

"But he's nice I swear!" 

"You clearly don't know him, Jongdae," Jongin says, shaking his head, "he's a horrible person, and I honestly don't understand why he has friends at all,"

"Because he's a cool guy. The only time he's not cool is when he's talking about you. Why can't you guys just get over it? That thing happened years ago, like five whole years ago! Let it go~" Jongdae starts singing, his dreaful voice loud enough for other people in the hallway to hear.

" off, Jongdae," Jongin covers Jongdae's mouth with his hand, muffling his best friend into silence, or as near to silence as Jongdae will ever get. 

"Jongin, why are you accosting our poor baby Jongdae?" Joonmyeon materialises out of nowhere, leading Minseok and Luhan in a triangle formation. He rescues 'poor baby Jongdae' and pulls him into an exaggerated embrace, his hair and pouting at his assailant. Jongdae glows under the attention, sending Jongin gloating looks and curling into his crush's side.

"Because he was talking about that guy," Jongin grumbles, reaching into his locker and pretending to rummage around for something. There's only two books in there, so this consists of him switching their order in the pile a few times.

"You mean Kyung-" Jongdae pinches his arm, effectively cutting him off. Joonmyeon nods in understanding. Jongin is clearly not in the mood to be thinking about his rival right now. Jongin hates his guts, from the moment he met the he's hated his guts. 


It all started five years ago, when they were thirteen. Jongin had spent hours and hours drawing a picture for a competition, and even though it wasn't very good, he was still really proud of it. He'd carried it into school, rolled up into a tube with an elastic band wrapped around it to keep it safe. He'd arrived at school a little late, because he'd been taking such good care of his masterpiece, and had unrolled it to show his friend, but someone had bumped him from behind, and he'd dropped it.

Jongin had rushed to pick it up, but it was too late, someone had already stood on it. There was a huge muddy footprint in the middle of it, which was a feat of itself since it was sunny, and therefore no mud to be found anywhere. In that moment, Jongin's heart had broken. Shattered into a thousand pieces. He'd looked up to see the culprit and narrowed his eyes at a short haired, startled looking boy.

"You stepped on my drawing!" Jongin had cried in outrage. The boy had frowned.

"It was your fault," he'd replied defensively, "you shouldn't have dropped it!"

"I was pushed! You should have been looking where you were going!" There were tears in Jongin's eyes at this point, he was so frustrated. Why didn't he just apologise? Any other person would have, for destroying someone's work like this.

"Next time, don't drop it, and I won't step on it." The short boy had sneered. Jongin had had it. With an enraged squawk, he's pushed the boy backward and screamed,

"I hate you!"

To add insult to injury Kyungsoo had ended up winning the competition.

It wasn't until a few weeks later that Jongin learned his name was Kyungsoo. And by then, he'd found out that he was in almost all of his classes. It was the beginning of a nightmare.


He glares into the pitch black of the back of his locker and sighs. It wasn't his fault at all. He almost slams the locker shut, but stops himself at the last minute, unwilling to cause a scene. Or more of a scene than they're already causing, with Jongdae snuggling up to Joonmyeon so ostentatiously. Then he sees the person he's made his life goal to either avoid, or failing that, annoy. 

"Hey, Jongin how about we get moving- ah too late he's seen him," Jongdae sulks, resting his forehead on a somewhat bemused Joonmyeon. Kyungsoo catches Jongin's eye and his expression goes from happy to angry in less than an instant. He tears a path through the masses and stops about a foot from Jongin,

"What're you looking at?" Kyungsoo growls, his head tilting up to look into Jongin's eyes, since Jongin grew taller than him last summer. Jongin loves lording his height over his nemesis.

"That's a little cliche, don't you think? Can't you come up with something better than that?" Jongin folds his arms and looks down at him. This only succeeds in fueling Kyungsoo's fury, obvious in the way his eyebrows come down until they almost meet at the centre. Jongin smirks.

"I have had it with your snark. You're such an arrogant little , always poking your fat ing nose into other people's problems, why can't you just out?" His adversary snarls.

"Wow, calm down. I didn't even do anything. Why did you even come over here anyway, you ? I was stood here, minding my own business, and then you had to come over and ruin the ing peace. So if anyone is poking their 'fat ing nose' into other people's problems, it's you," 

" you," 

He thinks he hears someone outside his line of sight- which consists of Kyungsoo Kyungsoo Kyungsoo- say, "look how close they are, oh my god," but he ignores them in favour of the loathing pulsing in his mind at the repulsive sight before him.

"A little short on words today, are we? off. There, I dumbed it down for you,"

"I don't think you realise just how stupid you really are," Kyungsoo whispers menacingly, but Jongin isn't scared. Hasn't been since he grew to the same height as him. He repeats himself, slower this time, relishing in watching Kyungsoo seethe, the anger pouring out of his eyes in boiling waves, but Jongin is immune. Growling quietly, Kyungsoo tears away, rampaging down towards the maths block and scaring some younger students. Jongin counts this as a victory.

He looks to his friends to share the triumph, but they are already looking at him with smug faces. Every single one of them.

"Ok, what joke am I missing?" Jongin asks cautiosly, the wind in his metaphoric sails deflating with a prrpht sound.

"Did you realise you were about an inch from kissing him then?" Jongdae inquires loftily, with the air of someone inspecting their fingernails. Of course, he wouldn't do that at the moment, because that would mean letting go of Joonmyeon.

"No, because I wasn't," Jongin replies, feeling his ire returning.

"You were," chorus Minseok and Luhan. Jongin glares at them, then rolls his eyes. He checks his phone for the time, but to his dismay it's only half way through the day so he's stuck with these guys for another few hours.

"You guys should date," Jongdae suggests, too casually to have just thought of it. Jongin laughs loudly,

"You want me to date my arch nemesis? You must be joking,"

"I'm actually not. If you would just get over that thing- which happened five years ago- I think you two would get along really well. Not to mention the you guys have got going on." The other all nod in agreement, but Jongin scoffs.

"I can't believe you guys. That's disgusting," Just the thought of Kyungsoo makes his blood boil, he would never date anyone like him. He violently shoves both his books in his bag, even though he only needs one of them, then turns and stalks off in the opposite direction to where Kyungsoo went, unable to even withstand the idea of breathing the same air as that at the moment.

When he finally thinks he's a safe distance away, he runs his hands through his fringe and ruffles his hair. God, dealing with Kyungsoo is so stressful. He can't just forgive him, it's not that easy. Maybe if the guy had apologised that day, things wouldn't have turned out like this, but he didn't so this is the way it is. And he's not going to cave just because his friends think he's 'nice'. No way.


Jongin is in a much better mood today. For one thing, he hasn't seen Kyungsoo once today, and another, he got good marks for that science mock he did last week. Right now he's walking to the canteen with Jongdae, intent on spending more money than he normally would there to buy a cake. One of the nice ones, with sprinkles. His stomach growls just thinking about it.

"Hey, Jongin?" Jongdae asks,


"You sure you haven't reconsidered that dating Kyungsoo thing?" His stomach sinks. And here he thought he could make one day without mention of that prick. Oh well, he'll still get that cake,

"I will never date that ,"

"You sure?" Jongdae grins at him, looking like he knows something Jongin doesn't.

"One hundred percent- whoa!" Jongdae pushes him into a closet, and Luhan springs from nowhere and shuts the door on him, leaving him in pitch darkness. He hears the click of a lock and realises he's locked in here.

"What the are you playing at?!" He yells, banging on the door. The only response he gets is laughter, and he's sure he can hear multiple voices. So much for this being a good day. His friends are unbelievable; playing practical jokes like this is for twelve year olds. He hammers on the door again.

"We're not letting you out until you've settled your differences," Jongdae, apparently the spokesperson of this betrayal, informs him. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"No, you're gonna let me out now!

"Oh give it a rest," a disdainful but familliar voice murmurs from somehwere in the shadows behind him. He swivels in shocks, plastering himself against the immovable door,



"What the are you doing here?" Jongin's voice has reached an embarrassingly high pitch. He clears his throat to try and fix it.

"I'm here for the same reason you are. Apparently both our friends think we should hook up," even though Jongin can't see him, he knows exactly what face Kyungsoo made.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Jongin retorts contemptuously.

"ing hell," Kyungsoo complains, "stop acting like a whiny baby and grow some balls, will you?" Indignant, Jongin unpeels his body from the wall and makes to move closer to where he can hear Kyungsoo's annoying voice emanating from,

"Rich coming from you. How many times have I asked for an apology and still not received one? I think it's you who needs to man up, and ing get over yourself," 

"Get over myself? That was so long ago, why can't you just drop it? I was fourteen!"

"That's no excuse!"

"Yes it is!" Jongin can feel Kyungsoo's body close to him, the electricity bouncing between them.

Both of them rarely get physical, mostly for the fear of getting into trouble with teachers and then having to serve detention together, but now Jongin finds himself incapable of resisting.  He grabs Kyungsoo by the collar of his t-shirt and yanks him.

"If you had just apologised then none of this would've happened! It's all your fault!" 

Struggling to get free, Kyungsoo pushes Jongin's shoulders, breaking loose. In doing so he starts to fall backwards, and in the dark he must've panicked or something, because he grapples Jongin's clothing and brings him down too. They land with a mighty crash into a pile of cleaning supplies that jab into Jongin's arms. He wonders if Kyungsoo is ok, but then remembers he doesn't care.

When he hears Kyungsoo moan beneath him, he's startled by the effect it has on him. This is when he notices their position, too: he is crouching over his arch nemesis with their bodies pressed together. Too close for comfort. Jongin can feel Kyungsoo's chest rising and falling under him. Why does that excite him? 

"Ow" Kyungsoo complains, shifting around. 

"Don't.  Don't do that, " Jongin commands while trying to think of a way to get upright with as little bodily contract as possible. In his fervor to get away he accidentally elbows a mop over and sends it hurtling towards him. It hits him across the shoulders and makes his entire body jerk down with the force.

His lips touch Kyungsoo's for the briefest moment. 

He squawks and flails, sitting up on Kyungsoo's abdomen with his hands clamped over his mouth. 

"What the hell?" Kyungsoo says, starting to sit up too. Jongin just squeaks again.  "What is that reaction? " he scoffs. Jongin doesn't move, doesn't breathe. He can't tell Kyungsoo, he just can't.  He squirms, in an attempt to right himself, but the move only succeeds in rubbing their crotches together, so he stills. 

"Was I- was I your first kiss?" Kyungsoo sounds bewildered, "I was, wasn't I?! Oh my god!" 

"Shut up , that doesn't count!" Jongin excalaims, removing his hands from his mouth. Suddenly, hands are gripping his shoulders tightly, yanking him down painfully, and there are soft lips pressing against his again, only this time harder. Jongin makes a weird noise that he would neither be able to describe nor repeat, and freezes with Kyungsoo's mouth insistently moving his mouth against his. 

Kyungsoo is kissing him. This does not compute. Should he punch him? He ought to punch him, he's kissing him, for 's sake. Right after he made fun of him for never having kissed anyone, no less! But right alongside that violent urge, is another, even more inexplicable compulsion. The desire to kiss him back.  

But then what if this is just a joke, and the moment Jongin starts to kiss back, he'll pull away and laugh at him for being bad at it? Or for falling for it? In the midst of these thoughts, his eyes flutter shut, and the palms of his hands end up resting lightly on Kyungsoo's shoulders. Taking this as a sign of consent, maybe, Kyungsoo slips his tongue inside Jongin's mouth, causing more existential crises on Jongin's part.

Why is Kyungsoo kissing him? Why is he letting him? Is he enjoying this? He mindlessly tilts his head to the side, to give Kyungsoo better access, then realises he's submitting to him, letting him get away with this. His eyes flash open and he feels the rage he'd had earlier flooding back. How dare Kyungsoo take advantage of him like this! Instead of pulling away and wiping his mouth like he might have done if he were thinking rationally (and don't ask him why he wasn't) he pushes Kyungsoo back down until he's lying on the floor and roughly kisses him, using all of his non existent talent.

Their mouths slide together violently, and their teeth click together, muffling the noises both of them make. With a grunt, Kyungsoo bucks upward, still not breaking the kiss, making Jongin groan much louder than he had before, and it almost jerks him out of whatever cloudy stupor Kyungsoo's got him under, but not quite. Kyungsoo does it again, harder, and succeeds in toppling them both over, reversing their positions.

Jongin growls, and pulls Kyungsoo's hair, holding Kyungsoo still so he can shove his tongue inside, harshly roving his it over his teeth, tasting chocolate. He can only hope, in the deepest corners of his mind, that he isn't doing a terrible job of this. He only realises that Kyungsoo is lying between his legs when he rolls his hips down, causing him to accidentally bite Kyungsoo's lip, making him bleed.

He jerks away, breathing heavily. Jongin is hypnotised by the sound of his breaths, and wonders what he looks like right now. Would he have red lips? He'd have messy hair for sure, since he pulled it, and he'd probably have flushed cheeks- he knows. Imagining Kyungsoo like this sends tingling sensations through him, stirring up something inside of him that he unconciously keeps locked away. 

"You- you're gay? You kissed me!" Jongin accuses, saying the first thing he can think of to take his mind away from the impending fear that he is starting to get a hard on from the fantasy of a just-kissed Kyungsoo. No, no! He's his arch nemesis, he can't think of him any other way than that. It will mess up the balance of the universe, and everything will be ruined.

"U-um. I might be?" He sounds just as confused as him, Jongin notes, "what about you? You kissed me back."

"I-I don't know," Jongin lies. He knew he was at least a little bit attracted to guys. But not Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo isn't the least bit attractive, he reasons. His body tells him otherwise, however. It's strange to talk to Kyungsoo at a normal volume, without shouting at him. He never noticed how nice his voice was before-no! Stop that! He can't keep doing this, he needs- he needs to get out of here.

Scrambling upright, he only manages to knock down more cleaning equipment, burying them under a pile of heavy bottles of anti-bacterial fluid.

"Stay still you ing idiot!" Kyungsoo reverts back to shouting, crouched right next to Jongin's ear, "You're going to bring the whole lot down on us. Ugh, you're so stupid," he says, but there's no real venom in his voice, only a tired exasperation.

"I'm not stupid. If anyone's stupid, you are, you ruined my drawing," Jongin mumbles petulantly. Kyungsoo is so close, too close, it's almost like they're hugging. Which is weird.

"Will you get over that? It was an accident. I'm sorry, ok? Does that make anything better?" Kyungsoo says, with the tone of one long suffering. 

"...I'll think about it," Jongin mutters grumpily. Wy would Kyungsoo suddenly give in after so long? Nothing makes sense to Jongin anymore. Inexplicably, he feels the need to say something, anything, to dissolve the awkward atmosphere that's rolling in and beginning to encompass the pair of them. Not to mention the weight that's crushing him into the hard ground. 

"How long do you think we're going to be stuck in here?" His nemesis sighs. 

"They said not until we've 'settled our differences'" Jongin makes a face, and rolls his shoulders since he's starting to go numb. 

"Right. Well considering you're a stubborn , and that's not likely to ever happen, maybe we should just clear up some of this stuff you knocked over. Clumsy." 

" you. Get off me," Jongin shoves at Kyungsoo, but there's nowhere to push him to. Kyungsoo swipes at his arms, futilely,

"Stop it. Jesus christ, you're such a child. Just stay still and let me deal with the mess you've made." He complains, wiggling around on top of him and causing Jongin all sorts of problems as he picks up heavy things and puts them back on shelves.

Jongin can feel himself getting flustered once more. Kyungsoo is warm, and the unintentional friction of him rubbing his against Jongin's is driving him crazy, and he's getting hard all over again. Kyungsoo leans forward to replace the mop that had originally fallen on Jongin and made them kiss that first time, and seemingly by accident rolls his hips against Jongin's. Surely that can't be necessary? It would totally be easier if he just got up, or went on his knees, there's no reason at all to stay in that one place. 

"Kyungsoo," Jongin warns. In response, Kyungsoo slowly and deliberately presses their crotches together. Jongin gasps, hands darting out to grab his waist. Kyungsoo is hard too. 

"You know what, you. Why do you always have to go parading around in skin-ing-tight clothes and being hot all the time, huh? Is it not enough that you're an to me and cool with everyone else, but you've gotta be ridiculously attractive too?" He punctuates his complaint with more grinding against him. Jongin, who was having trouble thinking clearly to begin with, is losing his mind now. He answers stupidy with,


"You're such a ing idiot! I like you!" The world tilts on it's axis.

Before Jongin can even say 'what?' Kyungsoo is fervently kissing him again. Rather than fighting- Jongin's sick of fighting- he relaxes and allows Kyungsoo to slip his tongue into his mouth. Hesitantly, because Kyungsoo could still turn around and laugh in his face, he rests his palms gently on Kyungsoo's waist. Ha, 'gently' and 'Kyungsoo' are two words he never thought he'd use in the same sentence.

Kyungsoo grinds against him, into his mouth. Jongin never thought that would be such a turn on. Daringly, Jongin lets his hands journey lower, until his little fingers are almost touching his . Kyungsoo pulls away from his mouth, and Jongin feels an absurd sense of loss, but not for long, because only a second later he's his adam's apple. Jongin bucks upward, and gasps quietly. Kyungsoo leaves a wet trail all the way down to his slightly exposed collarbone, and among his wildly lust-filled thoughts, he wonders if this feels a little, well romantic. For being locked in a dark cleaning closet, that is.

A click from somewhere reminds him that there are actually other people out there, not just himself and Kyungsoo,

"Ok, so we haven't heard you shouting for a while so we thought- Oh my god!" Jongdae shrieks. Kyungsoo jumps to his feet and wipes his mouth contritely. Jongin closes his legs and covers his , mortified. He his lips. They still taste like Kyungsoo.

"We weren't doing anything," Kyungsoo says, voice wobbly. Jongdae folds his arms, and stares him down.

"No. You to were just making out. No big deal," 

"They were what?" Luhan leans around the door, silhouetted by the light coming from the hallway, but there's no mistaking that gleeful grin. Jongin subtly sits up, making an effort to cover his alarming , and keeps his head down. A pregnant silence ensues, probably with everyone looking expectantly at Jongin to explain everything, but he's too embarrassed to look up.

"Ugh. Get out the way," Kyungsoo snarls, and Luhan's cry of 'oof' coupled with angry footsteps signal his departure.


Jongin sits at the lunch table, exhausted. He got very little sleep last night, his brain buzzing with thoughts of Kyungsoo.

So his arch nemesis likes him. He thinks about how they've always been pushed together, from that time when they were made to do a project together, to when they realised their friends were friends and had to sit at the same table almost every day. He has to admit, he can't imagine life without him, and his current absence feels like a gaping hole. What the is wrong with him?

"You like him. Admit it." Jongdae nudges him. 

"I don't," He replies, mostly out of reflex, since he lacks his usual vehemence. But does he?

"Yes you do, Jongin. We caught you to going at it like rabbits. Or, well, I'm sure you would have been if we'd left you there any longer."

"Stop it," Jongin sulks, covering his face. Jongdae waits a moment,

"You know, it's ok to give in. Also, I know where Kyungsoo is right now." he whispers conspiratorially. Jongin looks up,



Kyungsoo is stewing in the library. He made a colossal mistake yesterday. How on earth could he have let things get so out of hand? One second they were fighting like usual, keeping the status quo, and the next thing he knew, they were making out and it was amazing. He'd imagined it so many times, and yes: the fantasy never lived up to the real thing, but he should never have done it. He should have known Jongin would never feel the same way he did. God, he's so stupid.

He can never show his face to Jongin ever again.


It's Jongin, he'd recognise that voice anywhere. What's he doing here? Kyungsoo panics,

"Go. Away." 

"I'm here to apologise," Jongin sounds almost as tired as Kyungsoo feels.

"Don't want your apologies, ," 

"Really? That's obviously a lie. Look, you said you like me yesterday, and I-"

"Don't want to hear it," Kyungsoo starts to pack up his things, and gets up, but Jongin stops him, putting his leg out so he can't escape.

"Seriously? Just sit down and let me talk." Kyungsoo glares at him, one step away from hitting him, but sits down anyway.

"So talk." Kyungsoo says, nose in the air to disguise the sinking feeling that he's about to be rejected.

"Before you said you liked me, I thought we hated each other. And I'm still...confused now, because it never even occured to me that we'd ever be anything except enemies. But I thought about it, all night, a-and. I don't want you to disappear. I-I mean," Jongin sighs, and pinches his nose, "we could..." He trails off in a mumble and Kyungsoo can't hear him,


"I said: date me!" He shouts. Several people in the library turn around, sniggering,

"...What?" Is this real? Kyungsoo looks into Jongin's earnest eyes, and realises, he's not lying.

"It's going to be really weird, but I thought. Maybe we could, like, start by getting a-a milkshake or- you know what nevermind this was a stupid idea," he starts to flee,

"Sit." Kyungsoo commands. Jongin obeys meekly. "I'm free after school today." He announces. Jongin looks up with that dazzling smile smile that melts his insides. And this time it's directed at him! He half smiles back.


Jongdae finds them later, making out against one of the bookshelves.

*sings* this was out of my comfort zone~

i cant do rough anything all my kisses are cutesy or awkward jade why u make me do dis


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Chapter 1: Djjdjdjdjjd sooooo cuteeee
ireadanything #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!!
Chapter 1: This was so sfhhdssf I loveddddddd
virghouls #4
Chapter 1: sCUTE
Chapter 1: I loved this!!!!!!!! <33333 I'd love reading a second part.
Klexosopia #7
Chapter 1: jongdae at the end LOL
pinglis1 #8
Chapter 1: more More MORE!!
creamjongin #9
Chapter 1: hehehe I love this so much
eddicosta #10
Re-reading this bc it never gets old!!! <3