7th December

25 Days of December

On Sundays, Wonshik finished work at an earlier hour so it was just beginning to get dark when he made the short walk home.

As he approached the apartments, he could just make out a lone figure building a snowman in the failing light and, with a now-familiar swooping in his stomach, he realised it was Taekwoon.

The soft-spoken man was casting about in the snow, comparing the sizes of different sticks he was digging up, totally oblivious to Wonshik's presence. He wanted to use it to his advantage to sneak up on him, but one step on the snow covering the grass alerted Taekwoon to his presence with a delicate crunch.

Taekwoon turned to look over his shoulder and Wonshik was floored by the dazzling smile that greeted him. He coughed to try and hide the way his jaw had hung open and shuffled closer to cast an eye over the two balls of snow making up the body of Taekwoon's snowman.

"Why are you doing it alone?" he asked after a few moments of watching Taekwoon decide on two sticks of near identical shape.

Taekwoon shrugged though Wonshik knew it wasn't too surprising considering his character. With a sinking sensation, he realised Taekwoon would probably prefer it if he left him to it. He shoved in his hands in his pockets and took in a deep breath, intent on excusing himself, but Taekwoon silently held out one of the sticks he was holding. Wonshik accepted it tentatively, watching as the older man carefully slid the other into the snowman's torso to become an arm, before moving beside him to give it a second limb.

They worked together to fashion a head as night pressed in around them and, as usual, they didn't talk. It suited Wonshik just fine, finding Taekwoon's standoffish aura to be instead warm and comforting. It felt so peaceful whenever it was just the two of them, as if the older man was warding away the darkness and any negative thoughts or emotions he might be feeling. He was loath to finish decorating the snowman, all too aware that each stone lengthening its crooked smile brought their separation ever closer.

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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 25: Aigooooooo.... the love sick puppies...... so sweeeeeeeeetttttttttt ....
Chapter 25: Awwwwwww!! This is just so cute and heart warming! I so love WonTaek! I'm so so happy!!!
Chapter 22: LOl! Very good deduction Taek! As we all know, Wonshik is an oblivious guy! Hahaha
Chapter 15: Hakyeon and Hongbin teasing Wonshik was just so cute!!
Chapter 25: i regret not having read this earlier ;-;
Chapter 25: I wish I had found this fic sooner, then maybe my Christmas wouldn't have been as lonely as it did lol. But anyway... Ahhhhhh... The fluffiness. The overall density of the two and the conspiracy going on between their roommates, sooo...cute.
faeriedust #8
Chapter 25: Oh my god this is so cute ;-;
I swear I can cry from the fluff. I LOVE IT :,D
Chapter 25: Oh, I can't but believe how cute the is!!!!! I'm so warm. Thank you~