

A collection of my drabbles and scenarios surrounding random people and EXO members.


Rating: G - PG-13 (ratings will vary by chapter)

Pairing: ALL PAIRINGS, they're all game in my eyes. >:D


Various perspectives.






Have something you would like for me to write? I take requests too! I'll do my best to write something for you. :) It can be any pairing, just shoot me a message!

A/N: So I joined this challenge on habitrpg (you guys should check it out, it's a lot of fun! It's a fun/cool way to get through your to do list, you can level up and customize your avatar and get pets too) called "One thousand one (1001) words" and this will be where I'll be publishing my writings when I'm not updating my current ongoing fic(s). I say that stuff in the description and whatnot but really this will just be a place where I'd get to write whatever I want.   (UPDATE 150111): I'm not doing the challenge anymore, but I'll still be writing my random drabbles and whatnot in here.) Haha! But really, if you have any ideas on what you want me to write go for it, I'm willing to try it out. I want to grow as a writer! XD


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albamd #1
hello :) do you still take a request?
kittyrascalmeow #2
Chapter 2: So ing cute! <3 love it to death. Brought a smile to my face :D