Cho Pan Da


Jungkook woke to that familiar blaring sound that every kid dreaded in the morning.

The alarm clock. The alarm clock that signalled it was time to get up and go.

Go to the living hell that was called ‘school’.

Sure, Jungkook’s life had been a living hell since the incident, but so far he hadn’t been surrounded with people who knew him. Or, at least, thought they knew him. They didn’t know anything. But it had to be done. Jungkook had to move on, regain some sense of normality even though he knew nothing would ever be normal again.

He crawled out of bed and staggered to the bathroom where he began to brush his teeth. It still pained him to look in the mirror. But that too had to be done. He finished washing and went to put some decent clothes on. Jungkook used to be really fashion conscience but, well, we can all see how he has been deteriorating recently. He threw on some pants and a jumper before running a hand through his hair. That reminded him: he needed a haircut.

Jungkook was so out of this. He barely knew how to write anymore; how would he remember anything from last term? He was hoping the teachers would treat him as though he wasn’t there.

He grabbed his bag and walked out of the apartment. It was only then when realised what he was wearing.

It was one of Jimin’s jumpers.

“Jungkook!” He squeezed his eyes shut as though that would block everything out. It didn’t.

“Jungkook, it’s me!” He slowly reopened his eyes and he felt the energy draining from him as he saw the bouncy girl standing in front of him. It was Cho Pan Da, the girl from the shops. He offered her a smile.

“Let’s go to school together!” Oh no.

“Actually, um I’m not going to school today…”

She looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Yes you are, the teacher told the whole class and she said that we have to be extra specially nice to you.” Jungkook wanted to shut his eyes and for the ground to swallow him whole right there and then. He was already receiving pity and he hadn’t even got to the school yet.

Before he could protest some more, Pan Da linked her arm with his and began dragging him alongside her, although the height difference meant that Jungkook had to walk at an awkward angle.

The girl began prattling on about this and that, and as usual, Jungkook found himself tuning out, his mind becoming occupied by very – too – familiar thoughts.

The men in the shop.

The shootings.


What would have happened if Jungkook had actually approached those two men in the shop? Were they completely insignificant or did they mean something?

And how had Jungkook been so careless as to put on Jimin’s jumper. Jungkook should have realised; he always used to tease the boy about how much smaller his clothes were in comparison. But this jumper was surprisingly big and cosy. And it smelt like him.

“Anyway, Jungkook you disappeared so quickly the other day! Tell me, what have you been doing recently?”

That was the one thing he heard her say. He stopped in his tracks and looked at her, dead serious.

“I’ve been mourning my best friend.”

He watched as her face fell. He began to walk off towards the school, leaving her standing on the pavement.

“Jungkook! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like that!”

Jungkook knew the chance of him getting pissed off today was very high, but he hadn’t expected to get pissed before he had even set foot in the school.

It wasn’t her fault.

Pan Da had caught up with him and was grabbing his arm again. He met her eyes and could see she was near tears. He was always a softie for tears and he let out a sigh.

“Pan Da, its fine. I’m sorry too.” That changed her facial expression. From tears one second, to one of the brightest smiles Jungkook had seen since… since…

Since Jimin.

Boy, Jungkook could really do with a friend right now. He knew that. Maybe it would be this girl Jungkook hadn’t particularly wanted to even talk to. Cho Pan Da.

She was no Jimin, but maybe she’d do.

She’d help him face the first day back to hell.

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eternalspring61 #1
Chapter 14: Author-nim, this is beautiful :') This story deserves more attention. Seriously!!
eternalspring61 #2
Chapter 13: I love how you write :3 Can't wait to see what happens next
Kpop2ne1 #3
Chapter 9: Wow really interesting!!!
eternalspring61 #4
Chapter 8: This story's really interesting! I'd like to read more ^^
kpopismything7 #5
Chapter 3: great writer :) and great story