

Cho Hee Moves to seoul to live with her cousin, to fulfill her dream of being in a kpop girl group. (don't really know what else to put without spoiling it)

My chapters may be quite short (sorry for that) they look long while I'm writing them. 


Cho Hee Looked around her. The trees loomed over her as if they where going to gobble her up. She was terrified of the woods. Something moved in a bush next to her making a rustling sound causing her to fall over. Oppa had to hand a field trip form into the teacher and had told her to go home before him. Cho Hee didn't know the way home, but she didn't want to be a bother to Oppa. She only lived a 15 minuet walk from the kindergarten, but she had been walking for what seemed like hours. She started to cry. You didn't go through the woods to get to her house. She was lost. 

"OPPA!" She shouted bursting into tears as a squrell ran across the dry leaves and up a tree. She sat there crying hoping that if she stayed still nothing would hurt her. She cried herself to sleep laying on a bed of dry leaves and moss. 

"Cho Hee." Someone called her causing her to ster. She slowly opened her eyes to see a worried Oppa looking back at her tear stained face. "I'm sorry Cho Hee I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have sent you home by yourself."

"Oppa." She cried jumping into his arms, bursting into more tears. An owl houted in the distance making her stiffin. "Oppa I'm scared."

"Don't worry Cho Hee I'll protect you." Oppa held onto her hand and started walking towards their home. 

"But Oppa your only 10. You are not big enougth." Cho hee pouted.

"YAH! I'm Plenty big enought. Anyway I'll get even bigger soon. I will always protect you Cho Hee, no matter what."

"I love you Oppa."


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