1. A Thoroughly Bad Idea

The Blood Brother Code
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I didn't want to start off with an A/N, but there are a lot of new readers, so:

1) First of all, enjoy!  This is the first Xiumin/OC fanfic to be featured, so I'm rather excited.

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“Ma’am, I’m really sorry, but we’re just not capable of keeping you safe.  This is already the third time this month and we’re all just exceptionally lucky it wasn’t fatal.”

Oh Semi’s eyes followed those of her chief bodyguard of the past nine months as he glanced at her brother’s shattered phone.  Sehun had lent it to her earlier that week to compensate for the one that had been stolen from her in downtown San Francisco – that all-important iPhone 5 with its all-important video that she really ought to have left with Officer Chen back in Seoul – and she’d also been extremely lucky she’d left the building that morning wearing one of her big brother’s office shirts with a pocket, because placing his phone in that pocket had prevented the bullet from hitting her heart.

“Third time?” asked Sehun in a hollow voice.  Kris Wu nodded.

“Last month it was eight.  Kai and I are only human.  We don’t have eyes in the back of our head, and the assassins are only getting better.”

Kai shrugged and waved a crutch at them.  He’d somehow only managed to break a leg by tackling the sniper off the roof of the bungalow, and even though he’d nearly been just a fraction too late, Semi still thought he deserved an A for effort.  She didn’t know many people who would throw themselves off a building for her, especially a young man who she’d spent the first month of their connaissance flicking ink pellets and plum stones at.

Sehun heaved a sigh and glanced at his sister.  “What are we going to do when I have to return to Korea for the end of my internship?” he asked quietly in Korean.  “I don’t want to leave you here alone, especially if you’re not safe.  Where you are doesn’t seem to be making a difference anymore.”

“But it’s just the phone he wants, right?” Semi said quickly.  “If we could somehow let him know I no longer have it, then wouldn’t he stop—?”

Sehun dragged his hands through his hair, turning away.  “That’s naïve, Semi, that’s naïve.”

Semi deflated.  Her big brother was right, as usual.  Luhan might be chiefly after her phone and the video and photos she’d taken of him and the murder, but he probably wouldn’t stop wanting her dead.  After all, a dead person couldn’t testify.  Semi and her phone were needed for the strongest case against him.  He was a wary person – evading the police for the best part of a decade, and with the only member of his gang caught managing to walk free because he’d insisted the photo evidence of him caught in the act was photoshopped – and would probably assume she was trying to pull the wool over his eyes by saying she’d lost her phone.  In fact, he’d most likely play it safe, like he always did, sending people out to look for the phone and keeping a close eye on her in case she was double-bluffing.  It wasn’t like he didn’t have people to spare.

She was snapped out of her reverie about the deceptively docile-looking mafia boss by her brother getting to his feet.

“Excuse me,” he said in polite English to Kris Wu.  “I need to make a call.”  He plucked his work phone out of his pocket – casting a wistful look at the personal one that had been destroyed – and slipped out of the ward.  Semi was left alone with the two men who had been her bodyguards since the day she’d set foot in America.  Nine months ago, the atmosphere would have been incredibly awkward, but she’d seen Kris by accident and Kai had prevented her from being spiked with a date drug at a house party after her sixth week there, so there wasn’t exactly anything to be embarrassed about in front of them anymore.

Especially when Kai came out with one of his usual random lines.

“You’ve been away from Korea long enough to have had a baby now.”

Semi screwed up her nose.  “Ugh, Kai!  I’m only nineteen.”

Of course, Kris couldn’t help joining in.

“It’s been long enough for that baby to have been yours, Kai.”

Kai threw his crutch at him and Kris ducked it, laughing.  “Ew, God no!  That would mean and is for adults!”

“You mean OhDults.”

“Okay, Kris, you can get out.  I’ve had enough of you and your lame- puns.”  Semi folded her arms as best she could across her chest.

Kris saluted her.  “Yes, Ma’am.”  He tried to put on a straight face.

“Wait a second,” said Kai, hopping over to retrieve his crutch, “are you trying to insinuate that I have a with the delectable siblings or that I’m cheating on Semi with her brother?  Because I’m happily single here.”

“You were also voted most likely to become a monk in your yearbook when you graduated,” Kris reminded him, and Semi gave a dry chuckle.  It hurt her chest, and she quickly shut up.

“We are actually professional, you know,” Kai told Semi for the hundredth time, looking up at her as he straightened the crutch and put his weight on it.  “This is all a cover to make people lower their guard.”

“Sure, sure.”  Semi couldn’t be totally sarcastic in her response, though, because she’d seen both of them at work.  Kris could shoot a pigeon through the eye from several feet further back than ought to be normal, and Kai… well, Kai tackled people off buildings when they tried to shoot her.  And basically just reminded her of James Bond, except he was pretty much hopeless around girls and far too childish to pull off Bond properly.  He’d proved that by sulking for a week straight and refusing to speak to her when she’d told him that.

Kris snapped his fingers like Kai’s talk of professionalism had reminded him of the fact he actually had a serious job.  “Speaking of being professionals, now that you’re awake, I need to file a case report.  Kai, your gun’s at reception.”

“Oh yeah, because I’m totally going to be walking downstairs to go get that,” scoffed Kai.  “They have broken in through third floor windows before, you know.”

“Get Sehun to pick it up for you.  I need to go.  Bye, Miss Oh.  I hope you recover quickly.”

Kris strode out of the room, almost knocking Sehun over as he returned.  They exchanged quick greetings and then Sehun slumped back down in the chair he’d been sitting in for the past eight hours.

“You need to sleep,” he told Semi.  “It’s past three in the morning.”

“So do you,” she retorted, adjusting the oxygen clip on her index finger.  “You have work in five and a half hours.”

He pulled an expression that was almost a smile.  “It’s okay.  I can take the day off – you’re family and this is a medical emergency.”

Kai held up the crutch in sudden excitement.  “Oh, oh, oh, I understood that!  He just said the two of you are related!”

Semi gave him a flat look.  “I’m sure you know more Korean than that by now.”

Grinning sheepishly, Kai lowered the crutch.  “Yeah, I do.  I actually understood most of the conversation.  Just thought the atmosphere was getting a little tense.”

Both siblings let out a loud snort of laughter.

“Ow,” Semi whimpered as the convulsions pushed through her painkiller-raised pain threshold.  “Kai, don’t make me laugh, please.”

“But laughter is the best medicine,” he told her with a cheesy grin.

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Chapter 7: this is the nth time I read this fic because I often think about it :D I just can't get enought and my imagination always has a good time creating a movie in my head haha ! thank youuu a million times for this
Mitsukiii #2
I have returned years later on a new account but my goodness, this story was so intense. I loved all of it and the sequel too. Honestly they could be published and I still stand by that.
Chapter 105: Reached here 😎 and just want to put a comment again...
The scenes I love the most probably whenever Jongin/Kai is there. He's one of my fav characters in the story, alongside Lay plus the two main characters. One of the other scenes I like was when Semi met Baekhyun at her apartment. The guy being a maniac and Jongin came as a hero fighting the psychopath head to head and that included that first kiss scene between Semi and Minseok. This story innitially was hard for me to read, your english and writing are remarkable and I was struggling to understand it all bcs I'm not good at english but in the end I got it 😆 This story is not just any entertaining fiction story, this is very serious plot and have very deeper meaning. It is fun, I had fun, with all the criminal and law stuff ❤️
Ofc, my fav group is exo and all of the characters you used are written awesomely 🌻 Everyone got time to shine, everyone is shining and have value in their characters. This is one of my fav fanfic stories and I've been coming every year to reread this again 🤗 Will now continue to read blood sister
Chapter 25: Been going to read this masterpiece for the how many times already and I'd say Wendy is really my least fav character 😅 really I hate how nosy (I know she's the overly caring type) but it just urghhh stop it. Like she threatens and forcing her bcs if I'm semi I would say it at her and do what I want to do. I know she ended up good after she knows about Minseok and the truth,though i just don't like how she had been before that. Hahahaha ok enough rambling and complaining 😆
It’s been nine years and I still love this fanfiction. Thank you Korey for writing an amazing Xiumin fic.
This series has become a classic for me🥰
Chapter 3: Man, I just love Lay’s character so much. From the part where he said “What, are there spiders here? They’re only insects Chen” he broke the tension and allowed Jongdae to cool himself down. And then when he said to Minseok “You’ll be the one proposing” I just completely lost it lol His dialogues in this chapter were hilarious.
Chapter 106: Goodness. Just finished binge rereading the fic for about a week straight. Even lost few hours of that good night sleep just to continue reading it 🤣💀 I really just wanna say thank you so so much for writing this gem. There’s no other words I’d put up to it other than Perfection 🤍 all things aside, I hope you are doing great ✨
Chapter 105: I love this fic so much!
Here to reread this! This is one of my fave EXO fanfics ever. I stopped reading fanfics but I guess I will still comeback to this one from time to time. I love this so much!