Day Dreaming.

   Baekhyun jumped in his chair when he heard the school bell ring,"Get out of here kids! I'll see you guys on Monday! Adios~!" Baekhyun quickly packed his blank notebook and led pencil. He sighed as he finally swung his bag onto his shoulder,"Mr.Byun! Come here before you go home!" Baekhyun groaned and his heels and walked to the teacher, trying not to blush in embarrassment. 

   "You've been staring off into space lately, Byun. You're at the top of the class, I want you to stay up there, try paying attention Monday. Now get out of here." Baekhyun nodded and bowed to his teacher before walking out of the small classroom and running to catch up with his friends. 

   "Kyungsoo-ah!" The said male and turned around and smiled widely. Baekhyun ran to the male and took his hand into his. Kyungsoo blushed softly and held on tighter to Baekhyun, hoping the male wouldn't let him go.

   "How was today, Baek?" Kyungsoo asked softly, laying his head onto Baekhyun's shoulder. The students around them awwed and both blushed.

   "It was good, he didn't go to school today. I missed him." Kyungsoo's face fell.

   "Oh." Baekhyun smiled at the thought of the male.

   "He's so perfect! So tall, romantic and his voice is so deep!" Kyungsoo smiled sadly.

   "I'm happy for you, Baek. Really!"  Baekhyun didn't notice the obvious distress and misery in Kyungsoo's voice.

   "Thank you!" Baekhyun let go of Kyungsoo's hand when he felt his pants vibrate. He smiled when he read the screen,"it's him!" Kyungsoo smiled and stopped in his tracks.

   "Ill leave you alone, Jongin was calling me anyway. Bye, I'll see you Monday." Baekhyun nodded and quickly answered the phone.

   "Hello? Babe, this you?" 

   "Yeah, it's me babe!"

   "Oh, hi Baek. How are you?" 

   "I was good today and you?" 

   "I was bored, and missing you." 

   "Aww really baby? That's so cute!" 

   "Yeah, well, I have to go now baby. I love you. "

   "I love you too, Yeol. Have a good day!" Baekhyun giggled as the phone call ended. He smiled contently and stared at his phone, as if Chanyeol would call him again to just say he loved him and that he really wanted to see him. He sighed and walked to the park where his parents always picked him up. 

   Ay, Park Chanyeol what have you done to me? I'm in love, my heart beats like crazy when I talk to you, when you call me beautiful, when you just talk to me. I wish we could actually meet each other, I wanna hold your hand, hug, kiss, I really wish you didn't live in Busan. Baekhyun looked up at the scattered clouds to control his tears from falling. He jumped when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. 

   "Oh, hi Jongin." Jongin smiled.

   "Hi, Baek. What were you thinking about?" Baekhyun shook his head.

   "Oh...i-it was nothing. Don't worry about it, Jong." Jongin frowned.

   "Obviously it was something, you were crying, Baek. Do you want to talk about it? I'm taking you home today anyway, remember?" Baekhyun sighed in defeat. 

   "Fine," Jongin smiled encouragingly,"I just...I really want to meet him. My heart and soul is yearning for him. I really need him, and it breaks my ing heart because I can't!" Jongin nodded his head, wanting Baekhyun to continue.

   "I feel horrible these days, my stomach has been hurting, I'm having bad migraines, Jongin. I've even been throwing up." Jongin frowned.

   "Do...do you maybe think it's coming back...?" Baekhyun's face turned pale as he nodded slowly. 

   "Yeah....I-I think it is." Jongin shook his head.

   "No, Baek, no! I'm taking you to a hospital, I don't even care anymore, you're getting help." Baekhyun sighed and smiled softly.

   "Thanks for caring, Jong. But this time, if it is true, I'm going to let it stay. I don't want to worry for another year." Jongin shook his head.

   "What about your boyfriend? What about Chanyeol? You told me you wanted to meet him, to hug him and to just be able to be with him. Why are you giving up on that now, Baek?" Baekhyun sniffled.

   "I-I don't know..." Jongin kissed Baekhyun's forehead and hugged him.

   "Baek, is there something going on with you? I can talk to him if you want." Baekhyun laughed softly.

   "You'd actually do that?" Jongin nodded.

   "Of course! I'm your friend why wouldn't I?" Baekhyun laughed again.

   "Ok, I'll sleep over and you can talk to him. You still have my clothes at your house right?" Jongin winked.

   "Of course. " Baekhyun shook his head and laughed.

   "My mom's here, let's go!" Baekhyun and Jongin jumped from the edges of the slide and walked to the black mini van, driving to Jongin's house.

   Baekhyun sighed nervously as they walked back to Jongin's room after eating dinner,"You really want to talk to him Jongin?" Jongin nodded his head with a smile.

   "He has to know what's going on...even if you don't like it, Baek." Baekhyun nodded and dialed the number, putting it on speaker and waiting for Chanyeol to pick up.

   "Hello? Baekhyun?" 

   "Oh, umm, this is his friend Jongin. I know you might think it's weird that I'm talking to you but you need to know what to expect from Baekhyun, you ready?"

   "Uh, yeah sure, I guess." Baekhyun's heart raced as he heard Chanyeol's unsure voice and Jongin take a breath.

   "Wait! No, no, no! D-Don't tell him, I don't want him to know anymore!" Baekhyun murmured quickly, Jongin frowned and put a hand over the phone, wanting to prevent Chnayeol from hearing their conversation.

   "What!? Why not?" Baekhyun shook his head and grabbed the phone.

   "Hello? Yeol, you still there?"

   "Yeah, stll here babe. You ok?" Baekhyun barely realized he was crying.

   "O-Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

   "Ok." Baekhyun's heart calmed down as he heard the soothing voice, but was interupted when he heard shouting and russtling from the other side,"Uh, babe?"


   "I'll call you later, text me though, Ok?" Baekhyun sighed.

   "Ok, bye Yeol."

   "Bye, Baek. Love you."

   "Yeah, me too." Baekhyun turned to look at the tanned male,"what?" He smiled.

   "Oh, nothing. Soooo, when are you guys gonna meet each other?" Baekhyun smiled, different scenes playing in his head, all the one's he's ever dreamed of.

   "Next weekend. We're going to go and eat ice cream, you can bring Sehun!" Jongin blushed softly.

   "He hasn't even said he'd be my boyfriend yet, he's only said..."  

   Baekhyun's heart pounded like the beads of rain on the window pane. Jesus Christ, why do our phone calls always end that way? I feel like Chanyeol doesnt even want to see me anymore, even worse I feel like he doesnt want to be with me. What's wrong with me? All of my symptoms are coming back, I'm shaking so much more than the last time. Why won't it just go away? I've lasted so long without it, why now? Why now when I'm finally happy? Even after all the times I've prayed, all the times I've done good. What have I done wrong to deserve this? Oh, right, I'm sick. Baekhyun felt a tear fall from his eyes, and another and another, until he felt Jongin's strong arms around him.

   "It's ok, Baek. Everything will be fine. be happy you're still here." Baekhyun sighed heavily and nodded, hugging Jongin siftly with a small smile.

Saturday, April 29th

   Chanyeol took a deep breath before entering the ice cream shop, I can do this! Don't be nervous...I'm sure Baekhyun will like me! Right? Oh lord, help me! He heard chucklling and looked up to see an old man smiling at him softly.

   "A date? Or a first time meeting them?" Chanyeol smiled, showing his pearl white teeth.

   "My first time meeting him actually." The old man nodded.

   "My wife would be disapointed in you if she saw you, just now." Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows.

   "I'm sorry, but, why would she be so disapointed?" The old man chuckled softly, the expression  on his face so happy, as if it had happened just yesterday.

   "You're not properly ready. You don't have flowers with you." Chanyeol knew he was missing something, he peeked outside the window and saw the small flower shop a street away,"I'd run if I were you." Chanyeol nodded and sprinted out of the shop, praying Baekhyun would be a couple minutes late. 

   Baekhyun's face flushed as he entered the shop, he looked around for the tall male and sighed when he didn't see him. He sat down at a small table near a window and an old man who was enjoying a doughnut. He looked around the shop, enjoying the small decorations on the walls and the pretty pantings that hung on the pink walls. 

   Chanyeol's heart skipped a beat when he saw a male sitting at his table, he looks beautiful even if it's just his backside. He entered the shop and walked behind the male, flowers in one hand and a smile on his face. 

   "Baekhyun?" Baekhyun turned around and saw a tall male, pointy ears, big eyes, bright smile and flowers. Flowers.

   "C-Chanyeol?" Chanyeol nodded and chuckled. The small male who claimed himself to be Baekhyun sprung up from his chair and hugged Chanyeol.  

1 year and a half later


   Chanyeol opened his eyes and saw Baekhyun sprawled on his side of the bed, he smiled and positioned Baekhyun carefully onto his chest. He stared at the beautiful male's face, his perfect lips that created the most breath taking smile. The cute eyes that made his heart skip a beat, the pale skin that had every woman ashamed about their own, and the beautiful hands. The beautiful hands that he was able to hold everyday, to kiss, to massage, to say proudly that the engagement ring on his ring finger was bought by him and that Baekhyun was soon going to be his officially. 

   Yup, they're getting married, after all the times he hurt Baekhyun. After all the breaks, after all the arguments he knew that if one day Baekhyun left, he wouldn't be able to live. Wouldn't be able to breath fully, wouldn't be able to smile, to laugh. He kissed Baekhyun's forehead before getting up and going to the kitchen to get Baekhyun's medicine.

   When he came back he saw Baekhyun hugging his duck and staring at his ring. He smiled and set the water on the small counter,"Goodmorning baby." Baekhyun smiled.

   "Goodmorning." Chnayeol walked to Baekhyun's side and lay with him.

   "Did you sleep well?" Baekhyun nodded and kissed Chanyeol's cheeks softly.

   "I love you." Chanyeol smiled softly.

   "I love you too baby." Baekhyun blushed, no matter how many times Chanyeol tells me that, I still feel embarassed. And even if I do get embarassed I know that it is true, because of the reasons he tells me, the way he wakes me up every mornings, after all the changes he's made with himself, that's how I know he loves me. And because he doesn't care about the fact that I'm sick. That I have Anemia, that I don't have enough energy, I'm always tired. always having bad migranes, always dizzy. After all the medication, he still loves me. Me, the one who took care of him, the one who cared when nobody else did, the one who tried so hard to get to see each other, the one who said yes. Me, the future Park Baekhyun. I love you, Park Chanyeol.

   Chanyeol knew that look as if it was the back of his hand, Baekhyun was apreaciative, happy that Chanyeol was still there with him,"Baby, close your eyes please?" Baekhyun closed his eyes softly, with a small smile on his face, he knew exactly what Chanyeol was going to do.

   "What do you see?" Baekhyun giggled softly.

   "Nothing." Chanyeol smiled.

   "Exactly. That's exactly what I would be if you left me. I'd be nothing. Because you're my everything." Baekhyun giggled loudly this time,"I love you, baby."

   "So do I."



    Before you leave, can you please read this author's-note?

    Thank you! :D

    Ummm...yeah, I think this is probably the most sentimental one-shot I've ever made that resembles something about my life. My mother has anemia, my boyfriend and I haven't been able to see each other in a long time, I have friends who care about me, at times. I don't know if any of you like this, or my writting style, the type of angst I do, but it's just me. I don't think this is angst really, I think it's a bit sad, but not angst, but who uses the sad tag right? Most of this is just what my emotions came out to be. Yes, I do day dream about us seeing each other. Yes, I do care about him. Yes, I do want to marry him. And yes, he did propose...[erm, in a way.] So, yes I am crazy. Haha but yeah, just know, if you haven't found the right guy, he's out there. So cliche, right? But it's true. Maybe he's half way around the world, your neighboor or even your best friend! He/She is out there, gurl~ (Or guy~). I hope this story made you smile, because Jesus Christ, did it make me! Anyway~ I hope you like this story! I hope to see your comment and upvotes~! ;D I love all of you~! Have a good day/night~ Adios!


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Thank you for my 2 precious upvotes and 16 subscribers! ♥ I love you all, hope you love this story too! :D 10/15/14


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xxxyenxxx #2
Chapter 1: Sweet and fluffy :3 I was worried there was gonna be a sad ending, but there wasn't, so... Thumbs up ^^