Lost Soul




A sad and lonely Zitao. A refreshed and brand new Yi Fan.

Author's note:

I wrote this a while back. But it was so hard to write and so painful to end that I just didn't end it. Probably because I don't know how to end something I never ended myself. Probably because all I could think while I was writing this was my old muses.... and I don't want to write an ending. Because there is none.




Zitao and Yi Fan



-Just sadness.


Word count:

Around 3k



Everyone has a soul.


There’s nothing spiritual, or religious about believing such a thing; it is a simple fact that humans come to acknowledge as they grow up. It is explained by the emptiness we sometimes feel within without physically being so explicitly emptied of your own guts. The nothingness you feel, the ache, that is a soul. If you do not feel, you have no soul.



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eris_0068 #1
Chapter 1: Deym, my heart.
Chapter 1: I feel u! TTT_TTT I love this but it's so heartbreaking . . . . .