Unsaid Promises


Words of promises, prospect of a better future together- as One.

Unspoken, yet understood thoughts.

Pacts not voiced, yet mutually agreed upon. 

What will happen to their peaceful, stable lives if one of them broke it ?

One careless idea, a group of dense observers and a clumsy man. 

How will their story turn out to be ?





A/N: You guys know how Kris's song, Time Boils the Rain, has made a big impact on this fandom.
         & Needless to say, I'm addicted to that song as well, so this story will be based on that song with a sprinkle of a little spinoff.

         Do look forward to it ! :D


No plagiarism . & If you saw any stories that are similar to this, it is purely coincident . I do not support copying or adapting of other author's work .  


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Loolyicecream #1
update soon !!