continuing his earlier activity. Shaking the flashlight a few times, he then beamed the light at random places of the cemetery. It was as if he was searching for something in particular.

"Junsu, I'm sure you've heard of it. That story."

"Story?" He blindly repeated. He was also looking around, following the light. So many tombstones filled the graveyard, names he’s heard of but many a mystery.

"Yeah, the story of Jung Jaejoong." Junsu paused abruptly in his step. A nauseous feeling was beginning to settle in the pit of his stomach.

"Un... I have, but what about it?" Noticing the other wasn’t going to stop, he quickly began moving his feet- trying to catch up to the younger.

"Did you hear about continuation to the story?"

Shaking his head lightly, he questioned, "Continuation?"

Smiling to himself once more, Changmin paused in his footstep and pointed the light over at a stone. With the tilt of his head, he had Junsu bring his vision to the same stone, a stone that still stood powerfully and beautifully despite its years.

Junsu widened his eyes comically as he read the name on the stone.


"C-c-Changmin.” He stuttered.

“Please tell me we aren't where I think we are." He pleaded as he snapped his eyes closed, wishing to be anywhere other than here.

"Sorry to say this Junsu, but I can't lie to-

"No, no, no, no, no!" He suddenly squeaked out shaking his head side to side with his hands clamped over his ears.

Annoyed at being cut off again, Changmin smacked Junsu hardly on the head, causing the other to lose his balance. Unfortunate for one, but fortunately for the other, he caught himself.

"Yah! What was that for?!"

"Let me finish." The latter growled out.

Junsu eeped slightly before nodding his head.

Clearing his throat, Changmin opened his mouth and was about to speak. When, suddenly, he halted in all movement. His eyes were wide, his mouth stuck in an open position.

He was staring directly behind Junsu.

Junsu froze, noticing the shocked look on the former’s usually calm rather indifferent face.

He could feel goose bumps rising on his arms. His face was most likely paling. At this point, he really did feel like peeing himself- especially when he heard the smallest cracking of a leaf behind him.

Gulping down his spit as if trying to swallow his fear, he slightly turned his head, his body following along.

What he saw was definitely not what he expected.






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Sam-facades #1
Am gonna die if you didn't tell me what is going on
I'm kinda scared but curious too. Please update soon. I want to know what happened to Jaejoong.
Please dont tell me yun killed him or something >.<