The No Heart Girl


The No Heart Girl

"Why do you hate people so much Megan?" The stupid and idiotic therapy asked. This is my fifth one this month and I'm really hoping my mum gets that I hate them.

I stared at this new one closely. He has thick black glasses and a concerned expression showered all over his face that scares the heck out of me. He looks more depress than the kids outside waiting for their appointment with him.

"It's because everyone is retards. There is nothing to love about them. They are all people who desire attention and distinguise eachother for their own pleasure and insecurity." I watch as the man becomes bewildered.

"Uh-Uh" He stutters.

"What? Never thought I would say such thing?" He nods his head, still shock. "You therapist are paid to make others feel better although you judge others just like everyone else." I stand up immediately and reach for the door handle but it opens before I even touch it.

"Dad?" A brown haired kid called. I turn to the therapist who is waving his arms around, his eyes wide open in panic. I look back at the kid who has his head tilted now, analysing my face. "This is an odd looking patient."

"What did you say brat?!" I yelled at him. But he just looked at me like I am some sort of ugly creature.

"What kind of patient is this dad? Insecure? Lonley?" He looked at me with no fear at all which just boils my blood more. I form a thist in my hands as he contiues his inconsiderate words "She looks like she has anger management to me."

"I'll show you anger management you brat!!" I throw my thist into the air and charger at his face. I smile as I hear the anguish scream of his dad.


Megan is the type of girl who hates people.

She doesn't know why but she was born as a raging baby.

Everyone who tries to become close to her thinks her attiude was influenced by some signiciant event but her? She thinks it's just natural because as soon as she came out of the womb, she knew everyone was hateable.

So far, she has been to more than 100 different therapys and have been kicked out of the class for most of her school life yet although she has been kicked out, she has managed to be the most intellectually smart student out there.

As for James? Let's just say he is the contrast.


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