Chapter 8

Memoirs from the Past

Chapter 8


“Are you sure that you want to go through this?” Sue asked as we made our way back to the lobby.

“Yes,” I nodded.

Before I could leave my room, Sue gave me a little speech about how much I’m risking if I get caught. She told me that the worst would be me getting thrown out of the Academy. I don’t want to have P-Goon think that he’s getting to me and making me weak. If I get caught, I want him to know that I don’t give up easily. Besides, he is so worried about this book, that maybe he’ll just forget about me for a bit. But I understood why he doesn’t want the younger ones to know about what happened here in the past. Marikan was normal; until he somehow found a way to bend the rules and create new powers. I decided to tell Sue about what I read and she slowly nodded her head while confessing that what happened was true. I tried to ask her if she asked Clara about it, but Sue probably didn’t know about it at that time of talking to her.

Another thing I told her was P-Goon and the rest of being the descendants of the Original 12. I told her that I figured that out on my own, which she was happy for me. Sue told me that they would hide their purpose of the school by becoming some sort of ‘student council’; which was what I thought they were in. And I’m going to lie when I say that they can pull it off.

“I wish I could tell you more about the security, but I don’t even know what it’s going to be like.” Sue told me as we entered the elevator.

“You did the best that you could do.” I nodded. “And I thank you.”

The way down was silent and I could feel an awkward, almost incomplete, atmosphere between us. I bit my lip as the doors opened to the empty lobby. Everyone was supposed to be in their rooms soon, so the sooner I got out, the better. I turned towards Sue and she just shook her head.

“What?” I asked looking down at myself.

“You are not going to go out in that.” She said as she went behind the counter and started to look through things.

“What’s wrong with this?” I asked.

It was like she was my mom dressing her daughter before she went out on a date or a night out with friends.

“It just…it’s not good enough.” She continued as she popped up from behind the counter with a piece of thick clothing in her hand. Taking the handbag off, she told me to raise my arms as she put over the gray hoodie. “If you get caught, you can try to cover yourself in this. It’s supposed to rain, anyway, wouldn’t want you to get a cold.”

 “Thank you,” I smiled as I put it on over my uniform. The bell rang indicating the end of the day. Sue looked at me and nodded.

“Go before you get noticed by the students. If P-Goon comes here, I’ll stall.” She explained. I was going to say something, but she just pushed me out the door, encouraging me to get going. The Academy was right in front of me as I saw students piling out of the door. I slowly made my way towards the other side of the building where there was another dorm building, but behind there was the beginning of a forest. The closer I got to it, the faster the students were coming my way. My feet were pounding against the ground as I quickly hid in a few bushes. Just as I did, the students were heading towards the buildings. As soon as I got comfortable, I felt something cut my leg. Before I could look, I noticed that one of the bushes in front of me was a rose bush. I cursed underneath my breath as I slowly brought my leg back and saw a trail of blood run down. There was nothing in the bag, so the only thing to do was endure the pain.

“This is useless.” I whispered as I finally got comfortable as I waited for everyone to get into the buildings. It’s been at least an hour before everyone was in their dorms. Getting up from my spot, I stepped over the rose bush and my wound stopped bleeding. It looked like I was in the clear, but when I could hear some footsteps near me, I stopped in my tracks.

“Hansol, does she know?” Yano’s voice could be heard.

“Oh, hell,” I sighed as I quickly made my way back to my hiding spot, this time avoiding the rose bush.

“No. I couldn’t talk to her!” Hansol’s voice came in, and then just a few seconds later, they both appeared right in front of me. Hansol’s back was facing me and I could see a concern look on Yano’s face. What was going on? “She didn’t want to talk to me!”

“Well, she has to know that it’s not your fault!” Yano argued.

“Why didn’t you tell her? She was in your last class!” Hansol sighed.

“She didn’t feel good, I couldn’t!” Yano told Hansol. “Look, whenever you see her, just tell her that it was me who had to tell Seogoong, alright? I…I don’t want to see her face when she finds out.”

Was this why Hansol wanted to talk to me? And I totally pushed him aside… But Yano…he said he had to tell…was he forced?

“Yeah, whenever that happens.” I could see Hansol bringing his arms in front of him. “They probably already guessed that it was me.”

He was right. Hojoon and A-Tom were discussing that at the end of lunch, and it sounded like it was Hansol.

“I already made the impression that I did something before I left them alone in the cafeteria,” Hansol said as they both started to walk away. “Besides, I was already mad at what happened before that.”

“What happened?” Yano asked.

But they got too far away for me to hear their conversation. Was Hansol still mad over the teacher change? Or maybe it was the fight that we had? Who knows, but I do want to find out. Getting out from my hiding spot, I finally made my way to the Academy’s front doors. I made sure that Hansol was far away enough so he wouldn’t hear my footsteps; remember Water has good hearing. I was surprised that there was no one walking around the grounds. But how come it seemed too simple? Before I made my way around the front of the building, I heard more footsteps. Pressing my back against the wall, I prayed that they wouldn’t round the corner. It was more than one person walking, and the footsteps became louder. My heart rate sped up, but when I felt a raindrop on my leg, the footsteps stopped.

“Ah, damn, it’s raining.” I recognized Seogoong’s voice.

“Don’t worry about it.” Another voice, one that didn’t exactly sound familiar to me, said. “They probably need the water, anyway.”

Seogoong sighed as I heard the two boys walking the opposite direction. I sighed in relief as I turned the corner and before I entered the Academy, off in the distance and behind some fog I saw a piece of the grounds that was covered in ice, it even reached up to some trunks of trees. What happened? It didn’t seem to be melting…maybe some of the Water students did some ice practice? But then I remembered that Hansol stormed off from the cafeteria. And the last time I saw him mad little snowflakes were floating around him. Did he just explode from whatever was bothering him and just exploded his powers? I tried not to think about Hansol being angry and letting his anger out on his powers as I entered the Academy. Empty. Not a student or teacher in sight.

“But…this can’t be right…” I whispered as I slowly made my way towards the stairs. But then something hit me. There had to be something there. I put my hand against the bag and I felt something else in there. I opened up to see that there was powder used for make-up next to the book. Sue must’ve put it in there when I wasn’t looking. But…how did she know? Taking it out, I blew on the powder and, just like I expected, green lines were crisscrossing each other up the stairs. I knew that there had to be a twist. I studied the lines and thought of all of the possible ways to get past it, but who was I kidding? There was absolutely no way that anyone can get through these lines! One wrong step and alarms would go off. It felt as if I was Alice trying to get through the door when she grew big when she first entered Wonderland. And I knew that a little bottle with the words “Drink Me” wasn’t going to help.

Think of another way…there had to be another way up to the second floor! I rounded the corner to where the portraits of the Original 12 were. If I knew what happened in movies, there was a hidden passageway behind one of them. But the struggle of me trying to lift it wasn’t working out so well. I can’t give up, though. Heading off into the History wing, I headed into Mr. Edwards classroom. I don’t know why, but something told me to come into the classroom. The desks were flipped over and the chairs were stacked on top of each other in the back. But one thing that stood out from the rest was the messy desk and the closet; they’ve been completely raided. Textbooks upon textbooks were stacked on the desk; the drawers were completely ripped out. Were…were they searching the classrooms as well?

“Nothing in Mrs. Riley’s classroom,” I heard an all too familiar voice; Hojoon. My heart beat was racing rapidly as I hid behind the desk in Mr. Edward’s room and I could hear someone sigh.

“If that stupid girl doesn’t have it, then who in the world would?” P-Goon said. Of course it would be him.

I thought that Sue said that they were having an early library check. But maybe they had to check the teacher’s rooms just in case.

“Relax, P-Goon, the book will show up sooner or later. Trinity can’t have it, she wouldn’t know the password.” Hojoon said as he voice was getting closer.

“That’s what Sue said…” P-Goon explained. “I still don’t believe her. Look,” I turned around to see through the space that was in the middle of the desk, and by this time, they were in front of the doorway. P-Goon had his hand on Hojoon’s shoulder as he was playing with his fingers, taking out the tension. It made Hojoon look cute, but I could see the nervousness in his eyes and I could see his hands were still wrapped. Why weren’t his hands healing faster? “If Trinity has it…if she does, more rules will be placed, do you understand? And this time, it will be placed around her. No one, and I mean no one, should know the dark history of this place so early upon arriving here.” P-Goon’s glare starred straight at Hojoon as he simply nodded his head and slightly biting his bottom lip. His gaze relaxed as he straightened out Hojoon’s uniform. “You are free to leave. Thank you for your help on our check. Jenissi and I are still hanging around here if you need anything.”

Hojoon bowed his head as he made his way out towards the entrance. The way that he was talking to Hojoon was set on, yet understanding. Maybe…maybe because Hojoon was nervous when P-Goon was like that to him that he pushed himself instead of the other way around. But that was foolish of me; P-Goon always wants it to go his way no matter what. He had to push him; otherwise Hojoon wouldn’t have told me that quote from earlier. I couldn’t move until P-Goon moved from the door, but he decided to come into the room instead. My eyes didn’t move from him. As he slowly made his way towards the desk, the more I ducked beneath it. I steadied my breathing as I could hear books moving to the top of the desk. Pages were being flipped and along with the noise of heavy sighs.

“Dammit,” he whispered followed by a ripping noise. He…he ripped a page from one of the books! “How did I not notice that before?”

“P-Goon!” A voice came from the doorway. I couldn’t tell who it was as the voice wasn’t recognizable. “It’s time, let’s head to the library.”

“Right,” P-Goon said as he closed the book and walked out of the room, closing the door.

A sigh came out of my mouth as I leaned my head back against the desk. That was a close call; if P-Goon would just lean a little bit further, he would’ve saw me. Note to self; choose better hiding places. How in the world was I going to get to the library when they were there, both inside and out? Well, no use to sitting around. As soon as I got out, I checked everything in the room for any secret passage way, but there was no use. Too bad there wasn’t any cliché passage ways that was behind a closet or something like that.

I left the classroom in a negative note as I checked the hallway, thankfully there wasn’t anyone here. The end of the hallway was dark, but I knew that there wasn’t anything but a wall. But the second that I walked away from it, something told me to go towards it, like a force pulling me back.

“What the…” I whispered as I looked back at the darkened wall. I squinted my eyes by only a little, and I could see an opening the size of a door. Well, there was no going back now. Heading off towards the opening, I saw that there wasn’t a door in sight, but there was a hole. This wasn’t here before, otherwise students would be using it for whatever it was used for. Checking my surroundings, I stepped through the opening and found myself to see a short spiraling staircase leading up to another door. Only a lonely window was in the room, giving off some light. The brass railing was dusty, as if no one has used cleaned or used it in a while. Either that or they never used the railing. A wet moldy smell filled my nose and I tried my best not to breathe it in as much. I tried to not make any sound coming up the stairs as the noise echoed. The door at the top was nicely finished and it looked brand new, compared to the rest of the room. Its wood finish shined as if it was just cleaned.

Sure, clean that, but keep the rest as it was back in the day. There was no time to waste as I slowly opened up the door without a creak and I saw that I was at the other end of the hallway…of the second floor!

“See anything?” I heard P-Goon’s voice at the other end where the library is. His voice wasn’t loud, exactly, but it did echo. Closing the door, I rounded the corner and peeked at the end of the hallway. From where I was, I could see P-Goon standing at the entrance of the library with one of the doors opened.

“No, would you like to switch roles?” Another voice came from behind the door.

P-Goon nodded as he went inside the library and another member, the one who wore the sunglasses this morning, came out and started to walk the hallway. I cursed underneath my breath as I knew that I could get caught any moment.

“Remember, if you see anything; a student, the book, a teacher, let me know. I’ll yell for you if something is odd.” the boy told P-Goon.

As the boy was walking the hallway back and forth, my mind was slowly starting to figure out a plan. Maybe once he goes down the hallway where the staircase is, I could make a quick run for it, hoping that I won’t get caught by him or P-Goon. I was watching the boy walk the hallway, but he didn’t seem to go down the other hallway, like I planned. The more he walked, the more my heart rate would speed up, and the more it seemed like he was getting closer to me. My legs were itching to move from all of my adrenaline built up inside of me and it was bothering me how I couldn’t use it now.

“Ah, this is boring,” I heard the boy say as he stopped walking.

I quickly turned around and saw that he looked down the hallway that I wanted him to go down and he started to walk down there. Success! As he was out of range, I got into a crouching mode and I was light on my feet; although I wanted to go faster than what I was. The shadows were my best friend right now as I tried to cover myself just in case he was to turn around and see me. Moving my head towards the other hallway, I saw him look over where the main staircase was. His expression was shocked as he went over to the edge and I made my way further to the library as I found myself going into a sprint.

“P-GOON!” I heard him yell for him. “You got to see this!”

Just as I got to the doors to the library, I bumped into the last person that I wanted to see. We both fell to the floor with a loud thud noise as I heard P-Goon groan in frustration.

“God, Jenissi, you didn’t have to bump into me like-” but once he saw me make a run for it, he quickly got onto his feet and I knocked into the other member, who turned me around and held my hands behind my back.

YOU!” P-Goon glared as he put my hood down.

“Who were you expecting? Santa Claus?” I asked.

“You knew that you were going to get caught, so why did you come?” P-Goon asked ignoring my sarcastic response.

“Because…” I looked at him straight in the eyes. “You have to push yourself to prove yourself of your abilities. I want to show you how I’m not afraid.”

P-Goon sneered at me as he looked back at the staircase. “You ran after you bumped into me. You got caught. You didn’t prove anything.”

“Well, that wasn’t the way that I planned things, now, did I?” I asked. “I saw the chance and risked it. Was I going to get caught? Maybe, if it wasn’t for him to yell for you.”

“She must’ve snuck in from the passage.” Jenissi told P-Goon as he nudged his head over to where the green lines were still visible. P-Goon took the handbag off of me and looked inside.

“Hey, that’s my handbag! I was wondering where that went!” Jenissi said as P-Goon handed him the bag.

“You left it in the Biography section.” I whispered.

“So, you lied.” P-Goon said as he was holding the book very close to him. “Typical. Jenissi, bring her to the library.”

Jenissi made me walk with them to the library, his hands were still keeping hold of me, as I saw that they were the only ones in the library. They could run this whole library by themselves? By how huge it was, I would’ve thought that they were going to need more people to keep watch.

“Sit.” P-Goon told Jenissi, who plopped me down in a chair. He went over to the Biography section, typed in the secret code, well it wasn’t secret anymore, and returned the diary to its rightful place. He came back and leaned against the door, arms crossed.

“How much did you read?” He asked.

I couldn’t be afraid to whatever he had in store for me. There was no use to lying right now. “As much as I could.”

“P-Goon, she could know about-” Jenissi started.

“Then that means that you know about Marikan.” P-Goon shook his head.

“Yes,” I answered. “I know more history than what I wanted to know.”

P-Goon laughed and shook his head kneeling in front of me. “And you wonder why I don’t want people to know about this kind of stuff this early.”

“If you think that I’m going to become like him because I don’t know my sign…you are wrong.” I glared.

“Oh, really? How do I know if you’re lying?” He tilted his head.

“Trust me!” I raised my voice. “I would never, never, do what Marikan did!”

P-Goon smirked and got up, looking at Jenissi. “Trust you…that is the last thing I need to do now.”

“What’s the plan?” Jenissi asked.

“Group meeting, after we return her to her dorm room.” P-Goon said as Jenissi picked me up by underneath the arms. “Jenissi, remind me to change the code later.”

“Hey-” I started.

“New rules will be added. You will know about them tomorrow. I’m gathering the others; get her to her dorm room.” P-Goon said as he left the library.

“No! P-Goon, wait!” I shouted as I wanted to go after him, but Jenissi held me back. Well, it was probably better for him to do that than me going after him. P-Goon wouldn’t listen to me. Jenissi took me back down the main staircase, his hold having a tight grip on me.

“You can let go now,” I said.

Jenissi realized how tight his grip was and let go of my arm. “Sorry,” But then his hand went right back to a different part of my arm, but his grip wasn’t as hard. I gave him a ‘really?’ look as he shook his head.

“You really think that I’m going to have you walk back without any security? You might just run back to the library and enter the biography section.” Jenissi stated.

“Wow,” I sighed shaking my head. “You really think I’m going to learn more about what happened here in the past? My curiosity is already solved.”

“But what says that it won’t come back again?” He asked as we entered outside, the moonlight being covered in clouds. The rain has stopped and the scent of fresh grass and flowers filled my nose. I didn’t answer Jenissi’s question as he smiled. “I knew it.” One thing that I noticed about the boy was that he looked significantly older than P-Goon, and he was the leader. I was going to ask Jenissi how old he was and why he isn’t the leader, but that way he would know that I already know their purpose to the Academy. And I didn’t want them to freak out over that as much as they are over me reading the diary.

“Sorry,” I broke the awkward silence as we got to the entrance of my dorm. “At least you have your bag and your book back. That’s what P-Goon wanted, anyway.”

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it. We’ll see what P-Goon has in store for you.” Jenissi brought us in.

“Oh joy,” I rolled my eyes. “What delight.”

“You seem to have a lot of it.” Jenissi noted my sarcasm.

Sue played it calm as she turned around and saw Jenissi and I at the desk.

“Ah, Trinity, Jenissi, what are you doing here?” She tilted her head.

“I’m bringing you back a misbehaved student.” Jenissi said coldly.

“Oh?” She asked looking at me and I could see the disappointment in her eyes. I knew that I was going to get a big talk later from her. She told me I was going to get caught, but I risked it, and I blew it.

“She was caught around the Academy at the time she had to be in her dorm room,” Jenissi explained. Wait…why wasn’t he saying what actually happened? Sure, I wasn’t in my dorm room at the new time, but why didn’t he say what happened? Not that Sue could already figure out what happened.

“Ah, well, thank you, Jenissi,” She smiled as she came around the desk and brought me with along with her towards the elevator. Jenissi raised an eyebrow in curiosity as, even I could tell, that Sue was acting odd. “I will definitely look after her closer from now on. Thank you for returning her.”

“Yes, please do so. P-Goon isn’t having the best time with her right now.” Jenissi nodded. “Have a good night.” With that he left the building and once he was out of sight, Sue sighed, putting a hand on her forehead. Her eyes were closed and I could tell that she was trying to control herself.

“I told you,” She started.

“Sue, I-” I started, but she turned towards me and I could see the disappointment even more in her eyes, but not even that, I saw her being scared.

“No, Trinity!” her voice started to rise. “I told you that you would get caught, and you did! You should’ve just waited just like I advised.”

Sue aggressively pressed the button for my floor. “I can’t believe that you did that!”

“Like I had a choice!” I yelled.

Like you had a choice?!” She yelled back. “Trinity, you did!”

“But think about it, Sue! Either way I would get caught like you said!” I argued.

“Yes, but you probably would of had a better outcome!” She sighed. “With you sneaking around like that after it’s closed, you don’t know how much trouble you would get in instead of returning it when it was still opened! You don’t know if they are going to expel you for what you did!”

I knew that Sue was right about what she said. She did have a point about the outcome of me being caught in two different times of day.

“Well, they got their book back…” I whispered. “That’s all P-Goon seemed to care about at this moment…”

“That doesn’t matter…” she shook her head. “What matters is what’s going to happen to you. You can’t afford to get expelled from here! And you really think that’s all P-Goon cares about?! No, what he cares about is what students might do when they find out what Marikan did, especially if they are young.”

“But I won’t be like him! I don’t want to be like him!” I said. “And I won’t be expelled!”

“You don’t know that!” She explained. “P-Goon makes the rules around here…I’m sure that you already know that. You’re not supposed to know their purpose until you graduate.”

“Well, too late for that,” I sighed.

“Trinity, listen to me when I say that P-Goon does have the power to take you out of this Academy.” She put her hands on my shoulders and made me look at her.

“What? Did he have the power to put me in this Academy?” I asked.

Sue didn’t answer my question. Instead she dropped her arms to her side and had the look of confusion on her face.

“You know…” I said as I started to realize the same thing. “I don’t know if he did know about me coming here. It was as if when I first met him…he didn’t know who I was. He just called me the new student, no “Oh, you must be Trinity!”; even Hojoon knew my name before I told him. If P-Goon placed me in this Academy, you would think that he would know my name and everything…but he didn’t. It was like I was just placed here in this Academy randomly…like it was planned a long time ago.”

“Enough!” Sue shouted out of nowhere which made me jump. She saw the scared look on my face and hung her head as she rubbed her temple. “I’m sorry, Trinity, but can you not talk about… Nevermind. It’s late, you better get to bed.”

“Sorry, mom,” I whispered, trying not to have any sarcasm in it. In all honesty, it felt like she was giving me a lecture like my mom would back home.

Sue’s expression paused as the door came to an open on my floor. “What…what did you just say?” She asked looking at me.

“Uhm…sorry, mom?” I repeated in a question like way as to why she was being all weird of what I just whispered. “Did…did I say something wrong?”

Sue collected her breath and straightened up. “No, no you didn’t. Just…just go to your room. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

She lightly pushed me out of the elevator and quickly closed the doors, going back down to the main lobby. “Sue, wait!” But it was too late. I slowly made my way towards my room, knowing that tomorrow will be probably the worst day of my life. I broke a new rule, and what’s worse is that they found out the truth and they knew who it was. If I was to be expelled…I didn’t even want to think about it as I entered my room and I could see that the ice rose was still melting and the daisy was still wilting. I made a mental note in my mind to ask Hansol about it. That is if he talked to me. I felt so bad for not letting him explain to me that it wasn’t him that told Seogoong on us. I hope that he doesn’t think low of me. Setting my necklace aside, I changed into my pajamas and plopped down on my bed looking up at the clock. One thing that I did notice, though; the little hand moved, only if by a centimeter. But the big hand was still pointed on the seven. I wonder what that meant.

My eyes went back to the daisy that Hojoon gave me made it harder for me to look at. It had water and sunlight…it shouldn’t be wilting. And the rose made me want to know why it was all of a sudden melting when it was fine the other day.

“This is only my second day and I’m trouble already.” I sighed.

Just then I heard a ring go off in my room and then I remembered something important…my phone! I followed the ring and as I got to it, I saw that I got emails and messages from my parents, even my uncles and aunts! Plugging it in the outlet so it can recharge its battery, I decided to read them; starting with the messages from my uncles and aunts. Well, this will be interesting, considering they never really accepted me into the family. My eyes read the words that they typed down and every time I would see a word that I knew they didn’t mean, a laugh escaped my mouth.

Typical. They were saying how happy they were for me to start going here. They too think that this was the best for me, just like my parents said. Well…my parents had different feelings of me going to this Academy than the rest of my family, so I can only imagine the thoughts that were going on through their heads.

Good riddance! She was such a weirdo, she never fit in! At least we don’t have to be alerted when we have to celebrate her birthday.

Without a doubt in my mind, that was what they were thinking when they found out that I was going here. But even behind their loving statements and encouraging words…I didn’t believe any of it. Instead of accepting it, I could hear cheering and laughter behind those words. I knew that they were happy…but they were happy for themselves. And they might’ve been happy for me…for leaving them, of course.

But in all honesty, I really wished that the rest of my family could really like me for who I was. After I found out what all of their friend’s said about me behind my back, all I could see were fake smiles and fake laughter. I tried to go along with their little acts until I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t be around fake people for the rest of my life. It wasn’t until I was 17 that I stopped going to events that involved more of my family than just my parents. I didn’t tell them how I felt about them until…well, three days ago.

It wasn’t that hard to keep my feelings hidden inside me about the rest of the family as it was actually hard to not tell. There were times that I wanted to just tell them that I know about everything and anything that they said behind my back. I know that my parents told me that they don’t think about me that way, that they all love me, but I could see it in their eyes that what I told them was right and that they were just trying to protect me; just like any other parent. They just didn’t want to admit it.

Would it have made a difference if they did say it out loud? No, it wouldn’t. Because I heard the truth a long time ago. I could never forget the words that their friends said. It was the first bad thing that I heard about me. How much of a nuisance I am because I’m not blood related or how I am trying so hard to blend in, when in reality I was being myself. They were the ones to not have their eyes and hearts opened up to see the real me. I was hurt when I heard them talking about me, but for the rest of that day I just faked a smile and went on about the party or whatever we were celebrating that day. I hid my emotions pretty well that day, and whenever I met them.

After reading the messages, I deleted them; I couldn’t read the false words from them anymore. And now I was opened up the message from my parents; the only ones in my family that I knew were true. I relaxed as I started to read the message.

Our dearest Trinity-

            We hope that you are having a great time at the Academy. Your dad and I know that the Academy is not like any other school. You might’ve found this out the first time that you arrived. If you open this up before your second day, you are gifted. You have always been different than others, and you are right; your differences showed to the others and they took a significant notice to it. You might not remember, but-

I stopped reading as a little musical note played in the room.

“What in the world?” I asked as a voice, none other than P-Goon, arrived over the speaker. And since when did we have announcements?

“Sorry for the inconvenience, students,” he said as I just rolled my eyes. I put down my phone on my vanity and sat down on my bed waiting for whatever announcements he had for us this late at night. “Please be aware, we are not going to have any classes tomorrow. All classes are cancelled due to some circumstances this afternoon. Classes will resume regularly on Monday after the weekend. Thank you for the understanding and please have a good night.”

What? Why in the world aren’t we having classes tomorrow? Well, I know that whatever I did some was about to go down between him and I. But a good thing about having no classes for the next three days is that I could try to have a long talk with Hansol and Hojoon. Having a fight between both boys was not a fun experience. I know that I haven’t known them for a super long time, but I haven’t gotten so close to people so quick before. Losing them would not be the best right now.

I wanted to continue reading the message from my parents, but I decided that it was time for bed. Crawling up to my pillows, I looked over at the flowers and noticed the type of flowers that were given. The rose obviously meant love, but that was before he even knew me. The daisy was a bit harder for me to think about. Well, we don’t have any classes tomorrow, so I would have to find Hojoon and hopefully he’ll say what his purpose was behind the daisy. Hansol’s words from the first day kept replaying over and over in my head as I tried to push aside what was my outcome from being caught.

Welcome to the real world.

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For Chapter'll be interesting :3 It'll be a little late, but I hope that you'll like it when it's done!


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Tanis45 #1
Hey I really enjoy this are you going to continue it please
Chapter 16: Hi new subscriber here and all I got to say is OMG I JUST LOVED THIS STORY SO FAR!!!! And you used one of my favorite groups Topp Dogg. I was so sad that I couldn't go see them when they come over to Texas. But I guess it was meant to be. Anyways putting that aside I just it's so far and I like Hansol better with Trinity then Hojoong even though he was the first member that I fell for when I got into them. I don't know why but I feel the at Hansol feelings are much more pure I think. But anyway I loved this and I hope when you have time you could update this story.

Ps sorry for writing a lot
Chapter 16: Omg. I ship hantrin- couldn't think of a perf ship name xD please update soon. The story is amazing. And I just started getting into Topp Dogg ;)
Kim_HyeRin #4
Chapter 8: Such a great story ! I really love it ! :D
Update soon, I can't wait >.<
I like Trinity so much ^-^ and the plot is very interesting ! :D
DesireeLohx3 #5
Chapter 7: Yay, you finally updated! It's really interesting.
Chapter 6: This is really good, oh god. Totally deserves more recognition. Keep it up! <3
sandrafilipamm #7
Chapter 4: this fic is awesome !!! please please please please please please update soon ! :c