Ice Breaker

Autumn Aspirations

I guess my first day wasn't that bad, and luck was on my side. I was fortunate enough to meet some kind people and have a friendly roommate.

To be honest, I was mainly concerned with meeting my roommate; if she was a social butterfly and frequently brings a crowd of friends over, I was going to be in huge trouble. If she was a snarky girl who only cared about fashion and boys, I was going to be in huge trouble. If she had a four-dimensional personality that will dominate over our relationship, I was going to be in huge trouble.

Endless negative possibilities had flooded my mind, invading my dreams the night before the first day, so the relief I got when I met Minah was tremendous, to say the least. She did seem to be pretty kind and friendly, with a welcoming personality. 

Chanyeol was still a mystery to me. Always ever so cheerful and already claiming that we were friends within hours of meeting each other. He sure was a peculiar child, and I wondered why he didn't seem to mind my introverted and closed off personality like most people would.

More thoughts crossed my mind as I showered, getting ready to start another morning. Losing track of time, I ended up taking almost an hour to shower and didn't even realize it until I heard Minah calling from outside the door that it was almost time to go and she still needed to wash up, politely asking me to hurry up.

I jumped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body and hair, checking the time on my phone. I had about fifteen minutes before class started and still had to brush my teeth. I mentally chided myself for oversleeping until 11:30 and zoning out and sped through my routine within a few minutes. I opened the door and Minah quickly rushed past me inside, grabbing her towel and clothes inside. I heard the water immediately turn on, along with the sound of her brushing her teeth at the same time.

Feeling guilty, yet not knowing how to approach her, I knocked tentatively on the door, trying to apologize to her. "M-minah-ssi..."


"I-I'm sorry for taking up most of the time and causing you to rush..." I uttered out softly to the door. I didn't get a response and soon heard the water being turned off with more sounds of shuffling around.

The door opened suddenly, causing me to almost trip into the washroom from leaning on the door just moments before. "What were you saying, Kyungmi-ah? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the shower." She was spitting out her toothpaste and rinsing , half dressed and madly drying her hair. I looked down guiltily at my feet. "I-I'm sorry for taking up most of the time and causing you to rush," I repeated, a bit louder.

"Oh, don't worry about it! Everyone loses track of time once in a while," she said, voice muffled as she washed her face, finishing up her routine in amazing speed. She glanced over at me as she finished dressing, seeing as how I was still standing there looking at my feet as time continued to tick by. "Go get changed and grab your things, Kyungmi! We're going to be late!"

I was wondering why she had to brush her teeth again when she seemed to already have a morning class. I didn't have a morning class today, so I had slept in, thinking that she wouldn't be there and we wouldn't need to both use the washroom at the same time.

I snapped out of my reverie and nodded, quickly running to my closet, only having enough time to grab a t-shirt, hoodie and jeans. After making a poor attempt at blowdrying my hair as best I could, I hopped around on one foot, putting on my sock and gathering my books into my backpack. I checked the time once more, seeing as how I had only three minutes left, grabbed a hairband and secured my semi damp hair into a messy ponytail. I tugged on my shoes and turned to Minah, who was still packing her own backpack. 

She looked up and flashed me a smile, waving briefly. "Bye, Kyungmi! I'll see you in class later tonight!" I nodded, uttering a soft goodbye before scurrying out of our dorm. 

I wanted to skip brunch and focused on chugging down a bottle of water I had swiped off of my table in our dorm, but judging the racket my stomach was making, I had to quickly deviate my path to the cafeteria, grabbing a piece of bread and running back out again, pulling my hood over my head.

I looked between two buildings while conferring my map. Am I lost again? I glanced back up between the two buildings, panic clouding my reasoning. A hand latched onto my wrist and tugged me towards one of the building at lightning speed, with me stumbling after the figure, horrified. The figure turned around to flash me a cheeky grin. Chanyeol. I thought with relief. "Morning, Kyungmi~Almost late again, aren't we?"

I struggled to catch up to his pace, his longer legs putting me at a disadvantage. "I lost track of time..." I mumbled, starting to run out of breath.

He laughed and pulled me faster as the door came into view, "We're almost there! Hurry!" 

We burst into the room just as everyone was starting to settle in. Chanyeol pulled me to the row of seats near the back, grinning and panting like a dog. "That was fun! Wasn't it, Kyungmi-ah?" I was trying to catch my breath too and looked over at him. He looked as excited as if he just saw a fireworks show that I couldn't help but smile, nodding. 

We dove right into Psychology today, after a few brief minutes of introduction. The professor today worked at a quick pace and I found myself falling behind with taking notes, barely understand the train of words that were coming out of his mouth. I peeked over at Chanyeol, who had a neat page's worth of notes typed into his notebook already and listening intently to what the professor was saying, occasionally nodding in agreement.

Not wanting to bother him, I just tried to take my own notes as best I could until the period ended. As everyone was packing up, I was still struggling to finish typing the last of my notes, fumbling around for my backpack while Chanyeol waited for me. "Did you have trouble taking notes? I saw you continously looking back and forth from my notebook to yours." I flushed, embarassed that he had seen me, and gave a barely visible nod.

He helped me finish packing up and held my phone for me as we walked to the next class, with me still closing my backpack. I took my phone back from him and he grinned, taking the map out of my hands. "Don't worry, you can just copy mine's later, I don't mind. Here, just text me, okay?" He took out a pencil from his pocket, scrawling his phone number on the back of the page and handed it back to me. "Don't be shy, we're friends, remember? You better text me!"

I looked at his number and then back at him, uncertain. I've never met anyone like him before, and it was making me confused. "Uh...okay."

"Great! And we're here! Biology~" he practically skipped into the classroom, earning a few odd looks thrown in his direction. I quickly followed in after him, head down and trying to be invisible. He scanned the room, trying to choose a seat when his eyes lit up. "HYUNG!" he cried, running towards a male with big doe eyes, looking vaguely familiar.

The male laughed and let himself get attacked by Chanyeol, who wrapped his arms around the former tightly. I stood a small distance from the two, unsure of whether I should approach them or not. The male noticing me standing there awkwardly and recognition flashed through his eyes. "Oh, Kyungmi you're here too?"

Still not able to remember his name, I just nodded softly, not knowing what else to do. Remembering me, Chanyeol let go to the male and came over to led me back to him, pushing my back lightly. "He was one of guys we were sitting with at lunch yesterday, remember?"

"I can only recognize his face, not his name, sorry," I apologized softly, looking at the male. He smiled and shook his head, dismissing it with a wave of his hand.

"There were too many of us yesterday for you to remember anyway. I'm Luhan," he reintroduced himself, giving me a friendly smile. I returned his smile with a small nod.

"Ah, I remember now."

Chanyeol slung his arms over the two of our shoulders and grinned between us two. "Isn't it great? We can be the three musketeers in Bio~ And you'll get to know Luhan hyung more~" Luhan looked around and then back to us with an amused expression on his face. "Actually, Hunnie's here too, but he was sick for the past two days so he didn't come today.." 

Chanyeol's eyes widened even further, making him look cartoonish and let out a small excited shriek. "Really? Hunnie too? DAEBAK! This is going to be an awesome class! Man, I didn't get a chance to ask him since he was like a sick grandpa, coughing and wheezing. I didn't have any of you guys with me in my other classes," he pouted. Tentatively, I interjected, "Actually, Tao was with us in Psychology..."

"And Kai and Xiumin said they saw you in Functions yesterday but you didn't notice them." Luhan added with an amused smile.

Chanyeol's mouth popped open. "Really? Wow, I must've been too busy getting to know Kyungmi yesterday and taking notes today to notice then," he said thoughtfully, "but Kyungmi-ah, why didn't you tell me Tao was with us in Psychology if you saw him then?" I blinked rapidly and stuttered, looking down at my feet, "Well, you both looked busy and I didn't think he'd recognize me, so..."

He scratched his head and pondered for a few moments. "Oh, well, at least I'm not completely alone with Kyungmi then," he grinned, always the positive one.

Curious, I softly asked, "Who's the other person?" 

"Oh it's Sehun. You didn't see him yesterday because he was resting in his dorm, trying to recover. That guy always manages to catch some sort of sickness before important events," Luhan clucked disapprovingly. "He'll probably be here tomorrow or the day after that. He said he was starting to feel more alive again."

"Ey, that kid's always exaggerating," said Chanyeol, laughing.

"I'm going to begin my lecture now, everyone please have a seat." We went to sit near the middle, getting ready to take down notes.



At lunch, I was again invited to sit with Chanyeol and some his friends from yesterday, and seeing as how there really was nobody else to sit with, I hesitantly agreed, again sitting on the edge. It seemed like a routine that half the boys would get up to get the food while the other half would wait at the table, alternating each day. I was about to get up when Chanyeol snatched my student ID card out of my hands. "I'll get your lunch for you, Kyungmi-ah, just tell me what you want and sit tight, alright?"

I looked at him, then nervously back to the boys. He caught my action and smiled assuredly. "Don't worry, it won't take long." I reluctantly nodded, seeing as how he made no move to return my ID back to me, and he jogged off to catch up with the rest of the guys who had already started off towards the lunch line.

I turned back towards the remainder of the group, looking at them uncertainly and discreetly inching towards the very edge of the table. They all seemed to be deep in conversation about something, and occasionally making fun of the Sehun guy for always getting sick before attending something important. It made me feel out of place, and I pulled out my phone, resorting to texting Suho, not even knowing if he had class yet or not.


To: Suho oppa

From: Kyungmi said you weren't going to neglect me, right? I feel like an outcast right now TT^TT


From: Suho oppa

To: Kyungmi

Oppa's in class right now, Kyungmi-ah. What's wrong? Who are you with right now?


From: Kyungmi

To: Suho oppa

A bunch of guys...


From: Suho oppa

To: Kyungmi



From: Kyungmi

To: Suho oppa

Nevermind, forget it. Just focus in class! I'll text you later.


I put down my phone with an almost inaudible sigh. The more quiet of the group, Lay I believe, noticed and turned over, scooting over so that he was beside me. "Are you okay?" I looked over at him, startled, and nodded mutely. He looked at me apologetically and apologized, "Sorry, were you feeling excluded? Chanyeollie mentioned that you were shy," he said.

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry about me, I'm fine," I replied hurriedly, but he seemed to know better.

"It's okay, Kyungmi, I'm more of an introvert as well. I'm not much of a people person," he stated, looking at me with a gentle smile. He seemed to get along quite well with the boys and didn't seem to be an introvert type.

"Really? You don't seem like it at all, though," I asked in wonder, causing him to laugh. "I mean, you get pretty well with the others." He nodded and gestured towards the group.

"They're really friendly, and helped me overcome my hesitation towards strangers and people in general. I used to be so quiet and shy it was ridiculous," he laughs, "but Chanyeollie approached me first, just like how he approached you, and you've probably noticed what a happy virus he is, right?" I nodded. "So I slowly started to warm up to him and soon got introduced to the group. They're all really kind, if not a bunch of idiots and pranksters at times. So, really, don't worry or hesitate to approach us," Lay concluded with a kind smile.

I smiled back and nodded. "Thanks, Lay." 

"What are you guys talking about? I see you made another friend," Chanyeol chirped as he reach our table, balancing two trays, same as the others. I quickly got up and took one tray from him to prevent him from dropping them. "Ice breaker, I'm guessing?" He smiled widely at me when I gave a shrug.

"Sure, I guess?"

He pulled me over to Kai, who was watching a dance routine with his earphones plugged in on his phone, chin propped up on his hand on the table. "Kai, stop obsessing for a moment and play ice breaker with us!" Chanyeol said teasingly, putting his hand back and forth across his screen, calling his attention. Kai glared at him and pretended to bite his hand, missing only by an inch as Chanyeol snatched his hand back quickly, hugging it to his chest protectively.

I looked over at Chanyeol, eyebrows creasing in uncertainty. "Maybe I shouldn't bother him..." 

He laughed and shook his head. "Nonsense! This guy's only obsessed with dance and won't even notice anything when he's watching one of those tutorials." Kai locked his phone and turned towards us. "Oh hi Kyungmi! When did you get here?" he asked, unknowingly proving Chanyeol's point. Chanyeol and I shared a laugh and he looked at us in confusion. "What? What did I miss?"

"I said, you should do an ice breaker with Kyungmi and stop obsessing over your videos!"

"Oh, sure. I guess I could-" he got interrupted by Xiumin who popped his head over, interested, "Ice breaker? Can I play?" Within moments, the entire table was looking at me.

I cleared my throat nervously, not enjoying the attention. "It's fine, I can just get to know you all slowly. Why don't we just eat first?"



I had to search for my evening class on my own with Kai because Chanyeol had to leave early for his own class. We wandered around and luckily found the room within a few minutes. I kept quiet throughout the period, studiously copying down notes, highlighting important facts and listening intently. When it was time for the last class, I struggled with the map yet again, this time by myself.

It seemed like luck was on my side as I found Minah again with one of her friends she introduced as Sojin. She invited me to sit with them, which completed all of my classes for the semester-I had someone to sit with in all six courses. Luck really seemed to be on my side and I was slowly starting to relax a little, remembering Suho's advice that I needed to open myself up a bit in order to live a little.

And, soon enough, we had went through a good month into the semester, just like that.



I found myself wandering around aimlessly after the last period ended, not wanting to return to the dorm just yet. Just as I was about to turn back towards my dorm, a figure in a mask that covered his nose and lips caught my attention. I stopped in my tracks and watched him as horror started to fill my body, paralyzing me. The frame, hair and eyes were the same as Sihyun, and I was sure that it was him. No, it can't be...he's supposed to be at another university. I've waited too long to finally be apart from him...he can't be here now, he can't be. Not after all we've been though.

The figure walked quickly through the crowds and before I knew it, my feet turned in his direction and I ran after him, desperate to confirm his identity. He stepped into a crowd and I quickly lost sight of him. Panic rose inside of me as I turned around frantically, running in all directions, hoping to see him. Anxiety swelling up in my throat, I felt my heart beating at an insane pace.

Finally admitting defeat, I walked over to a bench and with trembling hands, texted Suho again.


From: Kyungmi

To: Suho oppa

Oppa. I think I just saw Sihyun.


I set the phone aside as I shivered against an imaginary wind, terrified at the thought of seeing him near me once again. My phone beeped and I checked it.


From: Suho oppa

To: Kyungmi

That can't be, he's not supposed to be there. Are you sure, Kyungmi-ah?


From: Kyungmi

To: Suho oppa

I don't know, I'm panicking right now. I can't think straight anymore, what do I do Oppa, what do I do?


My body started to shake almost violently while waiting for a reply that brought a sliver of hope back into my muddled thoughts.


From: Suho oppa

To: Kyungmi

You have to confirm it first, he may just be some other guy. Stay calm, Kyungmi, just hang in there a little longer. I won't let the past come back to haunt you. I promise.

Hello readers, thanks for subscribing and upvoting! I'm really touched that I got almost 100 views with just the first chapter, it really means a lot to me. Please keep reading and anticipate Sehun's arrival! It's coming soon in the next chapter. By the way, Sihyun is an OC that I had created, but he plays a vital part in Kyungmi's life, so please stay tuned!

xx, BeatofWings

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Chapter 1: Chanyeol is so cheerful it's so cute xD He would make a cute couple with Kyungmi~
Chapter 1: I like how your plot is developing nicely, Author-nim :DD Please update soon! I want more than just 1 chapter :$$