Chapter 5 [Part 2]

Betrayal of the rising star

Ryosuke exited the meeting area and was immediately met with one of his guards. "Your highness... Kamiki-sama has just arrived and has called Mirai-sama to her chamber. it's just him, with no additional guards"

"okay. I expected this," Ryosuke slowly paced his way towards her chamber as if he knew what his purpose of meeting Mirai would be. he wasn't hopeful of Mirai's reaction, as he could tell her infatuation for Kamiki hasn't dwindle. When he reached outside her room, he stood by the edge and listened secretly.

"I can't believe your love can be so easily swayed. you know what I did in front of you, is a show for them right. I told you to give me sometime, then I can clean your name. I needed their trust, especially convincing Asari and my mother isn't easy. they are both convinced your father planned it"

"I'm not gonna believe you anymore, you jerk! you made use of my feelings, now you still wanna cheat me!"

"who is the one cheating you and making use of your feelings now. you think Ryosuke is still falling for you? he's not! he's just interested in your army, he wants to use you to get rid of me, my mother and my brother. whatever he said to you, is just trying to play with your feelings."

"i dont know what army you are talking about but he's not doing what you claim he is doing! he wants to rid you guys and get back his rightful throne, he will not let it land in the hands of the illegitimate children! he'll uncover your conspiracy"

"see, you and your innocence always get you trusting the wrong person! how could we be the illegitimate children, if there is one of us who is illegitimate, it is none other than him. don't you remember all of us saying how he didnt have the air of royalty. "

without hesitation, she pushed him away and shouted "you are the one whose lying! there's no one more genuine than him. I've been wrong about you, you've been lying to me from day 1, and you aren't even the least bit remorse about it."

"ah ah you're angry because I married Okamoto Asuka. don't worry, I can still marry you. it's normal for a man to marry more than one wife. I never forgotten my promise to you. but you have to come to my side."

"I won't! you're such a bastard!" Mirai pushed him away as he came closer, but this time he stood firmly to the ground. 

"playing hard to get ne. I know you are just jealous of Asuka, don't worry, I'll satisfy your cravings... I know Ryosuke has deprived you of your feminine needs, let me help you with it" Kamiki pushed her to the wall and forcefully pressed his lips against hers like a lustful monster unleashed from the underworld. Mirai moaned, groaned and struggled, but her occupied lips make it hard to call for help. his kiss used to be like marshmallow, but today, she felt like it was nothing more than deadly poison. Ryosuke's kiss on the other hand, though she couldn't remember the full details, but it was addictive and fluffy like candy floss. In the midst of the struggling, she imagined the guy before her was Ryosuke, and began to reminisce the kiss yesterday night. her delusions of him made it hard to resist and slowly her breathe got willingly taken away.

"I can't believe nichan would want a used woman, ne... what's more in such disgraceful setting" Ryosuke entered the room with a smirk. Mirai's eyes widened and quickly pushed Kamiki away forcefully.

"let me explain! it's not like what you saw, Ryosuke..." Mirai ran beside her husband and grabbed his arms, begging profusely.

"well, Otoutou, your wife did have a wild past with me. we are just reliving those old days. apologies for not inviting you along" Kamiki returned the earlier insult.

"sure, I will not debate on that wild past..." Ryosuke laughed, but before he could finish his line, Mirai interrupted "don't listen to him, he was the one who forced the kiss upon me! Ryosuke, trust me..."

Ryosuke ignored Mirai's explanation and continued disregarding her presence. instead his gaze remained fixated at Kamiki and continued, "anyway, if you have anything to ask, you can just approach me. my lady surely do not have the answers you need."

Kamiki's face sink immediately. Mirai could no longer comprehend the underlying motive for Kamiki's show up here, but she was sure part of it was to undermine her dignity and ask her to betray Ryosuke.

"disappointed ne. I would suggest you spend time to protect your position in Aoihoshi and convince your people of your capability. it doesn't seem like they are hopeful of you," Ryosuke mocked as he ridicule him of the ongoing uprisings in the city. 

"you!" Kamiki clenched his fist and had the urge to punch him but Mirai stood in between to shield Ryosuke from the impending attack.

Kamiki gritted his jaw and stomped our of the chamber when he knew his strategy to extort information from Mirai and to rid her from Ryosuke's side have failed miserably. never did he expect her to have a change of heart so soon. Kamiki felt his heart tightened and his eyes welled up in warm tears. but he held it back and walked on without lowering his head. 

back in Mirai's chamber, there was another crisis awaiting. Mirai pleaded for Ryosuke's understanding. Grabbing his hands, making sure he listens to her explanation, but to no avail. He pushed her hands away and turned around with a smirk on his face "how does it feel to be misunderstood?! terrible isn't it?" 

It was true, Mirai finally understood how it would have felt for him when she didnt believe his side of story then. no matter how many apologies she made, it didn't seem she could make up for it. 

"anyway you're really troublesome. i cannot tolerate your complicated relationship with Kamiki ehich will simply going to jeopardize my missions. pack your belongings within these few days."

"why? where are we going?"

"it's not where we are going, only you are leaving. Yuto, Daiki and Ayame will go with you, away from Aoihoshi. then, I can finally get some peace for myself. what's more, I'm really sick of facing you, day and night."

"R-Ryosuke...why...I thought... I thought you forgave me yesterday...why are you chasing me away.

"ah, don't be mistaken. any husband would not leave his sick wife alone. I'm just doing my duty. then you reminded me how you're always a source of trouble. like many say, I should not keep a jinx by my side."

"No no no... please don't push me away. I don't wanna leave you. Let me stay by your side please," Mirai once again grip his arms tightly, so tightly that he felt her nails pressed against his skin. he saw her streams of tears ran profusely. no matter how he tried to shake her away, she didnt let go. he swing his arms violently, and only then she was flung from his side and hit the wall beside, falling to the ground. He felt guilty to make her fall with such loud thump, and throwing a second glance at her, he felt he has made her look even more pathetic than before.

"I am sorry if I forced you to separate with your first love. perhaps you would regret not taking up that offer to be his mistress," he said cruelly, stabbing her heart with such blunt words that established her as a loose woman. She felt utterly insulted that she burst out in anger and sadness all meshed into one complicated emotion "how can you say that?!!! can't you see, can't you see I hate him. I told you it was a mistake, and it's fine you don't forgive me, but how could you slander me that way. I'm not a dirty woman! there's no way I would like him anymore. I was blind to his evil, that I admit, was my fault! you can be mean to me and all, but you cannot label me a ! there's only one person I love now, and that's... that's you!"

Ryosuke felt a sharp pain in his heart and he thought the world has stopped spinning. he clenched his fist and restrain his wavering emotions.

"your love to me is disgusting. I don't want to say any further"

"I only have got you left... please don't push me away too. I'll remain invisible, I will not appear in your sight, just let me stay please~" she kneeled beside him with her hands tightly grabbing his legs. Ryosuke tried his best to suppress his sympathy and restrain his unbearable heart which is bursting of affection. He tightened his jaw and jerked his feet, causing her to fall backwards. He didn't turn around, but threw her a subtle glance of apologies then left the chamber with heavy regrets. Deep down, he was glad she believed in him when Kamiki tried to brainwash her, but he had to prevent themselves from falling deeper into the Aegean Sea of love for it will make it harder to part when the times comes. He is already becoming pessimistic about the day he sends her away and reembarked on a road of no returns, and he feared he wouldn't be able to do it. he knew he has been infected by the affection, and all he could do was to stay away from her, dissociate from her until the day comes for her to leave. Days after days, he refused to hear any updates from Daiki who has been assigned fully to guard her chamber and care for her wellbeing during this time. all he knew is she has been begging for Daiki to let her see him, but was denied again and again. in order to shut himself from her matters, Ryosuke drowned himself with work, from inspecting the city himself, to partaking in vigilante work as he has been doing before he entered the palace. all these efforts were not futile, but necessary to build up to the day of the congress meeting which was due in a week's time. Time is ticking and the showdown of success or failure from almost a decade of painstaking efforts is round the corner. everyone in the palace were getting nervous and angsty by the day, especially the Empress and Kamiki.

"if we don't rid either of them soon, he will get a shot at the throne, and I'll lose everything" Kamiki slumped into his seat with a tone of discouragement. he was shocked that his mother broke out in a sinister laughter.

"this boy is cleverer than I imagined. he's careful not to reveal his heart cause it only shows his weakest link. we haven't tried hard enough to rid this link."

"you mean Mirai?"

"She holds the key to his heart, and without her, he'll probably lose his sanity and that's our best opportunity to strike."

"I'm afraid you are wrong, okasama. Ryosuke has been very cold to her, I guess he is only using her and punishing her for what she did to him before"

"that's why I said he's really smart in concealing his real feelings."

"you mean, all of that was fake... it's just to act as if he didnt care about her?!"

"you've got it, my son. Ryosuke may have been away from me for a decade, but I still understand his thoughts. besides, if we try harder to rid her, then we can kill 2birds with one stone cause she also holds the key to the secret army that old hag Shida Abi has hidden. I'm sure Ryosuke knows it, so we have to beat him to it before he controls the army too"

"thank you okasama for your advise."

"yes, my son. you have to win the throne and lead this country to prosperity" the Empress said proudly without a slightest guilt towards his youngest son who she never acknowledged. "there's one chance at it, so let me assist you in this."

"when will that be?" Kamiki asked in curiousity.

"soon, very'll see... leave this to mother" the Empress' laughter rained over the main tower, while she prepare for a surprise that breaks even the strongest heart.

A large carriage sits in the middle of the parade ground with guards surrounding the carriage as it prepares for a grand exit to the streets immersed in festive spirit from the annual Festival of Lights. Large groups of officials and their daughters gathered around, awaiting to catch the glamour of the three princes and their ladies, as well as the top woman of Aoihoshi, Empress Suzuki Umi. Murmurs of how handsome the returned third prince was travelled to the ears of the immensely jealous Kamiki and Yuya who have lost all their charm since their youngest brother returned. But at one corner, the lady whom everyone was jealous of and at the same time despised her presence and gossiping about as though she was not there, stood awkwardly with a few of her maidens and guards.

"Mirai-sama, don't worry, he'll come" Ayame said after a long period of recovery from her injuries which she never revealed to her lady, especially not the forbidden kiss she gave to her lady's master. in fact, Ayame is feeling anxious about meeting Ryosuke who she has not met since that day. "you really think he will, Ayame? he was so furious that I haven't seen him for days. he didn't even allow me to find him"

Ayame patted her lady's shoulder and gave her a comforting smile. "you are going to tell him you won't leave this place, right Mirai-sama?"

"yes, I'm not going to leave. he can't make me..."

it is not long since Ayame was told by Daiki that they were leaving Aoihoshi for reasons she don't know for sure. She was hoping Mirai succeed in persuading Ryosuke to let her stay, because deep down, she doesn't want to leave her male master too. but she wasn't hopeful that he would agree, cause she knew whatever he has decided will not be changed easily. Ayame has been thinking during her recuperation, conflicting within her innocent mind the route she wants to take. when the two ladies see the dashing young man approach from a distance with a few of his trusted guards. both ladies awaited in anticipation only to receive a mocking remark from Asuka who came to their sides.

"if others don't know, Mirai looked like his servant girl, like her, lustful waiting to serve him" she chuckled.

"you..."Mirai was infuriated but was at the same time observing Ayame's unusual glistening gaze at Ryosuke, the same way she was looking at him. Mirai felt uneasy but held on to the faith she has for her own maiden not to fall for her wedded husband. moreover, she knew this was not the time to get jealous of her own kind when she is about to be pushed out of his sight. She stood demurely, waiting for him to reach her side.

"I'm glad you came, my son. I thought you would decline, given how busy you are that your wife seemed to have not met you for days" the Empress exclaimed with a smirk on her face. Mirai blushed in embarrassment as he looked at her and answered "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, my lady. and I really appreciate your concern okasama. I am indeed busy with the congress meeting round the corner. I surely do not want to mess up such an important event" Ryosuke spoke confidently, leaving the Empress and her 2 sons face turning red with anger.

"it has been a long time since I attended the Festival of Lights in Aoihoshi, so I'm glad you have invited me and my wife," Ryosuke continued to speak to the angered Empress as he walked to Mirai's side.

"it's my pleasure. shall we get in to the carriage?" the Empress ushered them to the gigantic carriage and the royalties entered one by one, with Ryosuke, Mirai and Ayame being the last to enter.

Ayame and Ryosuke's eyes met but he shrugged it away immediately and grabbed Mirai's hands and held her back.


"try to recognize the faces of the guards I brought with me today. they are my men. and don't take orders from anyone except me. most importantly, do not leave my sight, you understand?!" Ryosuke warned sternly with his intimidating gaze that made her especially nervous. 

"Daiki and Yuto?" Mirai whispered. Ryosuke looked afar and gave a subtle nod, indicating to Mirai they were in operation too. Ryosuke helped Mirai get up the carriage then turned to help Ayame who stood shyly at the back.

"R-Ryosuke-sama..." she helplessly called out, before she entered the carriage.

"yes? is there a problem?" he asked coldly. with his indifferent tone, she knew it was his way to show his disinterest to her, so she replied with embarrassment "nothing."

"what I said, applies to you too. take care of yourself" Ryosuke sent her in with his words of comfort expressed in a softer tone. Ayame smiled subtly and acknowledged his kind warnings.

once he entered the cramp carriage, his eyes sweep the surroundings to assess the situation. His mother sat with both his sons at either side of her, while Asuka sat beside Kamiki in a promiscuous position where her arms clinged around his waist in high intimacy. it was clearly meant as an insult to Mirai who does not have the liberty to do likewise; it was also a deliberate attempt to flaunt her superior position in love. Ryosuke took it all to heart, seeing her with her head lowered to avoid all the mocking gazes. He was sure she felt inferior and that was exactly what they are trying to do, to make her feel that she doesn't fit in. Ryosuke wasn't new to this feeling, he knew exactly how painful it should feel. He sighed then took a seat beside her, while Ayame sat at her other side.

He saw her tangling her fingers nervously on her dress and did not want his opponents to know her fear of them, so he slipped his hand into hers and tangled his fingers with hers. She looked at him with widened eyes but was dismissed by his ignorance. He never turned to look her, but faced front with full focus. that was however good enough for her, at least there was a reciprocal from him. the pressure exerted from his grip was just nice to make her feel secured and protected in this impending danger. 

the ride was rocky and at times, Mirai would topple over, colliding into the wide spread arms of Ryosuke. he enclosed her within his secured arms, making Mirai's cheeks flush red. unknowingly, it added to Ayame's jealousy which played a huge role in helping her decide the way forward. Ayame's eyes remained peeled at Ryosuke's tender loving care of Mirai, such as pushing her hair behind her ears, letting her lean on his shoulders. Mirai, on the other hand, was touched by his every little act, which was obviously meant to counter the Asuka and Kamiki's plan to ridicule Mirai by making her jealous of their little acts of love. She felt thankful that Ryosuke was willing to put aside all hatred to help in such sticky situation. at least that saved her last dignity. 

"we're here..." Yuya announced then one by one, everyone exited the carriage. Ryosuke saw at the corner of his eyes while helping Mirai and Ayame get down the carriage, the Empress and Kamiki exchanging sinister glances. Immediately, anxiety builds up within him, his eyes twitched as though something bad is about to happen. paranoid, he looked around for anything amiss, scanning the faces for any strange personalities but he couldn't detect any. Intuitively, he grabbed Mirai hard on the arm and pulled her back without alarming anyone else, " I don't feel good about this. stick close to me." Mirai could tell his uneasiness, so she obediently stick close to him physically, colliding with him and stepping on his foot several times. Asuka and Kamiki laughed secretly at Mirai's clumsiness, not knowing her growing fears were a source of it. 

"can you walk properly~" Ryosuke said frustratedly. 

"gomene... but...I'm so scared" Mirai trembled as she looked distracted around the area.

"don't be an embarrassment," Ryosuke pushed her in front of him and walked close behind "I'll be watching you, so don't worry"

She felt more at ease, so she gradually let her guards down. She unknowingly began hopping excitedly as she has been deprived from the air of freedom and overly depressed of the recent massacre of her family and those many unfortunate events suppressed her liveliness and her vitality. it was like this was the best opportunity to unleash herself. then there was the classy enemies who mocked her childishness.

"taco balls~" Mirai said happily and was about to rush to the store, but she stopped on her feet when Asuka deliberately say out loud "these food are such disgusting... not for royalty like us, right Kamiki..."

"yes, of course. doubt any of us will eat this" Kamiki seconded her mocking. Embarrassed to the core, Mirai backed away and withhold her cravings and all others. Ryosuke saw her pouting and chuckled to himself. He leaned towards one of the guards and whispered something sneakily before catching up with her. He tried his best to suppress his smiles when she saw her dragging her feet across the rows and rows of street food which she was pressured by social norms to stay away from. It triggered memories of his childhood past when he held her hands and ran from store to store at the Festival, gobbling up the food without concern of their status. he still could remember her innocent smiles when she unglamly fed herself with the street food. he unknowingly smiled to himself, until he was alerted of the crowd in front. 

"sir, there's a huge crowd in front..." one of his guard warned.

Ryosuke tightened his jaw and quickened his footsteps to grab Mirai and Ayame. "Stay close. there is a crowd in front so don't lose each other"

"hai." they both nodded in unison. Mirai slowed down then trailed behind Ryosuke. He could feel her tightly holding on to his sleeves and was heartened by her obedience. it may not be the same as how their hands held each other when they were younger, but this was close enough.

as they moved into the center of the crowd, things got more messy. the crowd seemed to close in on them 360 degree. Everyone was squeezed shoulder to shoulder, especially Mirai who was suffocating with the forceful body slams from either side of her.

"hey stop pushing... hey!" Mirai was calling for help as she became drown in the sea of people. before she know it, her hand was free from grip. Her eyes widened to realise she was no longer holding on Ryosuke's sleeves, and worst he was no where to be seen. "Ryosuke~ Ayame....! where are you guys... Ryosuke?!!!" no matter how loud she shouted, her voice was swallowed by the surrounding noises from the market place. She was pushed here and there and got carried by the flow of the crowd to a narrow alley when she finally got a breather. but... not for long. 

A woman, slightly taller than she is held a blunt arrow and shouted with internally accumulated vengeance "Your family must be punished for killing the King Akiyoshi! Murderers!" 

"no, no it's not me" Mirai backed away until she was obstructed by the wall. the woman mercilessly charged forward with the blunt arrow pulled backwards as if going to stab her with her entire force "go to hell!"

"aaaaaaahhhhh!" Mirai shrieked and shut her eyes as she awaited the painful impact to hit right into her heart. Cold sweat and tears trickled down but the pain never came. instead a soft pressure enveloped her from the front and a familiar scent engulfed her. with her eyes shut, fear crept up as she heard a soft moan from beside her ears. "arghhhhh" 

she gathered her guts and opened her eyes, only to see Ryosuke leaning on her, with his hands cupped against her shoulders for support.  his eyes squinted in agony, and he grip of her shoulders tightened to distract from the impact. 

"Ryosuke~" Mirai was touched beyond words when she realised Ryosuke has shielded her from an attack which could possibly have taken her life. He tightened his jaw and endured whatever pain he was having, grabbed his sword and pointed it at the lady who was trying to get away after her failed attempt. 

"please... please let me go..." the lady dropped to her knees at the sight of the sword which pointed to . His intimidating stares made her tremble in fear.

"who is behind this...?!" Ryosuke shouted fiercely, but she was so afraid that she didnt answer immediately. but with the tip of the sword scrapping the surface of her skin, she has no choice but to spill.

"I'm just a follower of King Akiyoshi. her family killed the kind King. she deserved to die with her family."

"my father did not kill the King!!! believe me please" Mirai tried to step forward and explain but Ryosuke stretched out his arm and stopped her pathway.

"you really don't treasure your life! I'll stab this through your throat with one more lie from you. I'll give you one more chance, Who instigated this?!!!" Ryosuke asked sternly once more.

"sorry... sorry. if I say, they'll kill me... I didn't have a choice. I don't wanna hurt Shida Mirai," the lady cried bitterly to seek forgiveness.

"huh? w-what are you talking about...who is the they you are implying?" Mirai asked with full of confusion. however, Ryosuke didn't appear surprise.

"the Empress, am I right?!" Ryosuke said. the lady didnt answer but her expression said it all. Mirai gasped at how she has become the target of the evil ploy and her spine shuddered when she realised how creepy the Empress is. 

"how much did she pay you!" Ryosuke asked. at the same time, Ryosuke's guards arrived. "Ryosuke-sama"

Realising it was the third prince before her, she began to feel hopeful"... she promised not to kill my family and I and promised us fortunes... please save me. if she knows I failed, she'll wipe us all out" the lady crept closer to Ryosuke and grabbed his legs.

"they are my men. I'm not gonna kill you.... " Ryosuke turned to one of his guards and instructed "give her a few thousands and help her relocate her family outside of Aoihoshi"

"yes sir!" the guard helped the lady up and brought a few other guards along.

"thank you... thank you so much" the lady cried in gratitude as she profusely bowed to Ryosuke and Mirai. 

When all things cleared up, and silence filled the alley, Ryosuke refocused his attention to Mirai. Raging in fire, he pushed her against the wall. with close proximity and a slight distance between them, he fiercely shouted "I told you to stay close to me!!! you can't even do that?!!!"

Mirai's eyes whelmed with warm tears as she tried to explain "I.. I tried, I was holding on to you so tightly but they pushed and pushed,and I couldn't hold on. I'm so useless, you're right, I am a huge burden to everyone."

Ryosuke was exhausted by his agonizing pain that spread across his shoulder. His rage dwindled in his own tiredness and leaned his head on Mirai's shoulder giving her a shock. Over his shoulder, she could get a better view of the situation. she was trembling in fear when she saw an arrow pierced through his back, around his shoulder. She looked closer and saw his top soaked with black blood.

"Ryosuke!you're hurt!!" she shrieked.

Ryosuke replied with profuse panting, "we can't be seen like this... bring me to the desolated huts at the corner." Mirai nodded in tears then held him firmly with his arm over her shoulder. She tried to conceal his injury by sneaking past crowd, but at the same time, she could hear his heavy and short breathes which was equally hurting her heart.

her eyes brightened up when she saw the hut, and quickened her footsteps. She was sorry cause she could feel Ryosuke enduring his pain to catch her speed. There were stacks of hays scattered across the hut, so she immediately eyed a corner and laid him down upright, careful not to antagonize his wound.

Ryosuke's lips have lost all colour by now, in fact, it was purplish. he was more than aware that the arrow was poisoned to ensure the pray has no chance of survival. 

"w-what can I do?" Mirai panicked.

"d-do you know how to do simple treatment?" Ryosuke unbearably told her, as each word he uttered was painstaking.

"I... I don't, I'm gonna get you killed... sorry, I'm so so sorry, it's all my fault" Mirai cried.

"listen to me... I'll guide you." Ryosuke took off his top, revealing his skin and his well-developed muscles underneath, as well as the source of his suffering, the deep wound where the arrow still sits securely. Mirai was shocked, not just because of the injury, but many more stab wounds which have healed, stabbed and healed at the same spots over and over again, forming ugly scars and scabs that could almost make an artistic masterpiece. She cupped and suppressed her cries, but there was simply no time for her to be traumatized by his past wounds as the current could really lead to death.

"it's really deep" Mirai assessed the wound to her best ability. she ran her hands around the bloody wound where blood oozed out without stopping. 

"pull the arrow out" Ryosuke said with his fist clenched hard enough to distract slightly from the pain on his back. Leaning on his sides against the cold wall, his eyes squinted and his frowns were deep seating. his breathing grew more intensely heavy by the minute and he knew there was simply no time to lose if he wants to stay alive. there was so much he needs to do, he told himself it's not the time to die now. 

"me?! I can't... I don't know how...." Mirai became frantic with the suggestion she regarded as absurd.

"just do as I say..." Ryosuke could no longer withstand the agony any longer. he shivered in a cold that penetrated his spine, cold sweat trickled down his forehead and his eyes rolled several times. he was going to pass out, but he tried his best to hold on to it, and even tried to tend to Mirai's fright. He enveloped his hand with Mirai's and brought it gently onto his back, near the wound. He gave her hand a light squeeze and strained himself to say "I trust you, so you've to trust me...please..."

Mirai was touched and remorse over the statement, especially after all her distrust for him, he still trusted her. She wiped away her tears and mustered her courage, "I'll do it." 

"p-pull it out upright. no hesitations, just pull it out in one go. c-cover your eyes, in case my blood splat into your eyes." Ryosuke was truly on the verge of fainting by now. Mirai saw Ryosuke's condition which gave her motivation to do as he said. Mentally on the count of three, she did what he said. and as he predicted, blood splattered and Ryosuke let out an excruciating cry that breaks the heart of the young lady and triggered the streams of tears from her tear duct. "Ryosuke!!!" he was semi-unconscious after the hysteric cry. Mirai shook his cold body crying his name repeatedly, worried that there's no life in him anymore. "Ryosuke, wake up... wake up, you can't leave me alone... tell me what to do next.!Ryosuke~" 

she buried her face on his chest and cried. "Ryosuke, i am naive, and im not giving excuse for my stupidity. but i didn't have it easy when you just disappear 10years ago. was i too harsh, was i unreasonable, i thought day and night, and only when you're gone, i realised how much i absolutely miss your accompany. you were my best friend, my only friend, whom i didn't have feel pressured to mask myself. i am able to be myself in front of you, and not a single part of me was fake during the times we played together. the loneliness hits me after a while, and i had delusion of you around me. as time flew, i thought i am used to your absence, but it was not the case. i used my hatred for you as an excuse to numb my yearnings, i slammed you to convince myself i didn't miss you. you know, i didn't mind you hating on me now and forever, you can be cold to me, treat me as air, i rather so than separate with you! and you dont have to bring up Kamiki, cause he never was and never will be more important than you are! it took me so long to realise, made so much mistakes and made so many unnecessary detours! it's you who was always silently accompanying me through thick and thins without asking for anything in return, whom i loved! whether it was Ai or Ryosuke, i know you were always there for me, shielding me in your arms! there's no one around me anymore, so please don't push me away~ Ryosuke..." 

Tears rolled down from her eyes down his bare top and onto his fallen fingers. His fingers twitched and his eyes fluttered opened. "urgh" he groaned in pain. 

"Ryosuke!!! thank goodness you're alright!..."

He moaned as the pain continues to torment him. Mirai saw his sustained agony, and knew he could only trust on her to pull him through the crisis. She looked at the wound, with full of focus, then saw the black blood which continued to flow. black colored veins from the wound seemed to be spreading deeper, and even though she wasn't versed in medicine, she vaguely remembered Ayame saying that if the poison reaches the heart, the red beating heart will cease.

It may be something regarded as stupid and reckless by others, but for the survival of the most important person in her life, she could not consider longer. she took a deep breathe then pressed her face against the poisoned wound. 

"Mirai?" Ryosuke peered to his back and saw and felt surreal about whatever Mirai was doing. a gentle suction sensation could be felt from his wound, and he could also feel her soft lips that sealed the opened wound. "d-don't" he moaned with every breathe she took to out the poison that was spreading through her veins. one wrong step, she could swallow the poison and infect herself, but it was truly not her concern at this point. she unconsciously has regarded her life secondary of Ryosuke's, and such actions were already indicative to him that she has wavered and planted her seed of love. it was all along his intention to get her habouring the hatred for him, it was never to get her to fall for him, for his life could not accommodate a person other than himself. a silent tear trickled down the corner of his eyes amid the insufferable pain which fortunately was reducing in intensity with every artificial resuscitation she gave from his wound. She spat out every drop of blood stained with black colored poison, and soon she was gasping from out of breathless, while Ryosuke was exhausted from the agony and his endless heartbreaks when he sees his endearing childhood sweetheart risking her life for him in the most memorable way. She dropped on the floor and sat slouching beside him. Ryosuke looked intensely at her, but she was too tired to realise.

"thank you, Mirai..." he said in the softest tone since he reunited with her. She turned to him and smile. she felt faint after the session of anxiety that she toppled sideways, luckily Ryosuke caught her in his recovering strength. "a-are you okay?"

she nodded with still a smile hung high while leaning against his bare chest and his arm wrapped around her waist. "thank you..." he said with a subtle smile that was enough to get her heart beating. though the smile was not clear, it was the first one she received from him since they reunited. she felt her heart fluttering with happiness, and her cheeks blushing with redness.

 "we need to return to the carriage and act as if nothing has happened" Ryosuke said as he tried to put back on his top. 

"but it'll be really painful for you, with the carriage jerking and bumping..."

"it'll be okay. I'm feeling much better after you out the poison," but when Ryosuke stood up, Mirai quickly ran forth and supported him by his side, with her arm enveloped around his waist and his arm naturally wrapped around her shoulder. they adjusted the position along the way until they reached a common consensus on how best to conceal their awkward intimacy. 

Mirai held in her anger when she sAw The Empress and Kamiki on one end of the bustling street. When they saw Ryosuke and her making their grand return, their jaws dropped immediately. Ryosuke and Mirai returned to their normal position but Mirai's hands are wrapped around Ryosuke's arms, clinging onto his arms to support him without giving away that he's injured.

"y-you!" Mirai had the burning urge to give Kamiki a slap but Ryosuke held onto her hand and stopped her from going forward. "concealment is our best policy" he whispered in her ears. 

Kamiki and the Queen observed Mirai and Ryosuke the whole time in disbelief as they were certain their plan would succeed. unknown to them, the bumpy ride was unbearable to Ryosuke. every bump makes him cringe in extreme pain. he gritted his jaw and tightly squeezed Mirai's hand whose fingers are entwined with his, in hopes to channel the pain away. Mirai secretly looked at his face which cringed everytime, and was praying they will reach the destination soon. in her shock, she felt a light pressure upon her shoulders, the warmth that transcended at the pressure point was endearing. she tilted her head slightly and saw Ryosuke's head nested on her shoulders with his eyes shut and his frowns still present. she caressed his relaxed fingers while letting him sleep. Ayame who sat on the other side felt her heart sink when she saw that intimate scene. she thought she should be happy for her masters who have resolved their differences, but she realised she wasn't able to so. there could only be one reason why she felt this way, as such she made her decision, but she needed the help of the only other person who could help make it happen.

"Ryosuke! you should have let us interfere, I'll skin that lady who cause such pain to you," Yuto nagged while helping Ryosuke dress up his wound.

"she didn't have a choice. just let it go, Yuto, it's not like we never expected the two to make such as underhanded move," Ryosuke sat around the table in his chamber and revealed his to Yuto. the latter meticulously cleaned the wound and bandaged around his shoulder blade.

"fine, luckily the poison was removed or your life will really end by now. Mirai is really unbelievable ne, I never expected she'll do something like that to save you. it's cheesy but it's the best amateurish way to purge out the poison."

"you should add silliness in her list of adjectives," Ryosuke added with a tone of humour. Yuto felt heartened to see Ryosuke crack such lighthearted jokes for the first time, but it was also sad to know that it was Mirai who melted his ice mountain, because by dawn the next day, there will only be heartbreaks and nothing more. there was only one thing Yuto could bring up now, since all will end soon.

"she's sitting outside your chamber, do you wanna get her in?" Yuto asked blatantly, expecting to receive his hysteric rejection. instead, it seemed like Ryosuke thought the same as Yuto...

"bring her in. I need you to bring me the thing I asked the guard for, and then leave the both of us alone for today. okay?"

"alright. I'll guard from afar" Yuto smiled warmly and gave Ryosuke a pat on his back before he exited the chamber.

Mirai was extremely nervous as this was the first time her visit to his chamber was granted, and she didnt know how he's feeling and what he's thinking when he agreed. all she hoped was her presence didnt irk him as he last said. she hesitantly entered the dimly lighted chamber and reminisced the spots which had their memories when he took care of her week ago. She stood beside Ryosuke's seat as though frozen. He looked at her and sighed, "can you please sit down?"

"h-hai..." she sat down with a subtle smile.

"you're my wife, not my servant girl. so you don't have to act like they do around me...anyway, shouldn't you be spending some time packing your stuff for tomorrow's departure?"

She became anxious upon hearing Ryosuke's reminder and became more vocal, "Ryosuke, can you please not push me away, please don't send me away..." she grabbed his arms and shook it as she said with tears whelmed in her eyes.

Ryosuke brought his palm above hers and gave it a gentle squeeze and then led her hands away, but she noticed it wasn't hostilely done, rather she saw his glistening smile.

"lets not talk about this first.. do you know what day is today?" Ryosuke asked with anticipation stared right into her eyes. Mirai though hard as she was expecting to see his impatience. His brows raised as if he thought she would straightaway remember it.

"m-my birthday?" she asked while feeling disgusted with her own answer since she would not expect him to remember hers, but it was dead wrong again. he nodded with a chuckle. "... and why your shocked expression?" 

"I... I thought you won't...." she was interrupted by her own stuttering.

"you thought i won't remember or bother? I think I'm the only one in this world who would do this for you now ne. in some way, you are in a similar situation as me, only that you are alot better, cause at least you're not alone."

"r-Ryosuke...." she felt a surge of sorrows rise up with her sympathy for him.

"it's not difficult to remember this, since your birthday falls on the Festival of Lights. I still remember the last time we celebrated your birthday, we played at the festival till late night and your father was so furious when you came home way past your curfew."

Mirai chuckled as those memories were triggered. she was glad Ryosuke remembered all of those but also felt increasing guilty for the plight she subjected to him after such wonderful memories he created for her.

"three wishes, I'll give you, and it's only valid for today," Ryosuke said.

"huh.?" she was stunned by the offer which came so abruptly. immediately, many wishes got through her mind, making it difficult to choose. there was a long stretching silence then Ryosuke spoke "if you don't have any, then I'll save my wishes then..."

"no no... I have..." Mirai frantically rebutted.
"and..." Ryosuke awaited her answer patiently.

"I... can I t-touch the s-scars on your body?" Mirai asked with fear that it will anger him and revoked the kind reaction he has given him for a change. to her surprise, he took out his top, revealing his bare skin, with the numerous scars including the recent stab wound which was nicely bandaged. the perfection of the imperfection was enough to make her heart beat crazily, but it wasn't just her. when she traced the scars each with her fingers, he felt his heart tinkle with every touch. 

"what's the story behind each of these..." Mirai asked while her finger traced one slash wound which stretched across his ribs area. 

"my physique trainer mercilessly slashed his sword across my torso when he realised I let my guard loose. he wanted to teach me a lesson, to be alert at all times even with the closest people."

Mirai knew that if a person is alert 24/7, it'll be really tiring, and she was extremely saddened by how his life was so awfully stressful and lonely. Then her hand traced to a patch of scar which was different from those others with clean cuts, this was spread out. Ryosuke took it as a hint to explain its origin "I was starved for days, then my limbs have way when I was reaching out for a kettle of boiling water."

Mirai's tears gushed out and her fingers can no longer follow traces of his misery and tremulous past. there was not a slightest hint of sympathy he wants from her. it was like he has already accepted his fate and fault and no one else's. She cupped and muffled her cries, with his back facing her. She uncontrollably brought her face near his bare top and kissed the edges of his scar without any feelings of disgust or mocking. her tears flowed into his body and washed through the imperfect body with love and regrets. She felt her current sufferings are nothing worth mentioning when compared to what he has gone through, and she felt ashamed of herself during the times she thought she was hopeless and deserved sympathy. Her tears couldn't stop, and soon his body was drenched with her tears. He turned around and cupped her face with his warm hands. he lifted her face and exchanged deep glances with her. Drying her tears with his fingers, he told her, "it's getting suffocating here. I'll show you somewhere that can really lighten your mood" He, without hesitation, reach out for her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. Mirai's heart couldn't slow down its pounding. the warmth from his hand radiates through into her hand and spread across her body like a blanket pulled over her, keeping her shielded from the chilling night breeze. if his kindness was only for limited time, she hoped time would freeze and cease to continue so she can be ever immersed in his comfort.

The view from the roof was pretty, the lights from the streets were dazzling enough to temporarily distract from the hardships the people were facing at present. The two sat in silence as they immerse themselves in the beautiful scenery with their hands never let go.



"let me decide your second wish~" Ryosuke said while he looked into the stars. Mirai looked at his side profile, and nodded with hesitation, worried it was something she wouldn't want to accept.

"you may not know it, but the younger me cares alot about how people see me. It's impossible to shut myself from all the mocking, insults that I received. I looked in the mirror many times, asking myself how is it my brothers can look so mesmerizing and are such heartthrobs, but I'm the complete frog who people just feel like laughing when they meet me. my inferior complex led me to not be able to admit my identity chase I never will convince people that's the truth cause I'm just an outlier. as such, I walked down a path that left me with so many regrets. I didn't even dare or have the face to tell my only friend how much I loved her..."

"Ryosuke~" Mirai felt her eyes went warm and watery again.

"but let me tell you, in life, is not about impressing others cause the impression making is an endless process, and it'll be tiring if you're always trying to impress and you'll end up letting many things slip by, just like what you forgo just now..." Ryosuke finally turned to look at Mirai as if to check if she knows what he's implying. Mirai looked confused, searching desperately on his face for answers. but it wasn't what she could see that made her understand, it was actually the lingering fragrance that permeates the air. Ryosuke whistled, Yuto sent a packet of delicious smelling food that was too familiar not to remember what it was. the moment Yuto left, Mirai said excitedly "isn't that Takoyaki?!"

" if you liked it so much, why didnt you dare to voice it out..." Ryosuke cheekily placed it out of reach.

"I, because I..."

"because the two of them said it was disgusting, and you wanting so much to save face, and care so much about prestige, you don't want them to mock at you."

"I..." Mirai didn't know how to answer cause it was dead true. guilt went through her veins cause Ryosuke has just picked out the flaw of hers that led her to lose Ai in the very first place. 

"you never changed, Mirai..."

Mirai sighed and lowered her head as she was too ashamed to face him. but he held her chin and ensured she looked at him.

"Mirai, your family is no longer with you. only and only when you learn to live for yourself, when you start disregarding how others see you and just do what you think is right, then you'll grow strong enough to triumph any belittling and any form of damage inflicted on you. you understand what I mean? superficiality are only for shallow girls, and I know Shida Mirai is never one, or at least Ai never regarded her as one."

"Ryosuke~ Gomenasai... I am so ashamed to see you" she teared in remorse but he wiped her fallen tears quickly with his fingers which traced the contours of her cheek.

"no need to apologise to others for this, you'll need to forgive yourself for all the regrets you caused to yourself. for example the Takoyaki you had to grit on your jaw to fight back the temptations. but I shall give this to you as your second wish..." Ryosuke smiled subtly and passed her the packet of her liking into her hands.

"thank you thank you!" Mirai was exhilarated when she took it. As she was gobbling the food unreservedly, he looked at her and was reminded of the days she always showed her unglam, unfeminine side to him and only him. he giggled to himself.

"why are you laughing?" Mirai asked curiously.

"you never bothered to act demure in front of me, even now..." Ryosuke teased, then at the same instance she felt a static shock went through her body when her eyes reminded her that he's nothing like Ai, but a perfect guy who is even more attractive than Kamiki and Yuya. She blushed and quickly wanted to clean from any stains, but Ryosuke caught her hand and said "let me do the honours." he brought his handkerchief to her stained lips and gently cleaned it back to perfection. He smiled at his masterpiece and was proud of it.

"is this considered the second wish?" she blushed as they came into close proximity such that she could smell the sweetness in his breathe.

"yes of course it is."

"that's not fair... I didn't make this wish..." she whined and he teased further

"you didn't say it but you wanted it." Ryosuke said confidently. Mirai was silenced cause she knew it was the truth. she did want to eat that. 

"so what shall be the third one, my lady? there's 30 minutes left"

"30 minutes?!!! that's fast!!! wait wait let me think~" she was frantic thinking once the clock 12, Ryosuke would have no need to sustain the kind treatment. Her panic made her appear clumsy in front of him, making him laugh and attracted to her innocence which was unknowingly portrayed without her own knowledge.

Ryosuke deliberately gave a sigh of impatience and she quickly blurted her wish, "can y-you... forgive me for what I did in the past?" Mirai is in fact afraid to ask, but Ryosuke has expected this coming, and has already an answer for her.

"Mirai.... I don't think i am ever able to forgive you. not now, not ever. Gomenasai..."

"Ryosuke, please....I really know my wrong, I'll change... I'll change in whatever you want, and I'll help mend your heart that I broke" Mirai grabbed his arm and shook profusely in desperation.

"do you think you're being fair to me? after hurting me so deeply and thoroughly, you expect me to wash away all these nasty memories and tricked myself that it never happened~ let me tell you, when I met you again in the past months, I did try and i can't..."

Tears choked upon Mirai and some escaped through her tear duct, re-wetting her face.

"the truth is, hate and love, they are both hard to overcome. the more I hated you, the more I loved you, and the more I loved you, the more I hated you. it's impossible to restart a relationship or even build a new one that has a foundation built upon hatred. once there's even a slightest remorse, guilt and hatred towards each other, broken relationships cannot be mended and returned to it's original state."

Mirai buried her face in her arms and cried bitterly while trying to convey her desperation "Ryosuke~ what am I going to do, I really love you..."

Ryosuke grabbed both her hands and faced her entirely with both their eyes set upon each other. "what you want is not my forgiveness, what you want is just someone to accompany you so that you needn't endure the loneliness after everyone who cares for you have left. you are someone who wants to be loved, Mirai..."

"no... no it's not true. I really love you..." she shook her head and tried so hard to avoid the certainty in his eyes as though enforcing his ideas into her mind.

"Time will tell you that all I said is true. it's not me you need, it's only my companionship...once we're apart from each other, then you'll be surprised how you don't even see or feel the difference," Ryosuke brushed the fallen tears and let himself closer, and closer and closer. Her heartbeat quickened as the gap between them reduced until their lips touched. they were both taking each other's breathe away, and were mutually adjusting their positions for maximum position as though they were both able to read the needs of the other. Their arms enveloped behind each others back and passionately caressed it, while finding a comfortable spot that leaves them in an intimate embrace. She would expect herself to be so nervous that her heart ceases from beating too rapidly but instead she felt her body acting unusual. She parted slightly from him then she rubbed her eyes and fidgeted to stay awake, but her eyelids is becoming too heavy and her heart beating much slower despite the passionate moment. he knew his plans were underway when he heard her weakening pleas. Her view of him became doubled and the world around her began to spin. 

"Ryosuke~why do I feel... so... so tired" she was so weak and drained of energy, and her limbs was no longer within her control that she swayed from left to right until he caught a firm hold of her. Mirai used all her remaining strength to keep herself upright with her hands leaned on his chest for support. she could almost not utter his name anymore, but still she tried her best to air her suspicion "y-you... you spiked the food... R-Ryosuke..."

Before the darkness fill her eyes and she completely collapsed into his arms, she heard his voice ringing by her ears "Gomenasai... it's only necessary... you'll understand" she thought she heard him say. she lost all consciousness, and collapsed fully into his wide spread arms which seemed prepared.

He carried her princess style down from the roof, along the corridors and back into his chamber. Yuto was already standing in the interior awaiting for his master's return from the execution of his heartbreaking plans. Yuto saw the mentally exhausted and solemn expression of Ryosuke and knew it was painful for his heart when he did it to her. but it wasn't just Mirai who is tiring him down.

"Yuto, can I speak with you first..." Ryosuke said with his back facing him, eyes focused on the sound asleep Mirai as he spoke.

"yes," Yuto replied with a confident tone, knowing what his master is about to say. 

The two sat against the twilight, against the broken and forelorn heart of the girl, while the heart of the two men will soon join hers in the sea of sorrows. the executor himself will break like he never before, showing his deeper self which he has never revealed...

with reddened eyes, Ryosuke sat on his bed with his arms bosoming his sleeping beauty. his arms folded across her bulging chest, her head nested on his chest against the crook of his neck. he leaned his chin against her top of her head and occasionally left deep imprints on her forehead. 

"Mirai... there's so much I wished I could tell you other than the hatred... I'm sorry I have to hurt you this way, but it's only going to be temporal, trust me..." a lonely teardrop fell onto her fingers and it twitched as though she knew he was crying. Ryosuke let his hand loose and slowly gripped her small, delicate hand stained with his tear. he gently caressed her fingers and admired the beauty of his wife. he painfully smiled then led her fingers to his lips and gave her intimate kisses. 

"if you hadn't fall for me, just like I did for you, then you wouldn't hurt as much as me. i told you not to seek my forgiveness, you should have hated me just like you did for 10 years, why did your heart have to come to me... I will only let your heart bleed and die" Ryosuke let out an excruciating cry that's so heartbreaking even to Yuto who stood outside the door. Yuto cupped his mouth to avoid adding to the watershed, but the one in the room was close to flooding. Ryosuke hugged Mirai tightly in his arms and was on the brink of crushing her inner bones with his tough muscles. his tears ran like a broken dam, gushing out in an uninterrupted stream. "Mirai, I never told anyone but the truth is i am really tired and frightened... i really need you by my side, but I can't..." he tried to make out the words even though it was drown in his cries. it was as if she could hear him, a silent tear trickled down the corner of her tightly shut eyes. He laid her down the bed and he lowered himself beside her with his arms wrapped around her.  he pulled her closer such that they faced each other throughout the night, and there wasn't a moment the cold breeze could penetrate the circle of warmth formed around their bodies. Her face leaned against his broad chest with their sweet breathe and rhythmic synchronized heartbeats evoking the serenity in a tense night before the storm. it was second and last time Ryosuke let his mind rest in her comfort.

Turn dawn, the 'storm' brews to the highest speed, uprooting even the most stable of relationships, and sadly the few relationships for the few souls who are set on a path of unknown, uncertainty and no returns. It was the most unbearable, most heartbreaking moment of a lifetime that not many can endure, worst for the few who has suffered the loneliest of times and are the most sincere and delicate of the humankind. For him who has put the strongest front that belongs to him not, was unable to say goodbye. Riding his horse, with rolling tears bracing the piercing wind that cuts through his most vulnerable heart which falters against the emotional situation, he settled at the highest spot of the cliff that oversees the beautiful valley which contained the saddest people. He clenched his fist on one hand and the other clutched his chest as he felt a burning heartache. His eyes clouded with tears, obstructing his view of the most beautiful woman in his regard; he wiped those fallen tears and gained a clearer view that makes it more suffocating. nothing can be more cruel to him than sending his love away with his own hands. he felt himself tore apart when he lifted her into the carriage. even though she was in her unconscious state, he heard her mouthed his name weakly and helplessly repeating her request to "let me stay..." in that instance, he wanted so much to force her awakening and tell her how much he wanted her to stay.

Seeing the carriage move further from him, he uttered under his breathe "the day the seeds of unrest and hatred are sown between us, fate has been decided that love will never bloom for us. for hatred, I cannot punish you with my love. for love, I cannot punish you with my hatred. for hatred or for love, it's better I watch you from afar. I have given you the best of my men, he'll give you the strength you need and the companionship that make you less  lonely. I wish your every happiness, Shida has never been a regret knowing you... and loving you."

While Daiki rode the carriage in the direction of North, Yuto sat within the carriage, trying his very best to restrain the emotionally unstable girl since she woke up from the effects of the sleeping pills.

"Stop the carriage! you guys can't do this! and how could he spike my food so that he can drive me away!!! let me go!!!" Mirai shouted in tears and struggled to get out of Yuto's grip for minutes into hours. never did she stop fidgeting, or shouting, or crying, and when Yuto is finally exhausted, he vented all his frustration.

"Can you just get a hold of yourself!!! you're not the only one who's hurting here. because of you, I have to part with him too!!!! do you know we've been through that 10 years when you weren't with him, I had been through hell with him, so we had to give up the mutual friendship and master-shinobi relationship because of you! so stop acting spoilt and shut up!" Yuto shouted back with tears already welled up in his eyes, but never fall. he has been holding back his tears except the night before when he could no longer restrain the reservoir building up in his eyes. 

"Yuto, I told you many times that you're more than just my shinobi, but my my only best friend right?"

"ungh.." Yuto nodded while avoiding his eyes, afraid to face the impending sorrows that transcend in the damp mood.

"I know you bear a grudge against me for making this decision to send you away, but I really have my reasons for doing so. I have no one I could trust to fulfill my wish other than you, Yuto. and another reason is, I really want to see you having your own happily ever after."

"Im a shinobi, that's my life, so I don't understand why must you care so much about me as opposed to other masters. I'm supposed to walk through to the very end with you, yet you deliberately sent me away.and being the only one you trusted, it is the more you should put me by your side in the final stages of your dangerous plan"

"like I said, you're more than just my shinobi. I told you how the ending would be like, and there's no way I can drag my best friend into a bloody feud."

"then I should be at least there beside you to make sure the ending turns out another way! denying my protection will only put you in more jeopardy and making the presumed ending more concrete.!" Yuto broke down in buckets of tears for the first time since the 10years Ryosuke know him. Ryosuke sighed and pulled his best friend into a friendship hug.

"I promise you I'll do my best to change the ending, okay?" Ryosuke asked as he patted his back to comfort him.

Nesting his head on Ryosuke's shoulders, he cried, "you're not even doing anything to change it. to put it crudely, you have dug your own grave!"

"you know I don't make empty promises, so I hope that at least if this is the last time I'm speaking to you, don't doubt me," Ryosuke pulled away slightly from Yuto and sternly said, though it softens almost immediately after.

"a shinobi should not cry, so should your master. isn't that our oath never to show our weakest side to anyone... anyway, Yuto, thank you for being here for me, without you by my side all these while, I wouldn't think I would go this far. if it's really my last request to you, please help me fulfill it."

"We will meet again right? you will try right?" Yuto painstakingly fought his own feelings and asked.

"I will try to change the ending I foresee, but Yuto, I hope not to meet each other again. this would be the last time, we'll ever be chatting as best friends. if we do meet again, we would be less than strangers or passerby. You deserve to start afresh, and I would want that too. from the break of dawn tomorrow, you'll be no more a shinobi, for I have freed you from a life of slavery and the future is to be in your hands and no others"

"you have sent me away, then what about yourself, what are you going to do alone?!! I can't bear to leave you like this... "

"don't worry. you're forgetting that I still have ojisan here..."

"but Yamaguchi-san don't know you as well as me.. and he's always not here when you needed help."

"Yuto, Yuto... you're really belittling me, I'm not a weakling. I have my army, I have my men, so I'm not fighting alone. just have confidence with me, and let this be a cheerful farewell, okay." Ryosuke forced a smile on his face and pat his shoulders to impart faith and positivity. Yuto unbearably gave a smile as wide as his and bidded farewell to his one and only friend. he had so many thank you, that he never got the chance to put it into proper terms, and could only convey his gratitude for adopting him as his shinobi. he was sure Ryosuke was the one and only one master worth protecting with his life and someone whom he will serve for his afterlife.

Mirai's silence made Yuto guilty for raising his voice at a girl so frail and so heartbroken. hence he softened his voice to comfort her wounds from losing her lover. "we can get over him together...but it's too early as well to determine the verdict. he will survive so lets have faith in him... besides, he needs your help to ready the army to charge in and aid Ryosuke's army should his plan to disclose at court not work."

"my army... it's real? what Kamiki said.."

"yes, your father passed the commandership to Ryosuke, along with the request for him to marry you. but Ryosuke transferred the commandership to you not too long ago cause he felt that the army will bond with you better, given they're each have been serving under your father , most importantly, the army can protect you. you cannot misunderstand his intentions for this. I am sure that if he had a choice, he will not push you away."

Mirai summoned her guts and took in a deep breathe, looked out of the window, hoping the greenery could distract her sorrows of leaving the one she discovered she truly loved. regrets after regrets, she knew she hurt him too deep that it was only second nature he wanted a break from her. it was still uncertain to Mirai where his heart belonged, that he married her because he needed Shida's aid, or he wanted to protect her out of love? 

"Yuto..." she weakly called out them refocused her gaze on the tall shinobi who was as much as a heartthrob as the master he served.


"you hate me, don't you... for hurting him, for causing you to leave him alone in the terrible fight, for everything that I have troubled him for..." she looked sincerely into his reddened eyes. he was stunned by the intrusive question but he knew to fulfill Ryosuke's last task to him, there should be no lies between him and Ryosuke's lady.

"I would be lying if I said that's not true. yes, I hate you... but at the same time, I want to work on it. I want to see what you have to get so many people protecting you with their lives. besides, life would be too boring if we chose to shun away from each other and it'll only make my job more difficult. or rather, I don't want to be constrained by the word 'job'. I wish for a time I can treat you as a soulmate, a best friend who I'm willing to die for, just like I see Ryosuke as. he's more than my master, and I hope the same for you. it might have started on the wrong footing but, lets sort out the differences and make the best out of our lives. at least, lets make Ryosuke's decision to protect us, more worthwhile."

"Yuto... Ryosuke said to me that it's impossible to restart a relationship or even build a new one that has a foundation built upon hatred. once there's even a slightest remorse, guilt and hatred towards each other, broken relationships cannot be mended and returned to it's original state... can we really be friends?"

Yuto sighed as he realised the extent of validity when the statement was spoken by Ryosuke. as much as he understands Ryosuke, this statement can only at its best be partially true. in fact, he knew that his master did not do what he preaches. but for the sake of Ryosuke's honour and to prevent further hurt to the girl's frail heart, he could not debunked his initial statement.

"I do not hate you as Ryosuke did. so lets try to work this out between us."

"thank you, Yuto..." Mirai smiled with tears still b in her eyes. Yuto led his hands to her shoulders and cupped it tightly to give her a steady reassurance. She then realised his hands were just as warm, and his fingers were longer and his palms were wider.

"where's Ayame?" Mirai suddenly asked, and Yuto didn't seem surprised. 



Gomene minna! I said this was the last chapter but i didn't expect it would turn out to be so long, so I am gonna have a part 3 after this to wrap the story up. As I told some of you, I am working fulltime and juggling with writing my fics. It's hard these days, cause I am writing the fics during my travelling and before sleep. :D that being said, the comments that readers gave really give me the strength to continue with my stories, and I do hope for more^^ I am always craving for more comments, cause I love reading how you guys feel when you read through my story:) I must personally thank a few of my readers who always left comments for me... Greyrani, beyond_limits13, Riena82, wallflower, themisberry, ekadarmanyanthi, YamieX and ShiLoveChi, and many many more:D Thank you all. And i hope you enjoy this chapter! Lastly, I made a video tribute to Yamada and Haruna for the successful completion of Kindaichi:) do support me too 

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Chapter 9: Finally, they are happily ever after. I was crying so much,, ryo-chan,,,, he is amazing
Chapter 9: Wah glad it finally their happily ever after :D and somehow this chap kinda rush for me, not complaining though XD Just curious, were Ayame and Ryosuke got married for real? Anyway thanks you so much for this story ^^
Chapter 9: So, in the end Aoihoshi merged into Hikaru's kingdom... never thought such occurence would be the solution, but well, I couldn't think any other way for Mirai and Ryosuke to be together and at the same time Aoihoshi was still taken care well. Anyway, so happy that finally Ryosuke reunited with his wife, son, and best friend! Yay. Thanks for this awesome fic, Mei-chan XD
Chapter 8: I just finished reading it now, gomen... Anyway, I don't know how to start. *sigh* What is wrong with these people?! Particularly Ryosuke... he saved the whole of Aoihoshi and its people. Then he even allowed the people, who should have been treated as his enemies, to live. He has been so selfless all this time, can't he at least try to be selfish just for the sake of his one true love? This is just too painful beyond words... I can't take why Mirai and Ryosuke should suffer though they love each other unconditionally. They deserve happiness! And so, I'll be stalking this story til the end! Woooh~ I actually like the relationship Mirai and Yuto has now, and Hikaru is such a nice man...I do hope he stays good through the end. :) Well, the part with Ayame is not a fave though. xP

Kyaaaa! Thanks again for such nice chapter! It was heartbreaking yet so addictive as well. Will be stalking the next chapters then! Ganbatte! :)
ekadarmayanthi #5
Chapter 8: what happen actually until make ryosuke didn't want mirai meet him? uwaahh, hope nothing bad happen to him..
and curious what ayame-ryosuke relationship now, is he the ayame's husband?
also hikaru, i hope he is in the good side here..

and really, poor ryosuke..i just hope he can find his happiness..
thanks for update mei-chan, can't wait for the next part of the epilogue, ganbatte ^_^
Chapter 7: Oh please I begging you to give Ryosuke happiness. All of his sacrifice really touched me and make me cried.. and it was mending my grudge towards his family as well. And for Yuto and Mirai.. are they by any chance?
Chapter 7: Ryosukeeeee Noooo!!!! Please don't be sad ending again. My heart is broken.
Chapter 7: Ryosuke not dead, right? Ayame save him, right? Ahhh.. i cant wait for the epilogue. Ganbatte ne..
ekadarmayanthi #9
Chapter 7: Uwaaaaahhh i cried hard reading this.. this final chapter still a cliffhanger, because we don't know what actually happen to ryosuke also ayame that heard the, i expected i will know the answer on the epilogue..
thanks for update mei-chan and can't wait for the epilogue ^_^
Chapter 6: Waa Kamiki so evil in here and I kinda pissed of Mirai in here, she's pathetic. Honestly I frustrated with the two, thanks to you for writing this very detail so I'm really into the plot and the character as well. Another good story Chuamx-san ^^ Thank you ^^