The Boyfriend And Smoothies

The Art Of Jealousy
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CHAPTER 057: The Boyfriend And Smoothies

"I can't believe you actually said yes," Kris tells you two days after your mistake. The idiot has been avoiding you since you agreed to go on a date with your father's business partner's son. You can't really blame Kris for being angry but in a way, you can blame him a little for pushing you to agreeing to the date. One of the reasons you said yes was because he never spoke up about it. You expected your boyfriend to get up and yell, "Mr. Song, I am dating your daughter and so I refuse to listen to you trying to set her up with some other man!" But no, he encouraged the action, though you knew it was killing him inside. So, you accepted because it felt like some type of challenge and you love challenges. But then again, didn’t you and Kris decide to just not say anything to your parents…um…you never realized it would get this complicated.

"I can't believe you refused to speak to me for two days," you say, entering your room rather calmly though your heart is speeding up as you hear him follow you inside. He's wearing some black tee and grey sweatpants, and you dare to say that he looks extremely handsome. All you want to do is fall into his arms and kiss his face until his lips feel numb. Maybe leave a couple of hickies on his stomach and neck. Let people know what you do behind closed doors.

"Well, my goal was to go a week without talking to you but I noticed that it was going to be a little difficult," he says. "Anyway, I gave up and I decided that the punishment was enough and so now I'm talking to you."

"Punishment?" You smirk, lying in bed with your head propped up by your arm, watching Kris stand with his arms crossed over his large chest. "For you or for me, Yifan?"

Kris gasps, "Are you playing smug?!"

You smile, "Maybeeeee..."

Your boyfriend frowns even more. "Why are you doing this to me?" He whines. "Not only am I forced to watch you go on a date with some other dude but you're now telling me that you didn't miss me after my goal was to go two days without talking to you until you suffer in longing?!"

"Wow, that is a little immature of you, Yifan."

"Oh my god, Hana Banana! Why can't you love me again?"

You shrug. "That's a good question." His whining makes you want to break into a loud laugh and kiss him on the apple of his left cheek, and yet you keep it cool.

"Hey," Kris pouts. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything and sort of challenged you to go on a date with that dude. Now that I apologized can you apologize as well? That way we can move on and make out a little and then I can show you how crazy you make me and we can be happy again? Come on, I miss you!"

You grin and spread your arms, "I'm sorry I accepted the date and made it a big deal when it didn't have to be. Now come here, you giant baby!"

Kris gasps and grins, "YEY!" And then he jumps on you on the bed and wraps his arms around you until all you are surrounded by is him. "I missed you so much. That was the worst two days of my life."

"To be honest, I was having a really bad time, as well. I was going to call Chanyeol and make him beat you up."

"I can take him down," Kris says after he kisses the top of your head.

You smirk. "Then what if I call Eunsul?"

"Okay," he says, "She could probably beat my despite me trying my best to avoid it."

You grin into his chest. “I know. She’s such a good fighter. It’s kind of scary.”

“Yixing told me her family owns a boxing studio.”

“I know. She told me once-”

“HANA!” You are interrupted by your mother’s voice from outside your window. You push Kris out of your bed at the speed of light and the boy doesn’t even fight it. He lays on the floor and just hopes for the best as the door opens. Your mom enters with Luhan behind her. She looks surprised to see Kris lying on the floor with his eyes wide, while Luhan just smiles, waiting to see drama unfold. He’s never seen your mom angry and he’s excited to see Kris get beat up by your mom.

However, that doesn’t happen.

“What are you doing in the floor, Kris? Get up, the floor is dirty.” Your mom shakes her head and smiles while Kris stands up like a zombie, trying to process why your mom is so happy and why he doesn’t have a bruised lip from being in your room.

Your mom sits in your bed and you do the same, confused as to why you aren’t in trouble for having Kris in your room.

“Hey, mom,” you say, “what brings you to my room?”

“Your date!” She claps, “me and Luhan went shopping and bought you the cutest dress! Your dad is so excited for this date, too. Aren’t you excited? Since Chanyeol, you haven’t dated anyone.”

Kris coughs and Luhan tries to contain his smile.

Your mom doesn’t notice the two idiots or your stern face. “He’s picking you up in a couple of hours. He’s driving all the way to Seoul for you. Isn’t it exciting?”

Your eyes almost pop out. “Wait,” you gasp, “the date is today? What if I want to cancel it?!”

“You can’t cancel it!” your mom frowns, “That’d be so rude. The boy is driving here from afar and you cancelling this date might reflect badly on your father. Don’t be rude.”

“Wait! I’m not going on this date-”

“Hana!” your mom cuts you off, frustrated.

“I have the full right to deny this date-”

Kris intervenes then. “It’s okay, Hana,” he says, “I think you should go. The boy drove all the way here to meet you. I think it’s fair that you at least go meet him. Meeting him today doesn’t mean you have to go on a second date, you know?”

You blink at Kris. Is this a trap? you ask yourself.

“Are you okay with this? You want to ask him, but he reads it in your eyes and just smiles and then shrugs.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” he says.

Your mom frowns, “What is?”

You clap, “Nothing! Let me get ready for my meeting-”


“Mom, just go. I’ll call you later when I’m done getting ready, okay?”

Your mother pouts. “Fine…”

When she exits the room, Luhan looks at you and Kris with raised brows. “This was an interesting exchange of words. Well, good luck to you on your date. Let’s go, Kris.”

Kris pats you in the head and tells you to get ready before he exits. Oddly enough, he looks rather calm. Not a hint of anger or worry on his serene face.

“Odd…” you whisper to yourself.




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Chapter 16: I'm coming again haha
Chapter 52: Been on a long break from this story, it's good and if it was on paper it would have been a real brick.
Chapter 34: Started to read this story yesterday, must admit that it affected my night. Had a hard time sleeping, couldn't stop reading. You are a painter with words, just as in the story about April. Love your way to describe people, you make it possible to me to visualize everyone, even Nana and Papa. You are a great writer, keep up the good work.
Chapter 66: This is so good I had a good laugh
Chapter 16: Aww I like eunsul already
Chapter 55: This is one of my comfort fanfic hehehe I just can't stop giggling no matter how many times I've read it xD
Chapter 33: I could sing praises to Hana for how mature and calm she approached this subject with chanyeol. Let's be honest, this is HOW we wanted to act when we're in this kind of situation. Literally an ideal one. Hana you're amazing. I love her character.