Chapter 24

Will You Realize..?

Hi! I’m back again! Writing with a deadline is hard… but I’m doing my best to finish this story already. It’s been too long.






Taemin thought about it harder when he looked at the notebook he just threw on the floor. If he can write it out — tell the notebook everything he felt about the leader, why couldn’t he do it to the said person? He wasn’t scared to be rejected, he got himself ready for that from the past years, he just didn’t want their friendship to break. He doesn’t really know if Jinki was against same couples or not, the leader never voiced it. But from what he’s seen he didn’t have a problem with it. Though, even if he didn’t have a problem with it, it didn’t mean he’d be okay being in one…


Taemin believed in Jinki. The older boy does his best to understand anything he didn’t before. He’d do anything for his friends, most especially to the one he called family. He knew Jinki would understand him — understand his feelings.


“I… I will.”


Hearing what the younger boy had said made Jonghyun proud of himself. Not only did he make Taemin realize what he needed to do, he was literally being a cupid for the two members.


Taemin on the other hand was thinking hard to himself that he didn’t even noticed that he voiced out that last thought, it surprised him even. Sure, he was happy that someone heard him say it because this time he wouldn’t back away from it. Someone, Jonghyun would put him back on track if he ever drifted from the path he was taking.


The older boy shifted closer to the maknae and patted his shoulders with a smile. “I’m proud of you Taemin-ah, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Jonghyun began, thinking the boy might’ve been having the same thoughts as Jinki. “I know there isn’t, but Jinki hyung is still dating noona, there’s no way he’ll look my way…” Taemin mumbled, looking down as he played with his fingers.


Seeing that cute unhappy face Taemin did made Jonghyun look away. It was at this time that the singer wanted to hit Jinki’s head.


Why couldn’t he just say he’s not dating anyone damnit!


Jonghyun still has no clue of what Jinki was planning to do and he blamed himself for it. He had a long talk with the leader yet he didn’t focus on what the other was planning like he should’ve been and instead focused on the past where two hearts were crying.


“Taemin-ah… you got to stop doubting yourself.” Jonghyun began as he now rubbed the boy’s back. It took awhile for Taemin to reply.

“Hyung, we don’t even know if he’s into guys.” He stated as if it was obvious. “We don’t know that, right…” Jonghyun was really wanting to hit Jinki right now. “But who knows maybe you’d be the one that he’ll turn gay for?” He teased in the end. The maknae only nudged him with a smile which made him smile along.


“You promise you will?” Jonghyun nudged.


“I promise hyung.”




At the same time


Jinki was out with his friends again after the schedules he needed to do and though he was happy at the moment, he thought about what Jonghyun had told him the day before, resulting in a frown on his face.


“Noona,” He called to the girl. Having been called all of the sudden, Jungah knew the boy was going to ask questions, finally. “What are we even going to do?” He questioned. It’s been long since their break up but they still haven’t really talked about what she and Joon was planning to do. The woman smirked “Oh that… about that…” she paused, “I don’t think we should do anything. Right?” Jungah asked Joon, which made the other nod with a smile, only making Jinki confused.


“What do you mean we’re not going to do anything anymore? I thought you two were going to help me out?” Jinki asked, now sending the two a betrayed look. “Well… yeah. We’re done helping you.” She smacked her lips. “What do you mean!? You guys haven’t done anything to help me at all!”


Were these guys serious? Help my , they didn’t do a single thing to help… Well, that’s what Jinki thought. The couple's’ opinion said otherwise — they helped quite a lot.


“But we did Jinki…” Joon began.

“No you didn’t…” the other boy pouted.

“We did. Now here’s what you’ll do.”


The couple shifted closer while Jinki huffed, “what do you mean me? What about “we”? I can’t do it on my own!” The couple only shook their heads. “Yah, if you were going to confess to Taemin, would you want others to be there?” Jungah asked. She later smirked when the boy mumbled a ‘no’. “You’re going to listen, okay?” Jungah asked as if she was talking to a child, making Jinki glare at her.


She didn’t start saying anything and it made Jinki to look back and forth at the two in front of him, still having a confused gaze. And as his eyes shifted from the both of them he slowly caught a glimpse of their smirks.


“Okay… what are you two doing?”


When the ever growing smirks didn’t stop, he suspected the two. They were his friends after all, and he knew most of his friends were always up to something. He continued to shift his eyes at the both of them and that’s when it got to him.


“The… the plan has already started hasn’t it?” He asked as he rubbed his aching temples.


When he got smiles as an answer, he dropped his head onto the table, groaning. Why did he have friends like these two anyway? He didn’t know. Though he liked the fact that in some way they were alike. Always thinking ahead without having others knowing.


“We weren’t going to do anything in the first place.” Joon spoke as he played with his finger making it seem like the conversation they were having wasn’t too much of a problem. Jinki shifted his gaze to the woman in front of him, only seeing that she was nodding to what the other said.


“What… do you mean?”


“We wanted to know if you really wanted this.” Jungah explained. With what she said he wanted to walk out, these two were really a pain in the .


“You guys must have to be joking right? Was I not obvious enough to the both of you that I love him?!” Jinki raised his voice as he looked at the two. “No… it was obvious don’t worry, but you weren’t obvious when Taemin-ah was around.” Joon explained as he leaned forward onto the table.


The couple stopped talking, letting Jinki think about what they said, hoping that he’ll finally get the whole thing.


“Okay so what do you want me to do?” Jinki asked after a few of minutes of stirring his drink. This time the couple leaned back as the same time and said the same thing.


“Easy, you tell him.”


They ended with a grinny smile.


Jinki, who was a bit stressed from having to deal with such friends of his, only sighed as he rubbed his temples again. “You guys are going to be dead soon…”


“Okay… then instead of telling him, show him.” Jungah suggested as she wiggled her brows. “You think I’ll be able to do that? When you told me not to tell them that we broke up? How is that going to make me look? They’ll think that I’m flirting with him just to break his heart intentionally.”


“Here, let me explain.” Jungah spoke.


“Please do.”


“We were helping you in a way, though not like how you wanted us to, I’m guessing.” Jungah made an apologetic smile towards the younger when he looked up. “The plan was to make Taemin think you’re still dating me, which has already been checked off.” Jinki slowly nodded. “We did that so that there was that time in between that you’d guy get closer again, in which you guys have. Am I right?” Jinki nodded. “So that’s checked off as well!”


“But I don’t get it, how did you know we’ll get closer again even if he still thinks we're dating?” Jinki asked. This time it was Joon who answered. “Because if he really did love you as much as we think he does, then he’ll put everything aside for your happiness. A person who loves only wants the person they love to be happy even if it means they’ll be hurt in the end.”


Jinki nodded to himself.


“And plus, if he thinks you’re still with Jungah, he’ll be more attentive to what you guys have been doing.” The older boy added.

“I get it but I still don’t get it. That plan you guys are talking about didn’t get us anywhere aside from being close again.” Jinki retorted.


“What we wanted was for time to do it’s job and since you guys have gotten back on track of being friends we think the next part will go great by itself.” Jungah interrupted.

“And that is?” He sounded bored, he didn’t expect too much from the two anymore.

“A surprise!”


“A surprise?” Jinki asked Joon. He knew Jungah could get out of hand when it came to romance, she liked things that were fairytale like so he ask the boy just in case he heard wrong.

“Yeah a surprise. Taemin-ah likes surprises doesn’t he?” Joon asked. “Well… yeah but not when it’s towards him, he doesn’t like the attention…” Jinki replied.


They talked about the surprise and though Jinki thought it was really lame. He went along with it.


“I know he’s still doing that stupid show but you know it’s scripted, right?” Jungah asked. When they both saw the confused gaze once again, Joon nodded in agreement considering he already took part of the show. “It is?...” Jinki asked. “It is.” the other nodded again.


“But it seems like he really has developed some feelings for her…” Jinki mumbled. “Jinki does it make sense to you? He’s had these feelings for you probably even before you guys debuted. Does it make sense that he can just forget those feelings just because he’s on a scripted show with a girl?” Jungah sassed.


Although Jungah was just making him realize such things, Jinki felt like he was being scolded. “It doesn’t make sense—”

“Good. Well now that, that’s done and over with, the plan is you’re going to start hanging out with him like the old days and when you feel it’s right, you confess.” Jungah said.


“Look you guys, as easy as that sounds, it isn’t…” Jinki sighed. It felt like talking to Jonghyun all over again. “We have these schedules we have to attend to, so obviously when we get back to the dorm we’d sleep right away. There’s no time to hang out like we used to.”


“You don’t know that Jinki.” Joon started. “If you really want to make it happen, then you’ll make it happen. And since we know Taemin has feelings for you as well then I’m sure he’ll make it happen as well…”

“I know it isn’t easy, especially after everything… and for that I apologise. But when you confess to him, I’ll be there to explain everything to him. Alright?” Jungah suggested.





“I promise…”




It was night already and it was surprising to see Jonghyun asleep this early considering the boy struggled with insomnia and it surprising to see Taemin was not. He tried to sleep but he couldn’t help the thoughts that were running through his head.


How do I make him realize?


Taemin thought, though after repeating that in his head a couple of times more he found it stupid.


Making him realize isn’t going to work if I keep on not doing anything…


He nodded to himself. He was looking at the ceiling as if it would give him answers to his questions he knew he could give himself. He was starting to get annoyed with himself and the thought that he was too childish for the leader was brought up in his head again. He wasn’t afraid… no, he was worried. Jinki and him has just got their friendship back, it wasn’t like before but it was getting there, he didn’t want to ruin it again because of his thoughts once again. He knew he had some fault in the whole situation too, both of them were at fault. They had talked about it and though it seemed like everything was cool between them, some moments where it was just the two of them were still edgy.


What am I supposed to do?


After getting annoyed with himself again, he sat up and pulled at his hair.


The boy knew that making the older jealous was already stupid to start with and scolded himself for doing so in the past. However the thought that it worked with other couples was still in his head. Though, now that he was thinking of it, he knew his friends already had that tension between them. With Jinki, he didn’t know they had the tension, but he knew he had to think outside the box. It was Lee Jinki after all. The boy who was known to be a step ahead of others.


“The boy who was known to be a step ahead of others…”


He repeated out loud as he lied back down on his bed, with arms crossed behind his head.


Taemin thought hard, trying to put himself in the leader’s shoes but when he couldn’t think of anything he gave up, hitting his sheets. The thought that Jinki could be having feelings for him was impossible to him. Jinki couldn’t be in love with him.


He thought about how he shouldn’t win Jinki’s heart because it was wrong to be doing so when the older boy was already happy with someone else. He shouldn’t be the one to take away the leader’s happiness because all they can ever be were best friends.


He sighed, closing his eyes, arms crossed behind his head again. He remembered his talk with Jonghyun and that made him groan.


He sighed once again as he closed his eyes.


“I promised…”




Jonghyun opened his eyes as he heard the maknae hitting his sheets. He knew that from the sounds of the boy’s sighs and groans, Taemin was thinking about backing out of what he promised him. But he also knew the boy loved Jinki too much to give up and go back on his word. Nevertheless, he still worried that Taemin would actually go back on his word this time, he never did in his life, but he was worried. The boy has been hurting for so long, no one really knew for how long he could hold.


Jonghyun was about to get up to calm the maknae down seeing how he was restless. But he stayed lying when he saw the boy drop his body back on the bed and whisper that he promised.


And hearing those words, he smiled, getting himself comfortable to go back to sleep.


I almost doubted you Taemin-ah…




It’s been a couple of weeks, however, both members still haven’t done anything they said they would. Like what Jinki thought, schedules kept piling up for the both of them. Both boys were equally annoyed. Was some force really playing with them? It was just unbelievable to them that they were the only members to be having schedules. Schedules that started after the other finished. What made it more unbelievable was that this only ever happened now. When they were all ready to let things out.


And as Jinki and Taemin were irritated with everything, their cupid — Jonghyun laughed at them from the side.


Although he did want to quicken the pace, he knew he had to wait for the right time as well. Everyone did so in the world anyway.


But seeing how these two wanted to spend some time together again was making not only him happy but others as well.




“Okay, what’s up?” Kibum finally asked his boyfriend when he knew something was going on. Unlike before, the trio wasn’t talking much about the leader and maknae and it was impossible Jonghyun didn’t know anything. Jonghyun knew everything.


“What do you mean?”


“What’s happening between those two?” Key asked.

“I don’t know… wae? Did you notice something that I didn’t?” Jonghyun played oblivious. Like he told himself, he didn’t want others getting in the way. He wanted Jinki and Taemin to work it out themselves.


“Jonghyun, you and I both know, you know something.” Key walked towards the other. “I really don’t. I mean come on, we’ve been having so much schedules these past few weeks. I haven’t really gotten to talk to either of them.” Jonghyun replied while waving his hands in front of him. He knew how to act.


Although, Key felt that what Jonghyun had said was a lie he agreed, he too, didn’t get to have a conversation with the other members. They’ve only had time to talk about work and how to improve, there was no room for conversations they’d normally have.


“I think I know what you’re doing… but I’ll play along.” Kibum replied as he nodded his head along with the motion of his finger going up and down. And with that the younger left with a frown.


Jonghyun just smirked to himself. There was no way the other knew. He worked well. Even Jinki and Taemin didn’t know that he was talking to either of them.




Taemin was out again with shooting for another episode. But still, he was annoyed. He didn’t want to come here and make a sculpture with Naeun, having to hold her hands for more than an hour. He wanted to stay in the dorm and spend some time with his hyungs.


He put up with the idea of the show though having seen that the crew liked it. However, not 30 minutes has even passed and the mold was getting heavy, his hands were sweaty too, he just wanted to stretch it. Most importantly, he didn’t want to hold her hands anymore. The image of wanting to hold on someone else's came into his head and he got more annoyed because he couldn’t do that.


When he broke the hand hold, still having it in the mold, it was obvious the crew was upset, Naeun too, but he knew she was acting. She knew why Taemin didn’t want to do it. They were both acting and even if everyone in front of them knew that, some of the crew thought Taemin was jerk for making the girl “upset”.


Naeun wanted to explain that it was fine but the crew thought otherwise and talked over her.


As that commotion was happening, Taemin headed off to some place that seemed peaceful enough for him. Naeun noticed this and told the crew, however the crew said she shouldn’t care because of his “attitude” towards her. She ignored them and went to look for him herself. When she found him, he was sitting on a bench, watching a video to which she smiled at. Naeun approached him quietly, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere she knew the older boy was looking for.


She tapped his shoulder before she sat down beside him.


“Don’t mind them… they for a fact should know it was acting anyways, right?” Naeun tried to cheer him up. Taemin chuckled “yeah… but really? Calling me a jerk when I’m right in front of them, they’re such great people.” He sarcastically replied. The two chuckled and didn’t talk for awhile. Taemin still continued to watch the videos that were saved on his phone — videos of him and the leader. Naeun didn’t give much thought into what videos he was watching because she didn’t have to, so she didn’t ask.


And so they stayed there sitting side by side just thinking to themselves.


“So… why have you been so down lately?” She asked.


“Oh come on, it’s Jinki sunbaenim again, isn’t it?” She guessed and Taemin only shrugged, eyes still on the screen.


She knew about the situation considering she saw Taemin tearing up one day. She tried to cheer him up that day but nothing worked. However that same day, he called her at night and asked to meet up. He explained everything, apologized in advance and she said that she understood. She wasn’t looking for a relationship at the moment anyway.


When Naeun had visited the SHINee members backstage for the show, it looked like the both of them held some secret feelings for each other. Though they didn’t. Again it was acting.


A few weeks ago she had visited the SHINee members again and what she found strange was that whenever she visited, the person Taemin had feelings for was never there. Taemin always excused it as “he’s busy, he’s the leader after all…” though she thought otherwise. She got her answer then when she accidentally heard Jinki talking to someone in the bathroom when she needed to go. It seemed like the person on the other side of the phone was comforting him and telling him that it’d be okay because the leader would only hummed back. She didn’t tell Taemin when she came back since she wasn’t in the place of doing so.


“What happened?” She asked. “I don’t know… the members just don’t have a lot of time anymore because of the schedules…” Taemin said as he continued to watch. “So you’re saying you don’t have a lot of time with your leader?” She teased with an arched brow. “Stop it…”

“Cheer up, after today, you can go meet up with him.” She nudged and Taemin agreed with a nod.






“Yah…” Key whispered to the rapper from the kitchen doorway, he whispered again and when the rapper didn’t answer he picked up a pillow and threw it. “Yah!” Key whispered-yelled to the other as he walked to sit beside him. He told Minho to continue playing so it doesn’t seem suspicious to the others but to still listen to him.


“What is it?” Minho sounded annoyed.


“There’s something going on… I can smell it.” Key started. “Does it have to do with Taemin and hyung?” Key nodded. “Everything is so quiet now, there’s no ignoring happening in the past few weeks.” Key explained. “Isn’t that supposed to be good?” The other asked confused.

“No that isn’t good, that would mean Taemin gave up and went with Naeun instead.”


Minho thought about it and thought it was stupid. “You’re just being silly Kibum. There’s no way Taemin would give up that easily, he’s tried so hard before, it can’t just happen because of a girl. Most especially because he’s gay.” He explained. “Well… I don’t know but I know something is happening and Jonghyun knows it—”


He stopped all of the sudden, it finally hit him. Minho only gave him a confused glance when he left running to Jonghyun’s room.


Key knocked on the door and didn’t bother to wait for an answer to walk in.


“Okay, tell me what you know.”




Jinki walked around in the night, no one with him. He’s been taking walks like these for the past few days and he’s liked it. It was clearing his mind but he didn’t want to continue to walk to places he been walking to for the past few days. He didn’t want to make it like a routine.


Then all of the sudden he thought of the maknae, he stopped walking. Right there, he knew where to go. He knew where he wanted to go.


He now headed to the other direction finally having a smile on his face rather than confusion.




“What do you mean Kibum?” Jonghyun asked as lifted his head from his laptop. “I want to know what’s been happening.”

“Like I said, I don’t know…” Jonghyun shrugged.


Jonghyun knew his boyfriend was catching up. How couldn’t he? The two members were hanging out again like before whenever they had free time together, which was only once in a blue moon considering they had schedules all the time now. The two would hang out with only just the two of them, no one else. And the next day after that, Taemin and Jinki would have smiles on their faces — smiles they’ve never really seen.


Smiles that said they were truly happy.


“You said something to the both of them, didn’t you?” Kibum spoke with an all-knowing stare. He got his answer when Jonghyun pushed out lips, asking for a kiss instead of answering. “That’s no fair, how come you get to know everything that’s been happening?” The younger pouted. “Oh hush up, you’ll be glad that I didn’t say anything to you and Minho.”


“Because knowing you, you’ll get Minho to do the things you want to do. And then the plan would be messed up.”


Kibum slapped the boy’s as he sat on his lap now, still facing him. “Still… you could’ve told me you knew something…”

“I know, I’m sorry baby.” Jonghyun kissed Key’s lips again and smiled right after. “If it makes you feel better, I think they’re heading the right direction now.”

“I know. That’s why I was annoyed, I wasn’t sure if I was just assuming things.

“Well, you weren’t” The older boy smiled, leaning in into another kiss.


“You’re an idiot for not telling me you know?”

“I know baby.”




After shooting for another episode, Taemin began walking and it was now late. He didn’t bother to call his hyungs to tell them like he always did because he knew they’d think he was still shooting with Naeun. They’ve never really called him to ask if he was with her or not, he knew they didn’t like what he was doing. But at least even while working, he had someone to vent out to, someone different than his hyungs.


He liked that he had someone who didn’t really know Jinki that well. He liked it because it only meant he wouldn’t feel embarrassed to be venting out to someone who had to hide what they knew from the person they were close to. He didn’t like that he made the other members hide things from Jinki. It made him feel bad, especially because he knew Jinki just wanted to feel like he wasn’t being left out of anything.


Taemin didn’t know where to go exactly, it’s been awhile since he’s walked like this. It felt great to not have prying eyes on him all the time, and right now he was getting the much needed fresh air.


The boy wasn’t even paying attention to where he was walking that is until he noticed he stopped right in front of the SM building.


He looked at it for awhile. He wanted to thank it for all the opportunities it gave him, he wanted to thank it for all the memories he’s got from it.

He didn’t notice that he was walking towards it now, until he got to the stairs. He stopped and looked at where his feet had brought him. He let out a small smile now that he knew where he wanted to go now.


He greeted whoever he came across, though there weren’t too many considering it was late at night. He headed towards to the long stairs considering the elevators would only speed things for him. He needed time for everything. He got to the foot of the stairs and made his way up to the very top. He walked slowly. After debuting he never really got the chance to go up to the rooftop. So he took his time reminiscing memories once again.


As he was getting closer, a larger smile formed on his face. He can remember the days where he’d run up to meet Jinki or the days when the both of them would run together, hoping the staff hadn’t caught them. They were sure no one was allowed up there. But it was their place, so they had to keep coming there.


Once he got to the top and reached the door to the rooftop he took a silent intake of breath. He missed this place




Jonghyun and Kibum laid on the bed cuddling, recalling the moments from before, that is until the younger couldn’t handle his curiosity anymore.


“Jjong, so you telling me that what you told the both of them is to do what they think is best? Most especially when they couldn’t even do that in the first place?” Kibum asked as he played with the other’s fingertips. He looked up at the older boy and continued what he was going to say. “How do you think that would work out hyung?”

“It will, trust me.” Jonghyun kissed the top of his head. “You trust me don’t you?” He ended as he looked at the other. This time, Jonghyun kissed Kibum on the lips when he saw the other nod.


“Yeah, I trust you.”




Taemin opened the door slowly. He really wanted to enter the place already though he needed time to relax himself. It was as if the memories were hitting him right now — memories he made with Jinki. He wanted to relive each and every thing he and Jinki had done on this rooftop. He wanted to relive being with Jinki without having to worry about anything else — without having to worry that the older boy would leave for someone else.


He wanted to do a lot of things he did with Jinki.


He wanted to make new memories with Jinki.


Though the thought of it made him unhappy because he knew he couldn’t. He couldn’t be the one receiving things couples did — well, he could but not from the person he wishes. He couldn’t be the one receiving whatever Jinki gave Jungah.


Nonetheless, he took one deep breath once again and opened the door.


But what he saw when he went in wasn’t what he expected to see.



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Though, I feel like I just blabbered on this one. Sadly, the next chapter will be the last.. I’ll miss this story.
Anyway, thank you guys for 87 subscribers and 14 votes! I really didn’t think I’d get that much people to read this. So really thank you!
‘Til next time, bye! ♥

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 25: This is really a good read. Though there's so many heartaches, the ending is worth it. Thank you!
Since you said you were writing a story i came to check , and then i see this story , one of my earliest ontae fics .Also still one of my fave. Thank you for writing and sharing this cute and hurting fic with us . Also have a nice day Authornim..... Kekek what was your old UN ?I forgot !
I finally found this story .. Now everything related to Shinee feels so sad. :(
I finally found this story .. Now everything related to Shinee feels so sad. :(
nacchanthecloud #5
Chapter 25: Love this! Every heartbreaks make my heart ache. So glad they end up happy together!
Chapter 25: "We’ll give you BIG quotation marks to hold everywhere you go" LMAO
hahahaha "I just..i just wanted to be cupid ok." LMAO hahaha love it!

omgawd yayyyy I’m so happy it all worked out for them *celebration dance* a;kdjf;adjf
Imma miss this story. It was good and ended perfectly :D:D:D
Chapter 25: ohh a perfect ending! loved it. while reading this my face was covered with a huge grin and it was so beautiful and perfect. thank you for writing this! I'll miss it so much.
your stories are great, I'll be looking forward to more!
Dmat17 #8
Chapter 25: So glad they're together. Thanks for finishing this. Great story.
Chapter 25: Thank you for this chapter. It was totally worth waiting.

I hope you write more. I will gladly read whatever you come up with
Chapter 25: Finally..... Happy ending O(≧∇≦)O
Thank you for finishing this