23rd December

25 Days of December

All day, Wonshik had been doing everything possible to avoid Taekwoon – and Hakyeon – in wake of their exchange the day before. He was sure that the cause for his hostility must have been made plain by his quick exit and he still wasn't ready for another confrontation.

If given another chance, he'd known that Hakyeon wouldn't hesitate to stick his nose in again. Though, now that the party was in full swing, Wonshik wasn't in danger of being ambushed by him as he was much too busy drinking and mingling and playing host to be wasting time on patching up the rift between Wonshik and Taekwoon.

A few of Taekwoon's friends were there – Jaehwan included, much to Wonshik's chagrin – and so far, the older man had spent most of his time with them, only leaving whenever he needed to get another drink from the kitchen. Not that Wonshik was paying any attention.

He was busy nursing a beer of his own at the edge of the room, standing with Hongbin and one of his roommate's friends, a guy called Sanghyuk. They were engaged in an animated conversation that Wonshik wasn't listening to and he eventually downed his beer to give himself an excuse to escape to the kitchen. He wasn't pleased to find that Taekwoon followed him.

Wonshik did his best to ignore the older man as he opened a new bottle of beer, but he was blocking the exit when Wonshik turned to leave.

"Excuse me," he mumbled but Taekwoon ignored him.

"We need to talk."

"I'm not doing this now," Wonshik snapped, squeezing by him, but Taekwoon grabbed his sleeve.

"Then at least promise you'll stop avoiding me!"

"I'm not—"

"Oooooh!" Hakyeon cheered and Wonshik turned to him, bewildered, to see the man pointing up at the ceiling, a delighted grin on his face.

Wonshik and Taekwoon both followed the path of his finger and his body flushed hot and cold when he saw the mistletoe hanging from the top of the door frame that the two of them were standing directly under.

Taekwoon's hand was gone from his sleeve in a flash as he jumped back a step, moving so fast it was as if he'd been burned.

Wonshik was sure he could feel his heart shatter and, going by the way Taekwoon's eyes widened, it must have been clear on his face. He turned away and stormed across the room to Hongbin, standing with his back to the kitchen doorway.

Hongbin reached over and gave his arm a comforting squeeze.

Wonshik forced a smile in return, though he knew it didn't reach his eyes. He was counting down the minutes until it would be acceptable for him to leave, glad to be living just across the hall as it meant an easy escape. However, as it was Hakyeon throwing the party, he knew if he didn't stick around to the end he'd never hear the end of it. Hakyeon was sensitive about things like that.

An agonising half an hour passed of sneaking glances at Taekwoon – who was growing increasingly tipsy – until more cheers sounded and Wonshik reflexively turned towards the kitchen doorway to see Jaehwan and Taekwoon beneath it. Taekwoon tried to take a step back again but Jaehwan – who was swaying on his feet – reached out and grabbed him, yanking him in to plant a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

Wonshik could see Taekwoon wince before their eyes met over Jaehwan's shoulder and he could have sworn that Taekwoon's gaze was filled with an apology.

Hakyeon hurried forwards and tore them apart, a shrill laugh sounding past his lips as he dragged Taekwoon away. They shared a hissed conversation in the corner of the room as Wonshik watched. It ended with Taekwoon scowling and stalking back into the kitchen.

After that, Wonshik didn't see him for a long while but when he finally emerged, he was far beyond tipsy. And he was coming straight for him, a determined glint in his hazy eyes.

Wonshik braced himself, scared for a moment that Taekwoon was going to hit him, but then Taekwoon placed a hand on either side of his face and smashed their lips together and all of his worry melted away.

He was only vaguely aware of wolf whistles filling the room, too focused instead on the soft, plush mouth against his. Shutting his eyes after a moment of shock, he lifted a hand to clutch at the collar of Taekwoon's shirt, leaning closer as Taekwoon tried to withdraw.

"For the mistletoe," the man breathed between their lips before he leant his forehead against Wonshik's shoulder and began to sag dangerously. Hakyeon was quick to help him support Taekwoon's weight.

"Let's get him to bed," Hakyeon said, trying – and failing – to suppress a satisfied smile.

With a lot of struggling and coaxing, they managed to get him to his room and on his mattress, rolling him onto his side.

Hakyeon was quick to leave and shut the door, though Wonshik wasn't sure what the man thought was going to happen. Taekwoon was out cold.

Regardless, he wasn't eager to rejoin the party so soon and sat on the bed beside him.

A familiar image on Taekwoon's bedside table caught his eye and he felt warmth spread all the way down to his toes when he saw it was the Christmas card he'd given him, taking pride of place.

He stared down at Taekwoon for a few long moments, reaching out to sweep his hair from his forehead. Leaning down, he placed a kiss to his temple and then moved lower to brush his lips, feather light, against Taekwoon's.

He just prayed he would remember their kiss the next morning.

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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 25: Aigooooooo.... the love sick puppies...... so sweeeeeeeeetttttttttt ....
Chapter 25: Awwwwwww!! This is just so cute and heart warming! I so love WonTaek! I'm so so happy!!!
Chapter 22: LOl! Very good deduction Taek! As we all know, Wonshik is an oblivious guy! Hahaha
Chapter 15: Hakyeon and Hongbin teasing Wonshik was just so cute!!
Chapter 25: i regret not having read this earlier ;-;
Chapter 25: I wish I had found this fic sooner, then maybe my Christmas wouldn't have been as lonely as it did lol. But anyway... Ahhhhhh... The fluffiness. The overall density of the two and the conspiracy going on between their roommates, sooo...cute.
faeriedust #8
Chapter 25: Oh my god this is so cute ;-;
I swear I can cry from the fluff. I LOVE IT :,D
Chapter 25: Oh, I can't but believe how cute the is!!!!! I'm so warm. Thank you~